do toilet sprays work

My family has been using Poo-Pourri daily, the product works great and THIS is how we stop embarrassing bathroom odors. The bottles are pocket sized, perfect for a purse or diaper bag and pretty enough to sit nicely on the back of your toilet. Now that we have tried it, we can’t live without it!
do toilet sprays work

Things You Should Know

  • Poo-Pourri is an aromatic spray that will keep your poop from stinking up the bathroom when you go.
  • Use Poo-Pourri before you go #2. Spritz the water in the toilet 3-5 times, go to the bathroom, then flush like normal.
  • Poo-Pourri is oil-based, so it sits on top of the water and locks odors in when you poop.
  • There are plenty of alternatives out there on the market if you’re looking for something unique or slightly different.

Does it work better than, say, Febreeze or a scented candle? Maaaybe? I mean, the fact of the matter is whichever way you go, the scent of the room is “the scent of the thing I employed to avoid my bathroom smelling of poo,” so you won’t be fooling anyone anyway. That being the case, might as go with a scent you like.

Some members of the Scalzi Household — I won’t say which ones for privacy’s sake — occasionally do a thing called “pooping.” Look it up on Google if you’re not sure what that is. And while pooping is generally a laudable and healthy activity, it also sometimes leaves a certain odor.

Someone I know recommended “Poo-Pourri” as a way to counteract the particular odor of the activity: You spray a bit into the toiletbowl prior to the event and the poo-pourri essentially forms a citrus-scented barrier on the top of the water in the bowl, preventing other odors from escaping. I got a bottle to see if it actually works.

In any event, if you or someone in your household poops, and want to avoid poop smell, and wish to deal with the odor before rather than immediately after the incident, and intense citrus is your thing, this stuff seems to do the trick.

My verdict, after a week: Yes, it does mostly work, although whether it works because of the advertised barrier of essential oils or just because the blast of citrusy smell from the stuff is so concentrated that it simply overpowers any other smell is (if you’ll excuse the pun) up in the air. Either way, the citrus nasal bomb is preferable to the alternative.

Does Poo-Pourri Work? Let’s Find Out!


Do toilet sprays actually work?

This stuff actually works. We’ve had employees try it out and they’ve had a bottle of it in their bathrooms ever since. The philosophy makes sense and the scents are pleasant. A great gift that will get people talking but after giving it a try, you will see it is a great product.

Does no poop spray really work?

The short answer is yes; potty training sprays work. But, like with anything else, there are pros and cons to using them.

Does before you go toilet spray work?

I tried the Poo-Pourri and it really works! You just shake the bottle, spray it 4 or 5 times into the bowl, and flush. The smell of U-Know-What is gone, and the room smells like whatever scent you choose. I have purchased many of the different scents, and they all make your home smell great.

How does Poo-Pourri work so well?

It uses a proprietary blend of essential oils and other natural compounds, which work by forming a protective film on the surface of the toilet bowl water, trapping odours below after you complete your business and ‘file the paperwork’, as their tongue-in-cheek advertisements tell us.

Can you put poop spray on a toilet?

You can keep bottles of poop sprays and drops on the back of the toilet in your house, but you can also take it on the go for any dreaded public poops. Poo-Pourri is without a doubt the poop spray with the most impressive name recognition.

Do poop sprays really work?

Unlike room sprays, poop sprays and drops don’t just attempt to mask poop smell. Instead they trap the odor in the toilet, explains Niket Sonpal, MD, an internist and gastroenterologist in New York City. “You can spray it in the toilet before going and the oil on top blocks the hydrocarbons that our body produces from stool,” says Dr. Sonpal.

Do toilet oil sprays really stop odors?

Instead they trap the odor in the toilet, explains Niket Sonpal, MD, an internist and gastroenterologist in New York City. “You can spray it in the toilet before going and the oil on top blocks the hydrocarbons that our body produces from stool,” says Dr. Sonpal. “It reduces the amount of odor.”

Can toilet spray be used as air freshener?

Because toilet spray products are created to be used as air fresheners and are kept in spray bottles rather than in aerosol cans, they only need a couple of ingredients to be able to work well. Poo-Pourri lists only a few ingredients in its products—water and a blend of essential oils—that are used as fragrances.

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