how can i speed up my pickling process

Quick-process pickles differ from fermented pickles because the pickling process uses acetic acid from vinegar rather than lactic acid from fermentation. Quick-process pickles are ideal for those who want to make pickles, start to finish, in a few days. However, the flavor of fresh-pack or quick-process pickles is better if they are left to stand for several weeks after proper processing.

The correct acid concentration, in the form of vinegar, is important because acid prevents the growth of Clostridium botulinum, a deadly microorganism, in quick-process pickles. If acid concentration is not sufficient, there is a danger of botulism poisoning. Therefore, use only tested recipes, and do not change the proportion of cucumbers, water and vinegar.

Select firm cucumbers. Always use a variety recommended for pickling. Refer to seed catalogs for information. Catalogs often distinguish varieties best for pickling by labeling them as such. Cucumbers labeled as “table use” or for “slicing” will not result in the best quality product. If you buy cucumbers, select only unwaxed ones, as the brine used in the pickling process cannot penetrate through the wax.

For highest quality, plan to pickle the cucumbers within 24 hours after they are picked. If the produce cannot be used immediately, refrigerate it, or temporarily store it in a cool, well-ventilated place. Cucumbers deteriorate rapidly, especially at room temperature.

Do not use cucumbers showing evidence of mold. Proper processing kills microorganisms that cause spoil­age, but it does not destroy the off-flavor from the mold. Wash cucumbers well, especially around the stems. Soil trapped around the stem breeds bacteria that softens pickles. Because the blossom end of the cucumbers contains enzymes that can cause softening, it should also be removed with a 1/16-inch slice.

When making quick-process pickles, use canning salt or pickling salt (found in the salt section of the grocery store). Although iodized and non-iodized table salt may be used safely, the non-caking materials added to table salts may make the brine cloudy and the iodine may darken the pickles. Do not use flake salt, as it varies in density. Reduced-sodium salt may be used in quick-pickle recipes, but not in fermented-pickle recipes. It is best to use a recipe designed for low-sodium content. Follow the recipe exactly. Try small batches to see if the taste is acceptable. Do not use reduced sodium ingredients for fermented pickles, as the higher sodium is present to prevent bacterial growth.

Use white distilled or cider vinegar of 5 percent to 6 percent acidity (50 to 60 grain). This will provide the acid concentration needed for safety. Do not use homemade vinegars. Use white vinegar for a lighter color. If the product is too sour for personal taste, increase the amount of sugar rather than diluting the vinegar, as diluting the vinegar will decrease the acid concentration and thus the preservative effect.

White granulated and brown sugars are the sweeteners most often used in pickling. White sugar will not add any color to the product; however, brown sugar may add a distinctive flavor and color. Do not use a sugar substitute unless the recipe has been developed for that product. Sweeteners may produce a bitter taste, and they do not provide the “plumping” action of sugar.

Lime and alum are not needed to produce crisp pickles. Alum does not improve the firmness of quick-process pickles. An excess of alum can cause digestive upsets. Removal of a 1/16-inch slice from the blossom end of fresh cucumbers eliminates a softening enzyme located in the blossom. Soak­ing cucumbers in ice water for 4 to 5 hours will maintain crispness.

CAUTION: Do not use aluminum containers with lime, as the lime can pit the surface and cause an increased level of aluminum in the pickles.

For safe limed pickles, soak cucumbers in a mixture of 1 cup pickling lime (food grade), ½ cup salt and 1 gallon of water. Do not inhale the lime/water solution while mixing. Soak cucumbers in lime water for 12 to 24 hours, then follow these steps to remove the excess lime:

Another item available to help keep pickles crisp is a commercial calcium chloride product. This can be added to pickles once in the jars. Use according to the manufacturer’s directions.

Alternative Processing Method Use of a lower temperature water bath may also keep pickles crisp. Pack the room-temperature cucumbers in the jar and pour 165 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit (F) liquid over the product, leaving ½-inch headspace. Remove air bubbles, wipe jar rims, add lids and rings, and process at 180 degrees F for 30 minutes. Use a candy or jelly thermometer to make sure the temperature of the water does not fall below 180 degrees F during the entire 30 minutes. This method cannot be used with low-sodium pickles.

