does philadelphia cream cheese freeze well

Yes! You can freeze cream cheese, and its quite easy, too. Here are some great tips and tricks for freezing it! Plus, some great cream cheese recipe creations.

If youre like me, whenever theres an amazing sale at the grocery store, you like to stock up. So, when there was a huge sale on Philadelphia Cream Cheese, I bought multiple packages of it; hey, I love this stuff![feast_advanced_jump_to]

After I got home and unpacked the groceries, I wondered, what will I do with all this cream cheese. Make a cheesecake, Greek Yogurt Fruit Parfaits, or simply have some bagel and cream cheese for breakfast? Maybe I bought too much? Can I freeze it?

After some extensive research on the interwebs, I come up with a treasure trove of information that I hope you find useful.

While cream cheese may not last long in the fridge, you can freeze it for up to two months. To use frozen cream cheese, thaw it in the fridge overnight or defrost it in the microwave. Previously frozen cream cheese will still have the same flavor as its refrigerated counterpart, but its texture may be grainy.
does philadelphia cream cheese freeze well

How Do You Freeze It Easily?

If it is still in the packaging unopened, you can freeze it as is. This is the easiest method and the one I prefer.

However, if you have leftover cream cheese that youd like to freeze, its best to place it into an airtight container like a Ziploc bag or Pyrex storage container.

To help prevent freezer burn, you can wrap the cream cheese in foil first, which will give the cream cheese an extra layer of protection when you put the cream cheese in the freezer.

Does Freezing It Change The Taste?

Cream cheese does not have a very great shelf life and if left in the refrigerator it changes taste after too long. But, will the frozen cream cheese taste differently?

Once its frozen, there will be ice crystals within the cream cheese. This is normal and will not affect the taste. However, it will have a gritty and crumbly texture. The texture may be a turnoff for many people. So its best to use this thawed cream cheese in recipes like baked goods and desserts.

Does Philadelphia cream cheese freeze well?


Why can’t you freeze Philadelphia cream cheese?

This is because ice crystals form during the freezing process. Cream cheese is approximately half water, emulsified with cheese curds. The ice crystals break down the emulsion, causing the water and cheese curds to separate, leaving a grainy, crumbly consistency once the cream cheese is thawed.

Is cream cheese any good after it freezes?

“Cream cheese can be frozen, but the texture will change and may become grainy—which may affect the texture of the end product. From a food safety point, it is fine, but the integrity of the product will change once frozen,” says Lynn Blanchard, Better Homes & Gardens Test Kitchen director.

Why is my cream cheese grainy after freezing?

Since cream cheese is about half water, it is especially sensitive to the formation and melting of ice crystals that happens during freezing and thawing. When ice crystals form, the previously emulsified water separates from the cheese curds, causing the thawed cheese to turn grainy and ricotta-like.

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