do macarons have peanuts in them

Because of food allergies, I rarely eat what most would call sumptuous food. My diet consists of the basics: lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and water. Simply buying something already made that I can safely eat is a relished treat.

Now and then, I buy gluten-free cupcakes for special occasions. But I often bake my own cupcakes to reduce sugar and ensure they are free of dairy, gluten, nuts, and soy. Whether bought or homemade, these cupcakes cost more than ordinary ones. They really are a luxury for me.

Our macarons are made with almonds/almond flour. Some flavors also contain peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts & walnuts. We recommend that customers with nut allergies do not consume our macarons.
do macarons have peanuts in them

Responding when I cannot eat what my family can

The pictures of the little cookie boutique enticed us. The exquisite interior design instantly caught my attention. My sons eyes grew wide at the sight of dozens of cookies in so many bright colors.

I decided to fulfill his desire for a colorful, sweet treat with a fun adventure for both of us! We needed a break from always being at home. And this seemed like a much-deserved reward for my working hard to meet several writing deadlines.

Turning desire into delight

So, I drove us to the unique cookie boutique. We stepped into what looked to me like a scene on a European street. My son ran to the cookie cases and pointed to all the macarons he wanted. He would have liked one of every color if we could have afforded them.

For a moment, I wished I could eat a macaron. I asked the server about the other ingredients in these appealing treats. The server kindly let me review the ingredient list.

I was glad to see the gluten-free signs sitting by each macaron. They signaled the progress on my journey with food allergies over the last 14 years. But gluten is merely one of the foods to which I am either allergic or sensitive.

Macaron Live: Peanut Flour Macarons


Are macarons allergen free?

In short, Yes Traditional macarons are gluten free, but not necessarily dairy free. But beware! Even if traditional French bakeries like Pastreez stick to the authentic recipe, most bakers in the US don’t.

Are French macarons made with nuts?

Macarons are made with finely ground almonds, confectioners’ sugar, and egg whites.

What allergies are in macaroons?

Macarons shells are naturally gluten-free however some flavors & fillings do contain ingredients with gluten. NOTE: Macarons are manufactured in a home kitchen and on equipment that processes products that contains gluten, nuts and dairy.

Can I drink almond milk if I’m allergic to peanuts?

But the proteins in peanuts are similar in structure to those in tree nuts. For this reason, people who are allergic to peanuts can also be allergic to tree nuts, such as almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, pecans, and cashews.

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