does parsley add flavor or just color

With star chefs scattering cilantro over everything in sight and singing the praises of exotic herbs such as shiso and winter savory, it’s easy to overlook plain parsley. But modern foodies aren’t the only ones guilty of giving parsley the short end of the spoon. Way back in the 17th century, the English botanist John Parkinson wrote, “Our common Parsley is so well known, that it is almost needless to describe it.” Add to that those ubiquitous sprigs and sprinklings in restaurants and you might think that this familiar herb is more decorative than delicious. Not so.

“There’s a long tradition of seasoning foods with parsley, both to complement other herbs and spices and to perk up blander fare such as potatoes, grains and pasta,” says Tim Haas, coauthor of Basil to Thyme: Culinary Endeavors from the Garden to the Kitchen. “It drives me crazy to hear TV cooking show hosts talk about adding parsley for color. You should add parsley for flavor!”

“Fresh” is the word most often used to describe parsley’s taste, but it’s also slightly peppery and almost anise-like when used by itself to season dishes. More often than not, however, parsley is paired with other seasonings to round them out and deepen their flavors. One reason parsley goes well with other herbs and spices is that it’s the “parent” of a plant family that includes anise, caraway, cumin, celery, cilantro, chervil, dill and fennel. That means parsley’s milder, sweeter flavor won’t interfere with any of these herbs (or many others, for that matter); rather, it enhances them.

In France, stocks and stews almost always begin with a bouquet garni—three sprigs of parsley tied together with a bay leaf and a branch of thyme. Fines herbes, another French culinary staple composed of equal parts parsley, tarragon, chervil and chives, is sprinkled on soft goat cheese, steamed vegetables and omelets. “Just about every Italian recipe calls for some kind of parsley,” Haas adds, citing minestrone, the vegetable soup whose key herb is chopped parsley, and gremolata, a garnish made with parsley, garlic and lemon zest that’s sprinkled over dishes just before they’re served.

And what would tabbouleh be without lots of parsley to add sharp freshness to the combination of bulgur, cucumbers, tomatoes and mint? Parsley also comes in handy for lightening up cold-weather dishes. It tames the bite of garlic and onions (and the bad breath—parsley’s high chlorophyll content is said to neutralize odors) and mellows more pungent herbs such as sage, rosemary, thyme and tarragon. It really shines when used in everyday dishes that need a little oomph, such as steamed rice or carrots.

Or those end-of-the-winter vegetables and so-so salad greens that could use a little crisp flavor. Parsley makes a tasty filler when you don’t have quite enough basil for a recipe, and a quarter cup of chopped parsley stirred into prepared tomato sauce, salsa or soup instantly eliminates that “store-bought” taste. Just be sure to add chopped parsley to hot foods right before serving—it loses its flavor and color when exposed to heat for long periods of time.

Curly parsley used to be the easiest type to find in the United States, and it’s often the cheapest, although the availability of flat-leaf (or Italian) parsley is improving, thanks to chefs and cooks who prefer its somewhat stronger flavor and softer, flatter, easier-to-chop leaves. The two parsleys are interchangeable in most recipes, so your best bet when shopping is to simply buy the bunch that looks freshest. No matter what variety you choose, get in the habit of having parsley on hand. Unlike those tiny boxes of fancy herb sprigs—which can get expensive, especially out of season—a big bunch of parsley sells for about a dollar year-round, so you can use it as lavishly as you like. As fresh herbs go, that’s rare enough to make plain parsley pretty remarkable.

In Alsace, a province in the northeastern part of France, this cheese salad is served as a (very hearty!) first course. The large amount of parsley used adds a fresh, green flavor that brings out the creaminess of the cheese. Once you’ve tried it between two slices of bread, you’ll never think of cheese sandwiches in the same way again.

2 Tbs. red wine or cider vinegar 1 Tbs. Dijon-style mustard 1/4 cup olive oil 2 cups grated Gruyère or Emmenthaler cheese (about 8 oz.) 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley 2 shallots, finely chopped (about 1/4 cup) 12 slices crusty bread Lettuce and tomato slices for garnish, optional

1. Whisk together vinegar and mustard in medium bowl. Add oil and 2 Tbs. water, and whisk until combined. Stir in cheese, parsley and shallots, and toss until combined.

2. Spoon 1/3 cup cheese mixture onto each of 6 slices of bread. Garnish with lettuce and tomato, if desired, and top with remaining bread slices.


Parsley’s well-balanced flavour profile actually stimulates all taste receptors on your tongue – from sweet to salty, so it complements an abundance of savoury recipes, bringing out the flavour and balancing the dish.
does parsley add flavor or just color

With star chefs scattering cilantro over everything in sight and singing the praises of exotic herbs such as shiso and winter savory, it’s easy to overlook plain parsley. But modern foodies aren’t the only ones guilty of giving parsley the short end of the spoon. Way back in the 17th century, the English botanist John Parkinson wrote, “Our common Parsley is so well known, that it is almost needless to describe it.” Add to that those ubiquitous sprigs and sprinklings in restaurants and you might think that this familiar herb is more decorative than delicious. Not so.

1. Whisk together vinegar and mustard in medium bowl. Add oil and 2 Tbs. water, and whisk until combined. Stir in cheese, parsley and shallots, and toss until combined.

