does cabbage grow back after you pick it

Let’s learn how to grow cabbage! Cabbage is wonderfully diverse and nutritious, and I think it’s really beautiful too. Ideal fresh eating, storage or preserving, cabbage is a staple for stir-fries, coleslaw, sauerkraut, kimchi, wraps, soups and more. Considering cabbage is one of our favorite crops to grow (and I’ve even been dubbed “the cabbage queen” a time or two) this grow guide is long overdue.

Read along to learn everything you need to know to grow cabbage from seed (or nursery seedlings) to harvest. We’ll explore the best time of year to grow cabbage, planting and care tips, our favorite varieties, when and how to harvest cabbage, and how to best store, use or preserve it. This guide will also troubleshoot some potential issues such as pests, disease, and splitting cabbage heads.

Cabbage is a versatile crop that can be grown in a wide range of climates and conditions. Cabbage is cold-hardy and prefers cool growing temperatures (especially during maturation) though it can successfully grow during the heat of summer too! Depending on the variety, cabbage can take anywhere from 2 to 4 months to mature (65 to 100+ days) from seed to harvest. Many varieties hold up in cold storage for several months post-harvest.

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Your cabbage is ready to harvest when the central head is firm to the touch and surrounded by large outer leaves. Does cabbage grow back after you pick it? Yes! If cut correctly, cabbage can grow between three and six additional heads in the same place as the original cutting.
does cabbage grow back after you pick it

How cold can cabbage plants withstand?

While cabbage does prefer cooler weather overall, it can be damaged by freezing conditions. Cabbage seedlings are far more frost-sensitive than mature cabbage plants, which can tolerate temperatures down to 26°F once established. If the temperature drops below 32°F, protect cabbage plants by covering them with frost cloth – or an upside down bucket over the top! Remember to remove covers (buckets especially) during the day when temperatures rise.

When and How to Harvest Cabbage

You can tell cabbage is ready to harvest by feeling it. A mature head of cabbage will feel dense and tight, while immature cabbage heads feel leafy and loose. The size of mature cabbage can vary greatly depending on variety. Some cabbage heads are the size of a softball, while others are basketball size or larger!

If the variety is known to have good “field storage” abilities, you can definitely leave them out in the garden for a while after they’ve reached a harvestable size (weather permitting of course). We’ve left some of ours for a couple months after they headed up without issue!

does cabbage grow back after you pick it

It’s best to harvest cabbage in the early morning while it’s cool, crisp, and firm. To harvest cabbage, you can either:

  • Use a sharp knife, loppers, or a small hand saw to cut the whole plant out at the soil line, leaving the roots to decompose in place no-till style
  • Twist or pull the entire plant out (roots and all), OR
  • Cut only the head off, leaving the base of the plant to re-grow more baby cabbages. Keep reading to learn more!

does cabbage grow back after you pick it

|| Cabbage Root Regrowing After Harvest ||


How many times can you harvest a cabbage plant?

Generally, with cabbages that form a head such as white cabbage, red cabbage and cauliflower, you will get one head of cabbage per plant. The only exception seem to be ‘looser’ cabbages, such as kale, and brussel sprouts, which can regrow parts after they’ve been harvested.

Will cabbage regrow after you cut the head off?

Similarly, cut the head off a cabbage plant and buds further down along the stem are free to grow out into new stems, i.e., more heads. Two, three, even four or more new heads could grow on your decapitated cabbage plant.

Does a cabbage plant keep on producing?

Each plant produces just one large head of cabbage that, once harvested, the plant is no longer productive. By succession planting your cabbage seeds, you can extend your harvest window.

Do cabbage heads regrow?

Yes! When you harvest cabbage properly, small cabbage heads might regrow from its stalk. However, for those who perform field holding methods to prevent head-splitting, baby sprouts won’t form. That’s why it’s important to know how to properly harvest cabbage heads so you can harvest a few small sprouts from every plant.

Can one eat cabbage raw?

Cabbage can be eaten raw. Also cooked or added to a wide variety of dishes like salads, soups, stews, and slaws. It can also be fermented and made into sauerkraut.

When should you pick cabbage?

Knowing when to pick cabbage is particularly important if rain is expected. Mature heads may be split by excessive rainfall or over watering, making them inedible. Harvesting cabbage should happen before the rainfall has a chance to damage the cabbage heads. Gardening tips, videos, info and more delivered right to your inbox!

How do you know if cabbage is ready to pick?

The best way to tell if your cabbages are ready to pick is to squeeze them. If the head feels firm and the leaves are closed, it’s time to harvest, whether they are larger or smaller heads. If the head splits, pick them right away to prevent pests and diseases.

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