do you need to refrigerate whipped frosting

This stabilized whipped cream frosting recipe makes lightly sweetened, thick and fluffy, perfectly pipe-able frosting that doesn’t weep or lose its shape! This recipe comes together in 15 minutes and can be used to ice cakes or cupcakes or anywhere in place of store-bought whipped cream! Recipe includes a tutorial video!

For best results, keep whipped cream frosting in the refrigerator when not in use. Refrigerated in an airtight container, this frosting can be stored for up to 2 days.
do you need to refrigerate whipped frosting

A Sweet & Simple Frosting

I’ve received a record number of requests for this whipped cream frosting recipe, and here it is! While I love my existing whipped cream recipe and have bragged often about how stable it is, I’ve also advised that that one is not ideal for icing cakes or cupcakes.

Sure, it’s great, fluffy, un-fussy and so tasty, but if you want a whipped cream frosting, one that is guaranteed to hold its shape, not melt, and last for several days, you really need to stabilize it first.

This requires a simple extra step and a sprinkle of gelatin powder.

The end result is a frosting that’s lightly sweetened (those of you who want a frosting that’s “not too sweet” will love this one), fluffy and creamy, but still stable enough to pipe over cupcakes or frost a two or three layer cake. Pictured above it’s prettily piped over a batch of cupcakes that I made out of my vanilla cake recipe (of course I tossed in a few sprinkles for good measure!)

Let’s get to it!

do you need to refrigerate whipped frosting

  • Gelatin. This is what makes this recipe a stabilized whipped cream. Gelatin stabilizes the cream and keeps the frosting sturdy (even at room temperature) and keeps it from melting over itself or weeping, as classic, un-stabilized whipped cream may be prone to do. I recommend using unflavored gelatin, which, as the name indicates, doesn’t taste like anything so that the natural flavors of the cream, sugar, and vanilla extract can shine through.
  • Powdered sugar. Those of you who don’t like sugary frostings will be thrilled to hear that there is only ½ cup of sugar in the whole recipe! (Compare that to classic buttercream frosting, which uses 4 cups or 8x as much sugar for the same amount of icing!). This is just enough sugar to sweeten the stabilized whipped cream and help it hold its thick, fluffy shape.
  • Vanilla extract. Added for flavor. Of course I like to use my homemade vanilla extract for best flavor!
  • Heavy whipping cream. This is the base of our stabilized whipped cream. It should be as cold as possible (without being frozen) in order to achieve a thick and fluffy frosting. You can use heavy cream, heavy whipping cream, or double cream. “Whipping cream” will work, but since it contains less fat the results aren’t quite as stable as those made with the other creams listed.

This is just an overview of the ingredients I used and why I chose them. For the full recipe please scroll down to the bottom of the post!

How to Make Stabilized Whipped Cream Frosting

do you need to refrigerate whipped frosting

  • Add the gelatin to a microwave safe dish and add cold water. Whisk until the gelatin is smoothly combined with the water and set aside. The gelatin is the fussiest part of this whole (otherwise very simple) recipe. Make sure to follow my notes and you shouldn’t have any issue, though!
  • In a separate bowl, combine cold heavy cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract. For best results, use a chilled metal bowl and chill your beaters, too! The colder everything is the better your results will be. Beat the ingredients with an electric mixer and stop once the cream has begun to thicken, but just before reaching soft peaks.
  • By now, your gelatin/water mixture should have solidified. Heat it briefly in the microwave just until it’s re-melted and briefly mix it with a whisk (you don’t want it to be very hot, but the gelatin mixture should be 100% liquid and totally smooth or you could end up with a frosting that stays runny or have lumps in your frosting). This usually only takes 5-10 seconds in the microwave. Turn your electric mixer to low-speed and, while beating the cream mixture, slowly whisk in the gelatin.
  • Gradually increase the speed on your electric mixer until your whipped cream is fluffy with stiff peaks. It should look like Cool Whip, thick and fluffy!

It may seem counter-intuitive at first to liquify the gelatin and allow it to set up only to re-liquify it again by melting, but it’s important! This is a process known as “blooming” the gelatin, which ensures that the end result is not only smooth (rather than grainy or lumpy) but also that it stabilizes properly.

