does onion soup help a cold

In sickness and in health, over the years Ive found onion soup and milk toast to be far more reliable than either of my husbands. I still recall how, in those bygone feverish days when I dwelt with one or the other and was struck down by a cold or flu, they would wander helplessly into my sick room to tell me how awful I looked and ask if I would be up in time to fix dinner. Did either of them ever bring me so much as a cup of tea? No. Then, as now, if I expected to recover, I was on my own for nourishment during my personal health crises. Frankly, I find it much easier to be sick all by myself. I have one less mouth to feed.

You might as well get ready for your own health crisis. The flu and cold season is upon us again, as you know if you watch TV and the rash of commercials for products promising relief from sinus pressure, chills and fever, runny noses and watery eyes. So make and freeze a batch of French Onion Soup for that inevitable day when you, too, will be struck down. Onion soup is, in my opinion, a better sovereign cure for the common cold than chicken soup. It can be made by vegetarians with water instead of beef stock, with results that are predictably less gratifying.

My recipe calls for almost twice as many onions as Julia Childs, which means that though your eyes will water copiously while youre slicing two largish onions, later on youll actually be able to taste this hearty peasant brew, in spite of your stuffed-up nose.

Unlike onion soup, milk toast is for times when youre convalescing, or suffering from the blues augmented by fatigue. Its a primeval dish meant to be eaten slowly and thoughtfully, in bed. Alone. Few cookbook authors include it in their texts, and those who do have nothing nice to say about it.

Yet made with ingredients of integrity, like honest bread and full-cream milk and sweet butter, Milk Toast is a true restorative, one of lifes good things Ive rediscovered.

Cut onions in half vertically, then cut each half across into thick half circles. Film a heavy saucepan with the oil over low heat. Add onions, sprinkle with sugar and cook, covered, for 10 minutes. Remove cover, raise heat to medium and cook, stirring often, until onions begin to caramelize, about 15 minutes. Stir in garlic.

Add stock, wine, bay leaf and thyme, salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer and cook, covered, 30 minutes. Serve hot.

Makes about 5 cups, or 3 large servings of 226 calories each, including 78 fat calories.

Onion Soup Gratined: Place a thick slice of toasted French bread in an oven-proof soup bowl. Add hot French Onion Soup, sprinkle with 2 tablespoons grated Gruyere or Swiss cheese. Place soup bowl in baking pan 5 or 6 inches from pre-heated broiler, for 2 to 3 minutes, to melt cheese.

In small saucepan over low heat, heat milk until bubbles begin to form around edge. Do not boil. Meanwhile, toast bread (preferably in the oven) and spread with butter. Place toast in deep soup bowl, sprinkle with salt. Pour hot milk over toast. Eat with spoon.

Makes 1 serving of 353 calories, including 150 fat calories. Hands on and cooking times: under 10 minutes.

does onion soup help a cold

Onion soup can be both a tasty dish and a way to relieve flu symptoms. It is a “poor” dish that in some cases involves using meat broth (you can very well replace it with vegetable broth). Here you will find many recipes, look for the simplest ones and avoid, since you want to use the soup for healing purposes, to add ingredients such as butter and cheese. You can also make your soup more active by adding garlic.

The onion provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties but above all it is known for its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. This bulb therefore prevents the proliferation of microorganisms and at the same time it is able to stimulate the immune defense system. Thats why it can be a handy remedy even in case of coughs and colds. read more

To prepare this syrup you will need 1 onion and some sugar. Peel the onion and then chop it finely, put it in a bowl or in a glass container and pour over 2 or 3 tablespoons of sugar. Leave everything to rest for about 12 hours, after which filter the obtained liquid and put it in a glass jar. Take a teaspoon of syrup diluted in half a glass of water 3 times a day until the symptoms have completely disappeared. To enhance the effect you can also add a little honey.

Our grandmothers or great-grandmothers used and passed on various onion-based remedies in the family to treat flu symptoms and in many cases these are still effective today. Trying it is not so bad, youll just find your house invaded by the onion smell for a while!

When coughs and colds occur, we need to find a natural remedy as soon as possible to deal with their bothersome symptoms. Surely all of you always have an onion at home, so heres how to take advantage of its benefits for coughs, colds and flu.

Unlike onion soup, milk toast is for times when youre convalescing, or suffering from the blues augmented by fatigue. Its a primeval dish meant to be eaten slowly and thoughtfully, in bed. Alone. Few cookbook authors include it in their texts, and those who do have nothing nice to say about it.

Add stock, wine, bay leaf and thyme, salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer and cook, covered, 30 minutes. Serve hot.

Makes about 5 cups, or 3 large servings of 226 calories each, including 78 fat calories.

Makes 1 serving of 353 calories, including 150 fat calories. Hands on and cooking times: under 10 minutes.

You might as well get ready for your own health crisis. The flu and cold season is upon us again, as you know if you watch TV and the rash of commercials for products promising relief from sinus pressure, chills and fever, runny noses and watery eyes. So make and freeze a batch of French Onion Soup for that inevitable day when you, too, will be struck down. Onion soup is, in my opinion, a better sovereign cure for the common cold than chicken soup. It can be made by vegetarians with water instead of beef stock, with results that are predictably less gratifying.

Ancient Home Remedy for Colds and Flu – Made with 1, 2, or 3 Simple Ingredients


Is onion soup good for you when you are sick?

As part of the Allium family, along with leeks, shallots, garlic and chives, onions have long been associated with numerous medicinal benefits. They are a very good source of vitamin C and B6, iron, folate, and potassium and are known to provide cold and flu relief with its anti-inflammatory properties.

Is onion good for a cold?

While some people believe that putting onions in socks can speed healing from a cold, there is no evidence that it works. Onions can support your immune health as part of a healthy diet, but they have no direct effect on cold viruses or cannot change the course of the infection in any way. National Onion Association.

Do onions help with congestion?

Decongest With Onion “The good old-fashioned onion is wonderful for a stuffy noise,” says pediatrician Lauren Feder, MD, author of Natural Baby and Childcare. “The sulfur content in the onion draws out mucus and fluids in body.

Does onion help with cough?

But while there isn’t any science behind it, some people swear that the strong vapor an onion emits when it’s cut helps relieve a cough, says Russell. Before you go to bed, cut an onion into quarters and leave it on a plate on your bedside table or at the foot of the bed.

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