how do you grill andouille raw sausage

Looking for something new to add to your meal rotation? Andouille sausage might be the ingredient you’re looking for. Andouille sausage is incredibly versatile and can complement a recipe or be served individually, as it has mouth-watering flavor and spice. While Andouille has origins that connect it to France and Germany, it’s gained popularity in the United States and is a staple in Cajun and Creole dishes. Andouille works well with a wide variety of food combinations and can add spice to your recipes.

Continue reading to learn how to cook andouille sausage and gain valuable tips for putting together meals.

Add whole sausage links to grill and cook for 4-5 minutes on each side, turning occasionally to ensure they don’t burn. When sausages are fully cooked (about 10-12 minutes), remove from heat and allow to rest on a cutting board for 2-3 minutes. Use a knife to cut the links into 1-inch-sized pieces.
how do you grill andouille raw sausage

How to Cook Andouille

Andouille sausage can be cooked in several different ways depending on preference and the recipe you’re following. Regardless of how you cook andouille, it should always be cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Here are a few of the most common ways andouille is cooked in the U.S.

Just like you grill hot dogs or brats, andouille grills well. To grill andouille sausage, preheat your grill on high heat. Coat the grill grates with cooking spray or oil to help prevent the sausages from sticking. Once the grill is hot, put your sausages on the rack. Use tongs to occasionally rotate the sausages to ensure they cook evenly on all sides.

Your andouille is finished grilling when its coating is brown and its internal temperate reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a meat thermometer to check the temperature as it gets close to being done.

Andouille can also be steamed on the stovetop. For extra flavor, andouille is often steamed in broth or beer, though you can also use water. You may even try a combination of these liquids. Bring the liquid to a boil in a saucepan before adding the sausages. Reduce the heat and cover the pot with a lid. Let the andouille steam for 10-15 minutes, then take it out and check its internal temperature. Continue cooking as needed or plate the sausage and serve.

This method of cooking andouille is quick and easy, making it a great option if you have limited time.

Andouille sausages also cook well when broiled. Preheat your broiler and coat the broiler pan with cooking spray to prevent the sausages from sticking. Position the andouille sausages on the pan where they’ll be a few inches from the heat source. This helps prevent the sausages from searing too soon. Much like grilling, be sure to turn the andouille occasionally to ensure they cook evenly. Monitor the internal temperature and remove the andouille when they are fully cooked.

Andouille is also well-enjoyed when pan-fried. When using this cooking method, you can either pan-fry the sausages whole, in halves or in small slices. The whole and half sausages will take a bit longer to cook because they’re thicker, meaning it will take more time for the heat to penetrate the middle.

Andouille cut into smaller slices can cook quickly in a pan or skillet since the middle is exposed and can be cooked directly. Regardless of how you cut your andouille to pan-fry it, be sure to turn it or flip it occasionally as it cooks.

Pair Your Sausage With a Beer

Wondering what drink to pair your sausage with? Andouille and other types of sausages are traditionally paired with beer. Since andouille has strong spice and is often used in Cajun dishes, it’s best paired with a hearty beer that can counteract the spice without overpowering the sausage’s flavor. Stout will help cool the spicy flavors without diminishing them. You may also consider pairing your sausages with light beers or porters.

As mentioned above, andouille can also be cooked with beer, so keep these pairings in mind when using that cooking method.

How To Grill Sausages The Right Way—Without Drying Them Out | Ray The Butcher


How long to cook raw sausage on grill?

Grill sausages over medium heat (350 degrees Fahrenheit) until the internal temperature reaches 160 degrees. This process will take approximately 20 minutes — 10 minutes on each side.

How do you know when Andouille sausage is cooked?

Use tongs to occasionally rotate the sausages to ensure they cook evenly on all sides. Your andouille is finished grilling when its coating is brown and its internal temperate reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a meat thermometer to check the temperature as it gets close to being done.

Can you eat Andouille sausage without cooking it?

Andouille is a versatile cooking ingredient. Because it’s pre-cooked, you could simply take it out of the fridge, slice it and serve it cold on its own or as part of a charcuterie board. You can also bake or boil it. If baking, preheat your oven to 350 F and place the links on a sheet pan.

How do you cook sausage on a grill?

The heat from the direct heat side of the grill will circulate around the sausage, cooking them with really gentle indirect heat. Then, char-grill the sausage over direct heat: Transfer the sausage to the direct heat side of the grill. Grill 2-3 minutes per side, until charred as desired. That’s it! Perfectly grilled sausage, every single time.

How do you cook Cajun Andouille sausage?

Choose a preparation method like grilling, broiling or steaming to keep the per-serving fat content as low as possible. Grill Cajun andouille sausages by brushing the sausages with vegetable oil, then placing them on a prepared grill preheated to high. Use tongs to turn the sausages frequently, allowing them to brown on all sides.

How do you cook sausage on an indirect Grill?

Easier is a method I pioneered a few years ago that cooks sausage using indirect grilling. Set up your grill for indirect grilling and preheat to medium-high (400 degrees). Lightly brush the sausage casings with oil. Indirect grill until sizzling and browned and the internal temperature reaches at least 160 degrees—see below.

How to grill sausage perfectly every time?

The secret behind how to grill sausage perfectly every single time lies in zone grilling. By creating 2 zones of heat on your grill, you can first cook the sausage with really gentle, steady indirect heat before grilling them over strong direct heat for a deliciously charred finish. It’s super easy, & the sausage turns out perfectly every time.

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