do you put chardonnay in the fridge

Perhaps the most noble of all of the white grapes, Chardonnay has a world class reputation with a style to suit every palate. Let’s take a look at the best temperatures to serve and store Chardonnay, to help you achieve the perfect drinking experience.

Yes, you should refrigerate your Chardonnay after opening it if you haven’t emptied the entire bottle and if you want to keep it fresh for a couple of days. After you have had your glass of Chardonnay, you should cork up your unfinished bottle and put it in the fridge.
do you put chardonnay in the fridge

3 Popular Styles of Chardonnay and Their Ideal Serving Temperature

Here are three Chardonnay varieties we recommend:

  • Sparkling Chardonnay: Sparkling Chardonnay is perhaps sparkling wine at its very best. Found in most fine tasting Champagne inspired blends Sparkling Chardonnay is ideally served very cold. (43–47°F or 6-8°C)
  • Oaked Chardonnay: Full bodied, rich Chardonnay wines with lots of ageing potentials. These styles are best served slightly warmer. (50–55°F or 10-13°C)
  • Unoaked Chardonnay: Fresh white wines with beautiful floral notes and mouth watering acidity, unoaked Chardonnays are best served fridge cold. (47–49°F or 7-9°C)

5 Best Tips on Serving Chardonnay

The ideal serving temperature for Chardonnay is between 45–55°F or 7-13°C.

Wine in the fridge – good or bad?


What is the best way to store Chardonnay?

Ideally, your chardonnay would always be stored at a temperature between 55-60F with a serving temp of a chilled 48F. This type of white wine should always be kept cold, but not too cold, in order to preserve the true essence of the grapes. A chardonnay that is kept in warm conditions will not age to its potential.

Does unopened Chardonnay need to be refrigerated?

Keep your unopened Chardonnay somewhere cool and dark and it’ll be more than fine to stay there for months, if not years. If your Chardonnay has a cork try to store it on its side to stop the cork from drying out. The ideal location to store unopened Chardonnay for ageing purposes is in a wine fridge.

Can Chardonnay be left in room temperature?

There are no rules when it comes to wine. If you like Chardonnay chilled, then drink it chilled. If you like it at room temperature, enjoy it that way. Personally, I like Chardonnay a little on the cold side, but not so cold that it loses its flavor (to my palette).

Are you supposed to refrigerate white wine?

A dark, cool spot is your friend if you don’t own a wine fridge, and any wines with natural corks should be stored horizontally. Do you refrigerate white wine? You do refrigerate white wine after it’s opened. If you have a wine fridge, you can store your unopened white wine at its ideal temperature between 45-50°F.

Can you put Chardonnay in the fridge?

You can put Chardonnay in the refrigerator to achieve the best serving temperature and to do this you can use either a domestic household fridge or a specialised wine fridge. If your Chardonnay is too cold you may not be able to taste it properly as the flavours will become masked by the cool temperature.

How do you store Chardonnay?

Avoid storing Chardonnay in very hot or very cold environments, as extreme temperatures can spoil the wine. If you’re serving Chardonnay at a party or social gathering, use a wine bucket filled with ice water to keep it chilled for a longer period.

How do you chill Chardonnay?

Using a wine refrigerator is the ideal method to chill Chardonnay. To properly store Chardonnay for serving purposes, follow these steps: Set the temperature: Adjust the temperature of your wine cooler to around 45°F (7°C) to 50°F (10°C). This temperature range is ideal for chilling Chardonnay and preserving its flavors.

Should Chardonnay be kept cold?

This type of white wine should always be kept cold, but not too cold, in order to preserve the true essence of the grapes. A chardonnay that is kept in warm conditions will not age to its potential. If the wine is too cold or too warm, much of the fresh or fruity flavors will be lost.

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