do i need a license to bartend in illinois

To obtain a bartending license in the state of Illinois, you must complete the Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Education and Training (BASSET) program, apply through the Illinois Liquor Control Commission (ILCC), and depending on your location, apply for a local liquor license. The BASSET program is recognized by major Illinois employers, insurance firms, and law enforcement. The ILCC offers more than 39 different license categories, and in some locations, such as the Village of Schaumburg, you must also apply for a local liquor license.

However, a valid license is still required by Illinois Public Act 098-0939. The state requires all bartenders, servers and bouncers to attend a state sponsored alcohol awareness training class and be BASSET certified.
do i need a license to bartend in illinois

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Do You Really Need a Bartending License? – Bartending 101


What certification do you need to serve alcohol in Illinois?

The state of Illinois BASSET certification is required for on-premise and off-premise selling and serving of alcohol. Our course has been approved by the state of Illinois Liquor Control Commission (ILCC) since 2012 and recently updated for 2024 requirements.

Can I serve free alcohol at my business Illinois?

It is prohibited to give away alcohol for free except in very limited situations. Crafting your promotions in a legal way is important in order to avoid being cited for a violation. We can review any proposed promotions to make sure you are in compliance.

How much does a liquor license cost in Illinois?

The $750 application fee must be paid by check or money order only. Once your license is obtained, you’ll need to renew it annually and pay $750 for each renewal. Luckily, Illinois makes it fairly simple to renew your liquor license online with MyTax Illinois, the state’s all-purpose tax website.

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