do carrots or broccoli take longer to cook

Deep charred flavor permeates each bite of this roasted broccoli and carrots side dish. It is incredibly simple to prepare and a sure favorite for the whole family!

I love this simple recipe because it is so easy to just toss it in the oven when I need an effortless side dish to go with dinner. Broccoli and carrots tossed in olive oil and seasonings make the perfect healthy side dish to complement any meat and potato fare you serve your family.

Roasted broccoli and carrots is an incredibly simple side dish, yet full of deep roasted flavor. Broccoli and carrots are tossed in olive oil and generously seasoned with salt and pepper then roasted in the oven until charred and delicious.

Coating the vegetables in oil is the secret to this recipe. The oil intensifies the heat during the roasting process and “fries” the exterior of the broccoli florets creating blackened crispy goodness! Salting generously really brings out the flavor!

Customize this recipe by adding your favorite seasonings such as garlic powder, crushed red pepper flakes, lemon juice, or soy sauce. You can also dust the final dish with fresh herbs and grated Parmesan cheese.

do carrots or broccoli take longer to cook

How to make it

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees and then combine broccoli and chopped carrots in a large bowl and toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Place your seasoned vegetables on a sheet pan and bake in the oven for 25 minutes, or until the broccoli begins to char.

Note: Carrots take longer to cook than broccoli. If you want your carrots to be as tender as the broccoli start them in the oven ten minutes prior to adding the broccoli.

do carrots or broccoli take longer to cook

You dont have to just stick with roasted broccoli and carrots. You can add additional vegetables to fit your taste. Roasted broccoli carrots and cauliflower is a popular alternative as well. Just substitute an equal amount of cauliflower for broccoli and continue with the recipe as written.

I find 400 degrees to be the sweet spot for roasting broccoli and carrots. 400 degrees is hot enough to char the broccoli yet low enough to give the much harder carrots sufficient time to cook. You can cook at a lower temperature, but you wont get much charring on the broccoli. Cooking at a higher temperature will result in the carrots not being cooked all the way through.

I roast broccoli and carrots for 25 minutes, however, there is some flexibility in this. Broccoli cooks faster than carrots do, resulting in tender charred broccoli and tender-crisp carrots. It is a nice contrasting texture. However, if you like your carrots to be more tender feel free to give them up to a 10-minute headstart prior to adding the broccoli.

Leftover roasted broccoli and carrots should be stored in an airtight container in your refrigerator and enjoyed within 3-5 days for best flavor. Leftovers can easily be reheated in the microwave.

do carrots or broccoli take longer to cook

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do carrots or broccoli take longer to cook

Why are a restaurant’s vegetables so much better than homemade ones?


What takes longer to boil carrots or broccoli?

We Recommend. Next, cut your veggies into bite-sized pieces. Carrots take a little longer to cook than broccoli, so you have a few choices for getting them both to the same measure of doneness at the same time: Cut the carrots smaller than the broccoli.

How long does it take for carrots to soften?

Boil Until Tender Make sure the water level is high enough so the carrots are completely submerged. Add sliced carrots to the pot of water and bring the water back to a boil over high heat. Boil sliced carrots for 4-5 minutes, baby carrots for 6-7 minutes, and whole carrots for 10-15 minutes.

How long does it take to boil broccoli?

To boil, place in a pan of boiling water and cook the florets for 6-8 minutes. To steam, place in a steamer over boiling water and cook for 6-8 minutes. Broccoli to be stir-fried should be separated into bite-sized florets, heat 1 tbsp of oil in a frying pan and add the florets, cook for 4-5 minutes or until tender.

Should carrots be hard or soft when cooked?

How ‘soft’ do you want them? Most recipes will give a time so the carrots have some bite still left, not completely squishy. I cut mine really chunky, like half an inch long and they will take 20 mins to be cooked but with some bite. If i slice them thin, like restaurant type thin, about 10 mins would be enough for me.

Do Broccoli and carrots take the same time to cook?

Broccoli and carrots take the same amount of time to cook if they’re cut into similar-sized pieces. For example, if roasting, you can cut the carrots into smaller sticks or coins to match the cooking time of the broccoli florets. Always keep an eye on the vegetables while cooking to avoid overcooking or undercooking them.

Is raw broccoli better than cooked broccoli?

Some important substances present in broccoli are water soluble, and are lost when cooked in water. But you don’t have to eat them raw, as it’s not very tasty, steaming already prevents these substances from dissipating in the water and guarantees all the benefits in addition to being more pleasant to the taste.

Does Broccoli cook faster than carrots?

Broccoli cooks faster than carrots do, resulting in tender charred broccoli and tender-crisp carrots. It is a nice contrasting texture. However, if you like your carrots to be more tender feel free to give them up to a 10-minute headstart prior to adding the broccoli.

How long can you keep leftover roasted broccoli & carrots?

Leftover roasted broccoli and carrots should be stored in an airtight container in your refrigerator and enjoyed within 3-5 days for best flavor. Leftovers can easily be reheated in the microwave. Can you do me a favor?

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