Using fresh whole spices will result in the best quality and flavor in pickles. Powdered spices may darken and cloud the product. To reduce darkening, tie whole spices loosely in a clean white cloth or cheesecloth bag, then remove the bag from the pickling solution before packing the jars.

Choice of pans is important in the pickling process. The liquids used in pickling can react with the metal in copper, brass, galvanized or iron utensils; therefore, these materials should not be used. Choose stainless steel, aluminum, glass or unchipped enamelware saucepans.

Short-term brining or soaking can be done in crocks, saucepans or bowls made from stoneware, glass, stainless steel or unchipped enamelware. Do not use crocks and stoneware that have cracks and/or glazing damage.

When the processing time is less than 10 minutes, jars must be sterilized before use. Sterilize the jars by boiling them for 10 minutes. Keep the jars in the hot water until they are used to prevent the jars from breaking when filled with the hot product. If you are at an altitude of 1,000 feet or more, add 1 minute to the sterilizing time.

Use only recipes with tested proportions of ingredients. Sources of tested recipes include the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), land-grant universities and companies that manufacture pickling ingredients and can­ning equipment. Precise measurements and tested recipes guarantee the quality and the safety of the product. Do not alter vinegar, salt or water proportions in a recipe, and do not use vinegar with an unknown acidity.

For additional pickle, pickled vegetable and pickled fruit recipes, please visit the National Center for Home Food Preservation at

(May be canned as either strips or slices.) 8 pounds of 3- to 4-inch pickling cucumbers ⅓ cup canning or pickling salt 4½ cups sugar 3½ cups vinegar (5 percent) 2 teaspoons celery seed 1 tablespoon whole allspice 2 tablespoons mustard seed 1 cup pickling lime (OPTIONAL: For use in variation below for making firmer pickles)

Storage: After processing and cooling, jars should be stored 4 to 5 weeks to develop ideal flavor.

Once the brine is hot and ready, pour it into your jars—leaving ½ inch of headspace between the liquid and the rim for liquid-induced expansion—and screw on the lids. The heat will soften your veg a little and speed up the pickling process.
how can i speed up my pickling process

Below are some of my favorite aromatics to add to pickles:Spices: Black peppercorns, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, bay leaves, all spice, cloves, red pepper flakes, marash chili flakes, star anise, caraway seeds, fennel seedsFresh Herbs: dill, mint, tarragon, cilantroOther Fresh Aromatics: ginger, garlic, chili peppers (I like using serrano, jalapeno or fresno), fennel fronds, citrus peel (lemon, lime, orange)

That said, Ill use whatever vinegar I have on hand to pickle. Just last week, I used red wine vinegar to pickle some red onions and I also love using apple cider vinegar in some cases (its great for pickled fennel and apples). You can also mix and match different vinegars, as long as you stick to the ratio. The only vinegars I stay away from for pickling are distilled white and balsamic.

All of that said, I recommend purchasing a kitchen scale regardless of whether you plan to do a ton of picking – its great to have on hand for any recipes that call for weight measurements and its a serious go-to in my kitchen! I have and love this one (and its under $10!).

Admittedly, I used to be sort of afraid of pickling and thought it required a ton of work. Spoiler alert: I was wrong! After learning about this method of quick pickling in culinary school and being the resident pickler at my Octavia externship (kidding, but I did pickle a tonnn of veggies during my four months there!), I am very confident in my pickling skills and am excited to share some tips, tricks and best practices.

Example: 1 cup vinegar, 1/2 cup water, 1/4 cup sugar and 1/8 cup kosher salt ends up being about 250g vinegar, 112.5g water, 50g sugar and 36g kosher salt by weight. As you can see, this doesnt result in the 100% / 50% / 25% / 12.5% ratio but rather a 100% / 45% / 20% / 14% ratio and the end product will be off-balance.

