do cereals really expire

If there’s box of cereal in your cabinet that has a toy in it, it’s probably from the 1990s and you should probably throw it out today

Yet, while most of us don’t keep cereal around for more than a decade, its not uncommon to be rummaging around the pantry and come across a box of cereal thats passed its “sell by” or “best by” date. Like many canned goods, certain cereals have long shelf lives but its not always clear how long is OK. So, is that box still safe to eat?

The good news is that you can still eat cereals after their ‘best before end’ date if they don’t look, smell or taste out of the ordinary. As long as you store them properly and according to the instructions on the label, you can still finish the old box of cereals before starting a new one.
do cereals really expire

Salmonella doesn’t just affect raw chicken and turkey.

In July, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that 36 states had been affected by a recall of Kellogg’s Honey Smacks after it was discovered that boxes of the cereal had been contaminated by salmonella bacteria. Though the news surprised a lot of dry cereal lovers, it wasn’t the first time a puffed wheat cereal put people in the hospital.

In 2008, Malt-O-Meal voluntarily recalled its puffed wheat and puffed rice cereals after detecting a strain of salmonella responsible for making at least 23 people in 14 states sick. Salmonella is usually associated with wet foods like eggs, chicken and undercooked meat. But, according to experts, the salmonella bacteria also thrives in dry, heavily processed foods. However, its important to note that this kind of contamination typically happens during processing. For example, the bacteria can be spread from an employee not washing his or her hands before going back to the assembly line. Unlike mold, salmonella is not something cereal can suddenly contract at home while sitting in your pantry. “Contamination related to extended storage doesn’t really happen,” Jennifer Kaplan, Food Systems instructor at the Culinary Institute of America in Napa Valley, told TODAY Food.

Which cereals spoil at home?

do cereals really expire

When it comes to spoilage potential, not all breakfast cereals are the same.

“Cereals with [more] fat are more prone to rancidity,” explained Sharon Palmer, RDN, of The Plant-Powered Dietitian. Palmer said these products include whole grain cereals since the natural fats of the grains are included. Nuts and oils, which are even heavier in fat, can also make a cereal spoil faster. The fats can also oxidize when exposed to heat, light and air which causes the rancidity.

“You can tell if the nuts in your cereal have become rancid if they have a grassy or paint-like odor … or if they have a dark or oily appearance,” advised Kaplan. “That said, if you eat cereal with rancid nuts or oils, you’re at very little risk. The most common side effect will be an unpleasant taste.”

Does cereal ever expire?


Is it OK to eat expired cereal?

While old cereal is technically safe to eat, you take a risk in eating cereal that may taste strange or is softer or more limp than before the expiration date. To minimize changes in flavor and texture, store your ready-to-eat cereals in a cool, dry space.

Can you eat 30 year old cereal?

Unless the cereal is so old that the fats have gone rancid, it’s just going to be stale and not very crisp. Cereal would have to be very, very old, like years, before it would even possibly make you sick.

Why does cereal last so long?

Packaging: Cereal is typically packaged in airtight bags or boxes that help to keep out moisture, air, and other contaminants. This helps to preserve the quality and freshness of the cereal for longer periods of time. Preservatives: Many types of cereal are made with preservatives that help to extend their shelf life.

Can cereal be spoiled?

Cereal with higher fat content is usually the first to go bad, tasting a little rancid by the time you bite into your breakfast a few weeks after its expiration. Fortunately, cereal won’t become moldy or unsafe—even if it tastes rancid. However, it can become stale.

Does cereal expire?

Cereal Shelf-life: The ‘Best By’ date on cereal packaging does not signal its expiration but rather the peak of its taste and texture. Unopened cereal retains its quality for 6-12 months past this date, while an opened box is still good for at least 4-6 months.

What are the benefits of eating cereal?

The main benefits of cereal consumption are related to its integral form. Whole grains when consumed daily within healthy eating habits are related to reduced risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, inflammatory diseases and obesity.

What happens if you eat expired cereal?

Remember, these symptoms can occur anywhere from a few hours to a few days after consuming the expired cereal, depending on the type and amount of bacteria or toxins present. Always check the expiration date and storage conditions of your food to minimize the risk of food poisoning. If you eat bad cereal, you could get very sick.

What can you do with expired cereal?

Expired cereal can also be used in arts and crafts projects. For instance, you can create cereal mosaics or use them in sensory bins for children. It’s a fun and creative way to repurpose expired cereal, promoting sustainability and reducing waste. Additionally, some expired cereals can be used as a base for homemade granola or energy bars.

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