how do you fix gummy pancakes

Wondering why your vegan pancakes are turning out gummy? This post explains some of the most common reasons why this happens plus a super easy recipe for fluffy pancakes.

Have you ever spent time and effort making Saturday morning pancakes only to find that they’re gummy inside? I know the disappointment!

This happened to me a fair few times when I first started making eggless pancakes but I quickly learned the secret to making light, airy, fluffy pancakes. I’ve created this post to help anyone who may be struggling like I was.

how do you fix gummy pancakes

Using the wrong type of flour

Many vegan recipes use healthier ingredients and as such, some vegan pancake recipes will call for things like oat flour instead of wheat flour. While oat flour and other flour alternatives can certainly can work in pancakes, they may produce a dense, gummy texture if the other ingredient quantities are not in perfect balance.

If you’re a pancake beginner and want to make sure your pancakes turn out light and fluffy, use either plain or self-raising flour. It might not be the healthiest but it definitely gives the best texture.

Overmixing the batter

Overmixing the batter is probably the number one reason why your vegan pancakes are gummy. When it comes to pancakes, you want the batter to be slightly lumpy. If you mix the batter too much, you knock all of the air bubbles out and your pancakes won’t rise very well, resulting in a gummy texture. Mix it until it just comes together and no more.

Another cause of gummy pancakes is leaving the batter to sit for too long before frying.

Please, PLEASE Stop Flipping Your Pancakes Too Soon


Why did my pancakes come out gummy?

Why are my pancakes rubbery and chewy? The most common cause for pancakes turning out dense is over mixing.

How do you make pancakes less gummy?

Use less flour: Too much flour can also lead to a rubbery texture. Use a little less flour than the recipe calls for, or add a little more liquid to the batter to thin it out. Don’t cook at too high of a temperature: Cooking pancake.

How do you fix doughy pancakes?

I can think of two reasons why your pancakes might not be fluffy. The first is that the batter is a bit runny. Add a little more flour (or mix) to make a thicker batter, and see if that fluffs up the pancakes.

Why are my pancakes coming out chewy?

Overmixing the Batter Overmixing can lead to tough, chewy pancakes. That’s because excess stirring can overdevelop gluten. Instead, make a well in your dry ingredients and stir in the wet components. Whisk until the batter is just combined.

How do you fix rubbery pancakes?

While there are many ways to accidentally produce rubbery pancakes, the brightside is that there are just as many ways to fix your batter. Use Gluten Free Flour: Although all-purpose flour is ideal, using gluten-free flour makes it easy to avoid gluten formation, even when you may over-mix the ingredients.

How do you avoid gummy pancakes?

Another way to avoid thin, lifeless pancakes is to use the recipe’s specified amount of milk. There should be 1 cup of liquid for every cup of flour. Why are my pancakes rubbery or gummy? Problem: overmixing the batter.

How do you make a healthy pancake?

Give it some richness with a few tablespoons of melted butter (or melted brown butter !) or olive oil or coconut oil. Use buttermilk instead of regular milk. Substitute half a mashed banana per egg. Add lemon zest or a shake of cinnamon. Make smiley faces out of blueberries or chocolate chips. Fry your pancakes in butter instead of oil.

How do you thicken pancake batter?

Assuming you only made 1 or 2 pancakes and have most of the batter left, begin by adding 3 tablespoons of flour to the bowl and ¼ teaspoon of baking powder. Mix just enough to combine the flour into the batter, wait 5 minutes, and test one pancake. Still too runny? You can add one additional tablespoon and mix to thicken the batter .

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