how do i control the temperature on my weber smoker

Ask a Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker owner what they like most about their smoker and they’ll say, “Why, the delicious barbecue, of course!” If you press them further, they’ll say something about the ease of maintaining and controlling the cooker temperature.

Still, temperature control is one area that can be tricky for new WSM owners. Sometimes a Weber smoker runs too hot…even with all the bottom vents closed, the temperature won’t come down into the 225-250°F range. Other times, even with a full charcoal chamber and all the bottom vents wide open, a Weber smoker runs too cool…temperature won’t rise above 200°F!

Well, don’t despair! With these tips from experienced WSM users and a little practice, you’ll have your Weber Bullet’s temperature on “cruise control” in no time. But remember, don’t get too hung-up on exact temperature measurements. You can make great barbecue across a wide range of temperatures. Don’t sweat being high or low 5-10°F, even 15°F—anything in the 225-275°F range is OK for backyard barbecue.

Many people think it’s the amount of charcoal you use, but the answer lies with the air dampers. Adjusting the air dampers will increase or decrease your temperature. The more air going into the grill, the hotter the grill will get. The less air going into your grill, the cooler it will get.
how do i control the temperature on my weber smoker

If All Else Fails

If the bottom vents are fully closed and the temperature still won’t come under control, close the top vent 50%. If even this fails, use tongs and heat-resistant gloves to remove some fuel from the cooker through the access door. If you’re feeling lucky, lift the middle cooking section off the charcoal bowl with the lid, meat, and water pan intact to access the fuel. This can be dangerous and messy, especially if you dump the contents of your cooker on the ground or into the hot coals. Remove the cooking section at your own risk. Weber warns that you should never move a hot cooker and you should never operate it unless all parts are in place.

Under no circumstances should the coals be doused with water in an attempt to bring the temperature under control. This will coat the meat with ashes and may crack the charcoal bowl’s porcelain finish.

Keep Water Pan Full

It’s difficult to run the WSM over 275°F with a full water pan, even with all the vents wide open. The water absorbs a lot of heat energy and helps moderate the temperature of the cooker. Keep the water pan full, checking and refilling every 3-4 hours. Use cool water instead of hot if the cooker is overheating.

If you’re using an empty water pan, you need to watch the cooker temp carefully and proactively adjust vents to achieve your target temp. Start closing down the vents before the temp gets too high to control easily.

WSM Temperature Adjustment – A Simple Explanation


How do I adjust the temperature on my Weber smoker?

In the WSM, there are three circular intake damper vents at the bottom that can be opened or closed as needed to allow more or less air to enter the pit. More air and the temperature goes up and less air causes the pit temperature to go down.

How do I keep my Weber smoker at 225?

Open or close the bottom vents as needed to achieve and maintain your target temperature. You may find that one bottom vent open 50% will hold 225°F for a while, but a few hours later you need two vents open, one open 100% and the other 50%.

How do I adjust the temperature on my smoker?

During the cook, just use the flue damper to increase or decrease the airflow through the smoker. If you find the smoker is getting too hot, just close the damper further. If you find the smoker is cooling down too much open the damper up and consider putting more wood in the firebox.

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