do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Learn exactly how to cut a watermelon into triangles, cubes and melon balls! With this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll be able to safely and easily cut a watermelon in just a few simple steps. Use fresh-cut watermelon in your favorite summer recipes!

I’m back with another easy, super helpful kitchen hack that’s perfect for summer: how to cut a watermelon! I’ve got step-by-step tutorials that show three ways to cut a watermelon to make your summer snacks, BBQs and picnics a breeze. You’ll learn everything from how to choose a ripe watermelon to freezing it for frozen drinks and more!

I’ve also included delicious ways to use your fresh cut watermelon that you’re going to love. Try out each method and let me know your favorite in the comments!

Cut the melon horizontally into thirds, so that you end up with 3 pieces that are each a full circle. Cut each circle into cubes of your desired size. Repeat with the second melon half.
do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Delicious ways to serve watermelon

Besides serving it up on a platter and watching guests devour, here are some fun, delicious ways to enjoy watermelon:

  • Get the party started with my famous Skinny Jalapeño Watermelon Margaritas
  • Enjoy a refreshing Triple Cherry Berry Watermelon Smoothie
  • Add some cubed watermelon or watermelon balls to this Honey Lime Basil Peach Fruit Salad
  • Serve watermelon balls with mozzarella, fresh basil and a drizzle of balsamic
  • Dip your watermelon in melted dark chocolate, sprinkle with sea salt and freeze for later. The perfect treat!

Get more of our delicious summer recipes here!

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

How to cut a watermelon: three different ways

Method 1: cut it into triangles

Use this easy method for cutting a watermelon into triangles if you’d like to serve triangle slices on a platter for guests or even for grilling!

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Step 1: place your watermelon on a large cutting board and use a sharp knife to cut about 1/2 – 1″ off the stem end and the opposite end of the fruit so that you have two flat sides.

Step 2: tip the watermelon onto one flat side so that it’s facing upright.

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Step 3: cut the watermelon vertically down the middle, starting at the top flat end.

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Step 4: take one of the watermelon halves and place the large, flat, cut side down on your cutting board.

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Step 5: cut 1″ half moons across the watermelon half, keeping the knife parallel to the two ends you cut off in the beginning.

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Step 6: cut each of those half moons into 2, 3 or 4 smaller triangles, depending on how big you want them!

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Step 7: repeat steps 4, 5 & 6 with the other half of your watermelon. You’ll have nice watermelon wedges!

Method 2: cut it into cubes

Use this cubing method for watermelon to keep pieces in the fridge for healthy snacks, fresh watermelon salad, or even freezing for frozen drinks and smoothies.

Step 1: repeat steps 1 & 2 above.

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Step 2: use a large, sharp knife to vertically cut off the watermelon rind, moving the knife around the edge of the watermelon so that you’re not cutting straight down (and subsequently cutting off the juicy parts). Cut any remaining white parts off.

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Step 3: once you’ve cut off all of the skin, cut the watermelon into 1-inch slices or sticks.

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Step 4: cut each of those sticks into 1-inch cubes and enjoy.

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Method 3: make watermelon balls

This method is a fun, pretty way to serve watermelon! Use watermelon balls in salads, on kabobs or on a skewers as a cute appetizer.

Step 1: repeat steps 1, 2 & 3 from the first method.

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Step 2: place one of your watermelon halves flesh-side up on your cutting board.

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Step 3: use a melon baller or small cookie scoop to scoop out balls of watermelon.

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

Step 4: repeat steps 2 & 3 with the other half of your watermelon.

do you cut a watermelon vertically or horizontally

How to Cut a Watermelon

How do you cut a watermelon?

Step 1: place your watermelon on a large cutting board and use a sharp knife to cut about 1/2 – 1″ off the stem end and the opposite end of the fruit so that you have two flat sides. Step 2: tip the watermelon onto one flat side so that it’s facing upright. Step 3: cut the watermelon vertically down the middle, starting at the top flat end.

What is the best time to eat watermelon?

Because it is rich in water, watermelon is not very suitable to be consumed at night. Intake of liquids at night can cause nocturia, that is, frequent trips to the bathroom in the early morning, which can compromise the health of sleep.

Can you cut watermelon into cubes?

If you need to cut watermelon for a salad or a fork-friendly snack, cutting it into cubes is your best bet for bite-sized pieces! Here’s how you do it: Cut the watermelon in half. After washing and drying the watermelon, cut it in half crosswise (around the equator or across the fattest part of the watermelon).

How do you cut a watermelon into a wedge?

For classic wedges, start by trimming the rind again to stabilize the melon. Stand the watermelon up on one of the flat sides and run the knife down the center to cut the watermelon in half. 2. Quarter the Halves Place one half cut-side down and slice down the center again to make quarters. 3. Slice Across the Halves

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