SAM’S TIP: While the cream must be beaten very well, it is possible to over-beat your cream, leaving you with a rough, curdled-looking mess. If you accidentally overdo it, don’t panic, you might still be able to salvage things! Simply add 1-2 Tablespoons of heavy cream and mix until you’ve reached the proper consistency.

do you need to refrigerate whipped frosting

There are several reasons this can happen. Most likely, you simply need to keep beating the mixture, it can take some time and requires patience! However, if your gelatin was very, very hot when you added it to the cream, if the cream was not cold enough, or if you are in a very warm kitchen, your cream may not thicken as it should. Set yourself up for success and make sure you follow the steps for blooming the gelatin and use cold cream and a cold bowl (and beaters, too!).

This frosting lasts up to 4-5 days stored in an airtight container in the fridge in an airtight container. While it does well at room temperature due to the gelatin, it’s still a dairy-based frosting and so is not ideal for high heat for long periods of time (such as outdoor parties in the summer!). I recommend keeping it chilled. At room temperature (below 75F/24C) I wouldn’t leave it out for more than an hour or two.

Unfortunately I don’t recommend it. If you have a cake that you’d like to use fondant with, I would recommend using my classic buttercream frosting or cream cheese frosting instead.

There are many different methods for making whipped cream frosting, but personally I found that this method yielded the most stable results with the most authentic whipped cream taste. I tried many methods including using more powdered sugar (made the frosting too sweet and did not last as long as this version with gelatin), using a food processor (didn’t hold its shape long enough and still melted), adding cream cheese (tasty, but changed the taste far too much) and using powdered milk (this worked fairly well, but did not hold its shape as long and modified the taste a bit). Ultimately I recommend sticking with the method written in my recipe below.

do you need to refrigerate whipped frosting

Do you need to refrigerate Betty Crocker frosting?


How long can whipped frosting sit out?

According to the Smarter Homemaker, whipped cream can only be left at room temperature for 2 hours regardless if it is dairy or non-dairy. Our EveryDay Life blog explains further that if your whipped cream’s temperature gets about 40 degrees Fahrenheit for longer than those 2 hours, you will probably want to toss it.

Should whipped topping be refrigerated?

Whipped cream will last 5 to 7 days when it’s continually refrigerated. If you take it out to use some of it, the change in temperature might cause the remaining whipped cream to deflate and go bad faster.

Does cake with Cool Whip frosting need to be refrigerated?

Always refrigerate any cake with a frosting that contains eggs or egg whites, or one that has whipped-cream frosting or any type of filling — be it whipped cream, custard, fruit or mousse.

Should cupcakes with whipped frosting be refrigerated?

If they contain any dairy or egg products, they’ll definitely need a spot in the fridge. Or perhaps you’re worried that the frosting will melt in hot weather. Whatever the reason, storing any kind of cupcake in the fridge overnight won’t cause them too much damage. Just make sure you do it properly.

Does whipped cream frosting need to be refrigerated?

Whipped cream is delicate and is typically used on single-tier cakes rather than stacked cakes. It does not hold up well in high temperatures or humidity and is not a suitable frosting for cakes that are covered in fondant because of its storage requirements. Since whipped cream frosting is made from heavy whipping cream it requires refrigeration.

How do you make whipped cream frosting without refrigeration?

Making a whipped cream frosting that doesn’t require refrigeration is super easy. To do so, you’ll need the following ingredients: Grab a saucepan and add the following ingredients: flour and milk. Whisk the ingredients over medium heat for a few minutes until the mixture begins to thicken.

How long do you refrigerate whipped frosting?

Use it: After you make the whipped frosting, it’s ready to frost your cupcakes, cake, or other confections. After frosting a cake or cupcakes with this frosting, I strongly recommend refrigerating them uncovered for at least 30 minutes to help “set” the frosting (especially when using on a layer cake).

What is whipped cream frosting?

Whipped cream frosting is made from heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar, extract and sometimes meringue powder for stabilizing. It yields a creamy, airy frosting that can be used to fill and top cakes. Whipped cream is delicate and is typically used on single-tier cakes rather than stacked cakes.

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