how do you cut fruit in a fancy way

how do you cut fruit in a fancy way

How to cut a mangoUGH: That’s how I feel about cutting mangos. But I loooove them. Every time I attempt to hack into one, I think, Why haven’t I invested in one of those mango slicers yet? Well, with this helpful video, I don’t need one of those mango slicer things. Turns out, the trick is to peel the skin off and then make cuts around the pit. Watch and learn.

How to cut an orangeSo, this video shows you how to literally unravel an orange with only three cuts! It’s way more efficient than peeling it with your hands and you won’t have orange rind lingering under your finger nails all day, which happens to be my least favorite feeling EVER.

How to cut an avocadoApparently, most of us have been shown avocado-cutting lies our entire lives. The standard way to cut an avocado in half is length-wise, from top to bottom, leaving most of the fruit exposed but with the pit still in place. Next time you cut into an avocado with intentions of only eating half, this video suggests cutting the opposite way, to expose less of the meat to oxidation.

Despite the convenience of pre-cut fruit being ready to eat, like, right away, cutting it yourself saves SO much money. So, to help you save some cash without sacrificing your fruit addiction, we compiled a list of how-to videos for cutting all sorts of fruit. And, if you already cut your own fruit, instead of buying it pre-cut, don’t write this post off: These videos may help you cut fruit more effectively, and smarter cuts equals more bang for your buck. Here, you’ll find a whole slew of videos (15 to be exact) that will help you learn to cut your own fruit so you can have ALL the fruit, ALL the time.

How to hull a strawberryRemoving the hull, which is the center part of the strawberry that’s connected to the stem and leaves, can be pretty tricky — small fruits and big knives just don’t always go together that well. This video demonstrates how to use a straw to remove the hull of a strawberry. It’s super quick and easy and the best part? Your fingers are sure to remain unharmed.

With a small knife, cut four slits, one on each side of the strawberry, and curl them out like a rose petal. For the second row of petals, cut four slits in between the first row petals and curl out. For the top, cut a slit and curl the two sides out. Now, will you accept this strawberry rose?

Ive cut my mangoes this way since I was a kid, and it definitely adds a fun aspect to mango-eating. Cut the mango in half, slicing it on each side of the pit. Then cut a grid into each half and pop the half inside out. You can eat the little mango buildings straight off the skin or cut them off first and eat them that way.

You can do so many things with fruit. Eat it plain, dip it in chocolate or whipped cream or make it into a smoothie, and thats just for starters. But sometimes you just want to cut it up and eat it. Here are some fancy ways to cut fruit so you can make the prettiest fruit platter in all the land and just have fun with your food.

4 Amazing Ways to Cut Fruit


How do you cut fruit in fancy shapes?

Fruits and veggies can be cut into shapes easily. Start by cutting them horizontally into slices. Use small cookie cutters or small containers that have shapes you could use to push through the fruit or softer veggies. For those firm veggies like carrots and radishes, cookie cutters work best.

How do you cut fruit with a knife?

Lay the fruit down on one of its cut surfaces, then insert the knife blade into the space between the flesh and the skin at an angle that matches the contour of the fruit. Work your knife around with a gentle sawing motion, following the contour of the fruit and removing just enough skin to expose the flesh underneath.

How do you cut a ripe fruit?

Holding the fruit in one hand, look for the thin strips of membrane that separate each segment. You’re going to be cutting on either side of each of those membranes, as close as possible. Pick a segment, then insert your knife close to the inside of the membrane, cutting through almost to the core.

How do you cut fruit & vegetables into shapes?

Fruits and veggies can be cut into shapes easily. Start by cutting them horizontally into slices. Use small cookie cutters or small containers that have shapes you could use to push through the fruit or softer veggies. For those firm veggies like carrots and radishes, cookie cutters work best.

How to cut fruit & vegetables safely?

Wash all fruits and veggies. Produce can be covered in dirt, chemicals and bacteria. Make sure you wash and dry every fruit and veggie that you are about to cut. Use a cutting board. Make sure to use a flat, non-slip surface to safely cut your produce. This will also keep your knives sharp! Put a damp paper towel under your cutting board.

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