Quick Fresh-Pack Dill Pickles

8 pounds of 3- to 5-inch pickling cucumbers 2 gallons water 1¼ cups canning or pickling salt (divided) 1½ quarts vinegar (5 percent) ¼ cup sugar 2 quarts water 2 tablespoons whole mixed pickling spice 3 tablespoons whole mustard seed (1 teaspoon to 2 teaspoons per pint jar) 14 heads of fresh dill (1½ heads to 3 heads per pint jar) 4½ tablespoons dill seed (1 tablespoon to 1½ teaspoons per pint jar)

Yield: 7 to 9 pints

  • Wash cucumbers. Cut 1/16 slice off blossom end and discard, but leave ¼ inch of stem attached.
  • Dissolve ¾ cup salt in 2 gallons water. Pour over cucumbers and let stand 12 hours. Drain.
  • Combine vinegar, ½ cup salt, sugar and 2 quarts water. Add mixed pickling spices tied in a clean white cloth. Heat to boiling.
  • Fill jars with cucumbers. Add 1 teaspoon mustard seed and 1½ heads fresh dill per pint.
  • Cover with boiling pickling solution, leaving ½-inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Wipe jar rims.
  • Adjust lids and process as indicated below, or use the Alternate Processing Method (180 degrees F) described above.
Table 2. Recommended Process Time for Quick Fresh-Pack Dill Pickles in a Boiling-Water Canner.
Process Time (in minutes) at Altitudes of
Style of Pack Jar Size 0-1,000 ft 1,001-6,000 ft
Raw Pints 10 15
Quarts 15 20
  • Andress, E., and J. Harrison. So Easy to Preserve. 6th ed. Athens: The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service, 2014.
  • National Center for Home Food Preservation. University of Georgia.
  • United States Department of Agriculture. Complete Guide to Home Canning, Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 539. 2009.

Updated in 2008 by Lois Clark, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Jean DeBrosse, Program Assistant, Family and Consumer Sciences. Reviewed by Julie Shertzer, Ph.D., R.D., Program Specialist. Information originally compiled by Lydia Medeiros, Professor, Department of Human Nutrition. Topics:

How to Pickle ANYTHING! Quick Pickling Tutorial.


How do you pickle something quickly?

For quick pickles, a basic brine is equal parts vinegar and water, but you can adjust the ratio to your preference. Any basic vinegar is game — white vinegar, apple cider, white wine, and rice vinegar all work well. You can use these vinegars alone or in combination.

What is the formula for quick pickling?

The classic ratio is super easy to remember and is easily scale-able depending on how many pickles you’re making. It’s 100% vinegar, 50% water, 25% sugar and 12.5% kosher salt by weight. So for example, 200g vinegar, 100g water, 50g sugar and 25g kosher salt (again, you can scale this up or down!).

What is the minimum time for pickling?

The actual process of pickling takes as little as 10 minutes. Then you should allow your pickles to rest in the refrigerator for a minimum of 2 hours before serving. Although for best flavor, let them brine for 24 hours before serving.

How long does it take to properly pickle something?

Depending on the recipe, fridge pickles take between three days and a week for the flavor to fully mature, and are usually good for about two weeks.

How do you make fast Pickles at home?

Making fast pickles at home is an incredibly easy process, and requires very few ingredients. Using only vinegar, water, salt, and sugar, you can create the perfect basic pickle brine that you can add additional ingredients to that will last for up to two months in the refrigerator.

How do you Pickle Food?

Once your produce is prepared, you can start the pickling process. This involves creating a pickling solution (vinegar or brine), adding your chosen spices or flavorings, and immersing your fruits or vegetables. The pickled goods are then left to sit for some time to allow the flavors to develop.

What is vinegar pickling & how does it work?

While we are solely focusing on the first method in this case, you can find a more in-depth explanation of the latter here . Vinegar pickling (or quick pickling) is a simple process. Water, salt and vinegar (and sometimes sugar) are combined and heated and then fruit or vegetables are immersed in that liquid.

What is the pickling process?

In a nutshell, pickling is the process of preserving or extending the lifespan of food by either anaerobic fermentation in brine or via immersion in an acidic medium like vinegar. If you’ve ever enjoyed a crunchy dill pickle, you’ve already tasted the results of this delicious method.

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