how do you ship plates so they dont break

Wrap each plate individually: Wrap each plate individually in packing paper or bubble wrap. Place the plate in the center of the paper or wrap and fold the sides over the plate. Secure the paper or wrap with tape. Pack the plates vertically: Place the plates vertically in the box rather than stack.
how do you ship plates so they dont break

How to Easily Pack Dishes and Stop Breaking Plates

how do you ship plates so they dont break

We’ve all been there — you arrive at your new place and unpack a couple of glasses to toast your arrival, only to find that they cracked on the way. If you’ve ever lost a wine glass in transit, you’re probably wondering how to pack dishes without losing any. As you are working through your moving checklist and it’s time to start packing, here’s what you need to know about packing dishes safely to end moving day with your feet up and your dishes intact.

How to pack cups, mugs, and glasses

When packing dishes such as cups and mugs, you can treat them much like small bowls. They’ll take plenty of packing paper but are generally more durable than stemmed glasses.

To pack your cups, mugs, and glasses safely, start by filling them with crumpled packing paper. Then you can then use one or two sheets to wrap the vessels.

Start at one corner of the packing paper, with your dish on an angle. Roll the dish across the paper to the opposite corner. At the same time, fold in the excess paper for added protection.

If you think your dishes are strong enough, you can wrap two of them in one sheet of paper. Once you get halfway across the paper, place the next dish beside the first one and keep rolling to the end of the paper. This doubling-up method works best with the same type of cup, so keep your coffee mugs together and your shot glasses in their own paper wrap.

How to Ship Dishes or Plates without Breaking Them!


How do I ship plates without breaking them?

Wrap each dish/glass individually in multiple layers of bubble packaging or packing paper. Try to avoid using newspaper as the ink may come off on your pieces during transit. Ensure that each item is securely wrapped before placing it into the box—this will help prevent breakage due to shifting during transport.

What is the best way to ship a set of dishes?

A layer of cardboard is the most sturdy and secure. If you’re using a dish pack, there should already be cardboard slots to slide your plates into. Pack heavier dishes to the bottom of the box. If you’re packing multiple layers of dishes, into one box, make sure there is at least one inch of padding between each layer.

How do you pack dishes so they don’t break?

To protect the plates from breaking, it’s best to pack plates vertically or sideways. In transit, plates in a box stacked on top of each other will clatter with each bump. Provide another level of protection between plates with a towel, socks, or soft material.

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