do cloud eggs taste good

In a culture where food not only has to taste good, but must also be photo-worthy, it’s no surprise that people have been geeking out over cloud eggs.

With a golden yolk that sits on top of a bed of fluffy egg whites, they’re an ultra-satisfying combination that’s silky, rich and light-as-air. The ethereal eggs have become an Instagram phenomenon, and even a few restaurants have followed suit and added them onto their brunch menus.

What’s interesting about this trend is that its origins date back hundreds of years. Cloud eggs are basically a reincarnation of ‘eggs in snow’— a dish popular with chefs in 17th-century France. Even in those days this method of making eggs was purely for show — something cooks would make to impress their wealthy clients.

It’s so good! I haven’t had it in years, but still remember how delicious they are. Cloud eggs might be even better than the Waker Bros. egg white omelette because you still get a big, fluffy, airy omelette sort of dish, but you don’t miss out on the delicious runny yolk!
do cloud eggs taste good

Egg Clouds For A Crowd

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Make cloud eggs your new brunch party trick, and cook up a big batch all at once.

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Take your eggs benny to new heights (like sky-high).

How To Make Cloud Eggs

The secret to making cloud eggs is separating the egg white and the yolk and then beating the white into stiff peaks — the yolk is added towards the end of cooking, leaving you with a pillow of airy whites that surround a golden runny yolk.

Cloud eggs are baked in the oven on a sheet pan, so you can easily make enough for a crowd. And as a bonus, they’re cooked without added fat, making them a them a lighter breakfast option.

You can also use cloud eggs as a base for add-ons like parmesan and bacon (mix them into the whites before cooking). Try serving them for weekend brunch to impress your friends, or use them in a fancy breakfast sandwich. Get our cloud egg recipe here.

Here are 6 egg-cellent cloud egg ideas to add some 17th-century-inspired flair to your breakfast routine:

Cloud Eggs


Is it OK to eat a cloudy egg?

It does not indicate the egg is unsafe. A cloudy egg white (albumen) is a sign the egg is very fresh. A clear egg white is an indication the egg is aging.

Where did cloud eggs come from?

While cloud eggs may seem like a new food fad, they actually got their start in 17th century France, Daniel Gritzer, the culinary director at Serious Eats, told NPR. The recipe for oeufs a la Neige, translated to “eggs in the snow,” was published in Le Cuisinier Francois in 1651.

Is green egg white safe to eat?

Egg white that isn’t white – If the egg white isn’t clear or cloudy white, it may be bad. If your egg white has a green or iridescent look, it may have harmful bacteria. It may not be safe for consumption.

Is it safe to eat red egg whites?

Toss any eggs with whites that appear tinted pink, green or red; this is a sign they may contain bacteria that can speed up spoilage and may put you at risk for food poisoning.

Why are clouds eggs so popular?

We love a good baked egg recipe, but clouds eggs were the internet trend that changed our breakfast routine forever. Think actual clouds of heaven topped with a runny yolk. They are so fun to make and everyone will think they are the cutest things. Your brunch has never been more Instagrammed.

Which egg is good for consumption?

Pasture-raised and organic eggs are nutritionally superior to caged and conventionally produced eggs. The color of the shell does not affect the nutrient content, as there is no nutritional difference between a white and a brown egg.

Does cloud bread have an eggy taste?

Because eggs are a main ingredient, cloud bread does have an eggy taste. However, most people don’t mind it. I find the cream cheese lessens the egg taste. To add in more flavor, you can fold in your favorite herbs and spices or sprinkle them on top before baking. Garlic powder and onion powder are popular.

Do eggs taste good?

Enjoy a highbrow Eggs Benedict, feast on quails eggs or simply tuck into what must be one of the ultimate comfort foods – an egg salad sandwich. The fact of the matter is that eggs simply taste good – and given their popularity maximizing that taste takes careful planning.

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