do mcdonalds pies go bad

The pies are considered fine to eat if they are cooled to a safe temperature, specifically in a refrigerator, after the time on their stickers. The pies must also be thoroughly reheated. You can reheat one of McDonald’s famous pies in an air fryer or an oven without much trouble.
do mcdonalds pies go bad

The Truth About McDonald’s Famous Hot Apple Pie


Can I eat apple pie after 7 days?

According to the USDA, fruit pies in an airtight container can stay unrefrigerated at room temperature for up to two days. When refrigerated, apple pie can remain for up to one week.

How can you tell if apple pie has gone bad?

When apple pie has gone bad, it may start to grow mold, typically a fuzzy white or green substance appearing on the surface. Additionally, if the pie has a sour, off smell, then it’s a sure sign that it’s spoiled. The taste can also be off, sour, or simply not as fresh.

Can you eat apple pie after use by date?

Eating an expired pie will not cause harm unless it’s so old it’s begun to mold, which is terribly unlikely.

How long are apple pies good for?

Ideally, apple pie (or any fruit pie) should be stored in the refrigerator, either with a lid or covered tightly with plastic wrap. It will last up to 4 days in the refrigerator, but always be sure to check in on your leftovers to make sure they still look and smell good before diving in.

Are McDonald’s apple pies safe?

According to a Reddit user, the apple pies at McDonald’s are subject to Time/Temperature Control for Safety standards, which explains why it is suggested they are enjoyed within a couple of hours of preparation.

How long are McDonald’s apple pies good for?

Read on to find out how long McDonald’s apple pies are good for. When McDonald’s does not sell the apple pie, it has an expiration date. In airtight containers, the pie can be kept in the fridge for up to two days. If you’re going to make a pie with eggs in the filling or crust, store it for 24 hours.

Is McDonald’s apple pie healthy?

McDonald’s apple pie contains sugar and acid, and if it is left at room temperature for an extended period of time, it may contain harmful bacteria. As a result, heated apple pie should be served instead of slices that have been left out overnight. McDonald’s apple pie is one of the healthier options when compared to indulgent desserts.

Does McDonald’s sell Apple Pie?

When McDonald’s does not sell the apple pie, it has an expiration date. In airtight containers, the pie can be kept in the fridge for up to two days. If you’re going to make a pie with eggs in the filling or crust, store it for 24 hours. If you keep the apple pie in the pantry for two or three days, it will last longer.

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