how do you roll corn tortillas without them breaking

Want to slam out a perfect dish of baked enchiladas? Then, youll need to know how to roll enchiladas like a pro. Luckily, in this guide, well be dishing out the quickest, easiest, and least messy way to roll enchiladas, because helping you win dinner time victories is what were all about!

The general makeup of an enchilada goes a little something like this: corn (or flour) tortilla, filling, and sauce. The filling options are practically endless, but some of the most popular are ground beef enchiladas, cheese enchiladas, and chicken enchiladas.

As for the sauces, again, youve got lots of options. Theres the classic green Verde sauce, red chili sauce, and if youre from Texas, the spiced gravy-like sauce — our personal favorite.

Where enchilada options actually start to narrow down is when we come to the tortillas. While enchiladas can be made with either corn or flour tortillas, corn is the much more authentic selection of the two.

Corn tortillas add a great deal of flavor to enchilada dishes and are also better for holding on to shape and texture. Flour tortillas are likely to become quite soggy after taking on any form of sauce.

The only problem? Rolling corn tortillas without prepping them first is an absolute kitchen nightmare. Theyre notorious for cracking under the gentlest of pressure. Lucky for us, theres a very simple solution.

You’ve got to heat the tortillas before you roll them up. You can give them a lite coating of oil and toss them into a hot sauté pan. Use no oil, if you prefer, or do it restaurant style and dip them into the deep fat fryer. Corn tortillas are brittle and will break when they are bent.
how do you roll corn tortillas without them breaking


Then, unfold your paper towels across a microwavable plate, and add a stack of 3 to 4 corn tortillas to the center of the paper towels.

Fold the paper towels over the top of the tortilla stock, and wrap to enclose them gently. Then transfer the plate to the microwave and microwave on medium-high heat/power for about 45 seconds.

This quick and simple move creates steam around your tortillas, making them perfectly bendy and easy to roll!

Ready to give this method a try? Give our Green Enchiladas a go!


  • Have your sauce and filling ready to go.
  • Wrap tortillas in damp paper towels.
  • Microwave for 45 seconds.
  • Add filling, tuck, and roll.

Tillamook Kitchen Quick Tips: How To Prevent Tortillas From Breaking


How do you keep corn tortillas from breaking when rolling?

Steam corn tortillas in the microwave so they stay pliable and don’t split under the weight of taco fillings. Wrap a stack of tortillas in damp paper towels or a damp kitchen towel, then wrap in plastic wrap or place in a microwave-safe resealable plastic bag (keep the bag open to vent).

How do you make corn tortillas that don’t break?

You can prevent cracked tortillas by pressing a test tortilla before you roll the rest of the dough into balls. If your test tortilla is indeed cracked (read: dry), simply add more water a tablespoon at a time, testing between each addition until the dough produces tortillas with smooth, even edges.

Can you roll corn tortillas without breaking or cracking?

If you want to roll corn tortillas without them breaking or cracking, use a steamer basket to steam the tortillas. Steaming will soften the tortillas — it will also make them more pliable and easy to roll! When putting the tortillas in the basket, be sure that they are not touching the boiling water underneath.

Can eating tortilla help with weight loss?

Tortilla can be a good option for weight loss as long as it contains whole grains. As compared to white flour, it has way less fat and calories. It is also important which foods are in the inside; you must prefer lean meats, such as poultry or fish, and use many vegetables.

How do you keep corn tortillas from breaking?

Luckily, there are ways to keep corn tortillas from breaking. First and foremost, get fresh tortillas and store them properly. If the tortillas are dry or stale at the time of using them, warm them up or use damp paper towels to soften them.

How do you use stale corn tortillas?

The easiest way to use up stale tortillas is to bake them into chips. To do this, simply cut the corn tortillas into triangles, brush lightly with oil, season with salt, and bake until crispy. Casseroles.

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