does sourdough bread have dairy or eggs

Traditional sourdough bread made from 3 simple ingredients (flour, water and salt) is vegan and free from animal products.

However, there are a number of things you need to look out for, particularly when buying sourdough bread from the grocery store or bakery. Some types of sourdough bread can contain non-vegan ingredients, not suitable for a vegan diet.

Please note this post is general information only and cannot be taken as medical advice. If you have a medical condition or are wanting to change your diet, please seek professional advice.

In summary, sourdough bread is inherently dairy-free because it is primarily made from flour, water, a sourdough starter (which is usually dairy-free), and salt. The fermentation process relies on wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria, which are also dairy-free.
does sourdough bread have dairy or eggs

Is Sourdough Starter Vegan?

Sourdough starter made with flour and water is vegan. The wild yeast and bacteria that are colonised in this mixture are also considered vegan and suitable for a plant-based diet. When making a vegan sourdough starter, you need to ensure that you do not feed your sourdough starter with anything other than flour and water.

Sometimes, it is suggested to feed your starter with honey, whey or even milk. Feeding your sourdough starter with these animal-derived ingredients are not considered vegan and any sourdough bread made with a sourdough starter fed with these ingredients would not be considered vegan either.

Types of starter culture such as Pasta Madre are often fed with honey and so are best avoided if you are following a vegan based diet.

Making and using your own sourdough starter to make a basic sourdough bread recipe is the best way to ensure that the sourdough bread youre eating is vegan.

does sourdough bread have dairy or eggs

Is Sourdough Bread Suitable for a Plant Based Diet?

While sourdough bread made from bread flour or all purpose flour is not considered a whole food because its still a refined carbohydrate, the long fermentation process make it much better for you than regular white bread.

Fermented sourdough bread made without commercial yeast has a myriad of health benefits and is suitable for a plant-based diet. The lactic acid bacteria lower the phytic acid in the bread, ensuring that the nutrients are more bio available to our bodies. It is also lower in gluten than regular bread. You can read about the calories in sourdough bread here.

Whole grain bread and sourdough made with whole grain or whole wheat flour is an even better choice and would be considered a healthy option on a plant-based diet, such as vegan.

does sourdough bread have dairy or eggs

Is sourdough bread healthy?


Does sourdough bread have any dairy?

Generally speaking, sourdough is dairy-free. The essential ingredients of sourdough don’t require dairy, but certain sweet sourdough milk bread varieties replace water with cow’s milk. If so, the dairy will likely be labeled.

Does sourdough bread contain eggs?

Traditional sourdough bread made from 3 simple ingredients (flour, water and salt) is vegan and free from animal products.

Can you eat sourdough if you’re lactose intolerant?

Sourdough bread does not contain lactose, so your symptoms must have another cause.

What type of bread is dairy free?

Wholemeal and brown bread is generally lactose-free.

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