how do you measure two fingers of whiskey

When enjoying a glass of whiskey, measuring your pour accurately is important. Pouring too much can lead to overconsumption, while pouring too little may leave you wanting more. That’s where the term “two fingers of whiskey” comes into play. It’s a popular way to measure out a single serving of whiskey and ensure you enjoy it in moderation. This blog will explore ‘What Does Two Fingers of Whiskey Mean?‘.

You may have heard someone say the phrase, “a finger of whiskey.” The idea is that a pour of liquor to the height of a finger held horizontally alongside the bottom of glass should roughly equal two ounces.
how do you measure two fingers of whiskey

Beyond Two Fingers: Other Whiskey Pouring Techniques

While two fingers of whiskey is a common way to measure a single serving of whiskey, there are alternative measurement methods and serving styles that whiskey enthusiasts can explore. These methods offer different ways to enjoy whiskey and allow for greater customization of the drinking experience.

Exploring The Different Whiskey Types

When enjoying a two-finger pour of whiskey, it’s important to understand the different types and how they pair with this classic measurement. Whether you prefer bourbon, Scotch whisky, Irish whiskey, or any other variety, there’s a whiskey that will perfectly complement your two fingers.

What “two fingers” of alcohol means…


How much is 2 fingers of whiskey?

If your pour whiskey into a rocks glass, you can measure by fingers. A finger is roughly an ounce, but not really tied to an actual measurement. You just hold up however many fingers and pour to that point (or eyeball it).

What does 2 fingers mean when ordering a drink?

For example, if you asked for two fingers of whiskey, you would get straight, room-temperature spirit poured in an old fashioned glass (or tumbler) to the height of two fingers.

How do you measure alcohol in fingers?

the fingerbreadth (literally the width of a finger) is an informal but widely used unit of measure. In the measurement of distilled spirits, a finger of whiskey refers to the amount of whiskey that would fill a glass to the level of one finger wrapped around the glass at the bottom.

How many fingers of whiskey is a shot?

Obviously “fingers” aren’t an exact measurement (depends on glass, depends on the fingers), but its roughly an ounce per finger. So three fingers means roughly 3 ounces, or two shots. . .that’s a pretty good slug of whiskey! Here is an image demonstrating two fingers of whiskey.

How do you measure two fingers of whiskey?

Measuring two fingers of whiskey is a popular way of serving whiskey, especially in bars and pubs. The term ‘two fingers of whiskey’ means that the width of two fingers held next to the glass is the volume of the whiskey. It is a rough way of measuring how much whiskey goes in your glass.

How do you measure whiskey without a jigger?

A jigger or a shot glass can be used to measure the exact amount of whiskey. However, if you don’t have a measuring tool, you can use your fingers. Measure two fingers of whiskey: To measure two fingers of whiskey, hold your index and middle fingers next to the glass.

How many fingers of whiskey are in a glass?

However, the two fingers of whiskey measurement may vary because of three reasons: (1) size of your finger, (2) diameter of the glass, and (3) shape of the glass. How Much Are Two Fingers Of Whiskey? If you have an old-fashioned glass (6-8 ounce) and an average-sized finger, two fingers are roughly 2 ounces of whiskey (without ice).

How many ounces is 2 fingers of whiskey?

Two fingers of whiskey are roughly 2 ounces, which is just above a shot if you will use an old-fashioned glass. No one gets drunk with a shot or two of a distilled spirit. Two fingers of whiskey is an old bar term or measurement of whiskey pour.

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