Curly parsley used to be the easiest type to find in the United States, and it’s often the cheapest, although the availability of flat-leaf (or Italian) parsley is improving, thanks to chefs and cooks who prefer its somewhat stronger flavor and softer, flatter, easier-to-chop leaves. The two parsleys are interchangeable in most recipes, so your best bet when shopping is to simply buy the bunch that looks freshest. No matter what variety you choose, get in the habit of having parsley on hand. Unlike those tiny boxes of fancy herb sprigs—which can get expensive, especially out of season—a big bunch of parsley sells for about a dollar year-round, so you can use it as lavishly as you like. As fresh herbs go, that’s rare enough to make plain parsley pretty remarkable.

In Alsace, a province in the northeastern part of France, this cheese salad is served as a (very hearty!) first course. The large amount of parsley used adds a fresh, green flavor that brings out the creaminess of the cheese. Once you’ve tried it between two slices of bread, you’ll never think of cheese sandwiches in the same way again.

“There’s a long tradition of seasoning foods with parsley, both to complement other herbs and spices and to perk up blander fare such as potatoes, grains and pasta,” says Tim Haas, coauthor of Basil to Thyme: Culinary Endeavors from the Garden to the Kitchen. “It drives me crazy to hear TV cooking show hosts talk about adding parsley for color. You should add parsley for flavor!”

A friend of mine recently confided that she rarely bought parsley, and had none in her garden, because she really didnt know what to do with it. Believe me, I get it. For many of us, parsley is that curly green garnish that comes on the plate in cafeteria food thats mostly there for looks. Why would you eat that? And all these recipes that call for one measly tablespoon of chopped parsley? Whats the point? Why buy a whole bunch just for one tablespoon?

Parsley is also good for digestion. As with other bitter herbs, parsley stimulates appetite and your digestive tract. Years ago I learned that you could ask a bartender for bitters to help settle your stomach if you were out to eat and your stomach needed settling (you know what I mean). That concoction is not made with parsley, but with other bitter essences, but the effect is the same. Bitters help digestion.

When I first started cooking I would get annoyed at buying a bunch of parsley for a recipe and then not knowing what to do with the rest of it. Now I look out at our garden that I just planted with 12 parsley plants for my parents, and 6 for me, and Im hoping that thats enough. Almost every savory dish tastes better with a little chopped parsley either cooked in or sprinkled over the top. (By the way, flat-leaf Italian parsley works better for cooking than the curly parsley. Dont ask me why, it just does.) The best thing about growing parsley plants? Bugs and slugs typically stay away from them. They are biennials, so in mild climates, a plant will live for two years. The plants over-winter well, at least here in California. The frost just seems to make them happy.

Heres the deal. Parsley brightens flavors. It adds balance to savory dishes the way that a little lemon juice can make something just taste better. Parsley is a mild “bitter”. The tastebuds on your tongue can distinguish 5 tastes – salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and umami. Salty and sweet are obvious. Sour you get from acid like lemon juice or vinegar. Umami has to do with the savory taste of protein. Bitter you get from citrus zest, bitter greens like kale, mustard greens, arugula, and parsley. Well balanced dishes stimulate all or most of these taste receptors. Adding parsley to a stew doesnt make the stew taste like parsley, but will make the stew taste more balanced, if it doesnt already have a bitter in it.

How to Use Parsley


Does parsley actually add flavor?

Why buy a whole bunch just for one tablespoon? Here’s the deal. Parsley brightens flavors. It adds balance to savory dishes the way that a little lemon juice can make something just taste better.

Does parsley add flavor to soup?

Particularly good for sautéing to build a flavor base for soups, stews or broths, sprigs of parsley are best finely chopped with a sharp knife. Add them at the start of the cooking process along with other suitable aromatics such as onions and garlic.

Which parsley has no flavor?

In general, flat-leaf parsley has a more robust flavor, while the curly variety is associated with decoration. Some claim that curly-leaf parsley has no flavor or, conversely, that it tastes more bitter, but it really depends on the particular plant, its growing conditions, and age.

What is the function of parsley in cooking?

Parsley is often added into dishes like pastas, sauces, salads, meat dishes, and vegetables. Parsley is frequently sprinkled on the top of finishes dishes for an extra punch of fresh herby flavor as well as appearance.

What does parsley taste like?

Most of us probably put it to the side when we begin our meal; it serves just as decoration, rather than food. In reality, parsley is described to have a peppery, slight bitter taste to it, says MasterClass, a flavor profile that is so “clean” that it helps to neutralize certain strong flavors and particularly savory dishes.

What is the healthier substitute of parsley?

Chervil may be substituted for parsley as it has a similar, but milder taste. Chervil contains the same vitamins and minerals as parsley, all in greater quantities, except for vitamin C. While chervil is lower in vitamin C, it contains bioflavonoids which have many benefits, including increasing your vitamin C absorption. Chervil also contains much higher dietary fiber per gram than parsley. Chervil may have much greater amounts of micronutrients and fiber, but it is also much higher in macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats). This ultimately means that chervil is much higher in calories than parsley. While this is not a bad thing, it that may be important to note for some people.

Does parsley make food taste better?

Parsley is also high in vitamins A and C, and is a good source of iron. When it comes to parsley, people tend to either love it or hate it. Some say that it doesn’t really have a taste, while others say that it has a strong taste that can be overwhelming. So, does parsley actually make food taste better?

Why do you add parsley at the end of cooking?

It provides a contrast that enables other flavors to stand out. Cooking it for long periods can cause the flavor to fade, so it is best to add chopped fresh parsley at the very end of cooking. Note that the flavor of the flat-leaf variety is stronger than in the curly-leaf one.

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