do baked potatoes cook faster with or without foil

In this blog post I will show you that you do not need aluminum foil to make oven-baked potatoes. I have been making them this way for a long time and you can too! All you need are potatoes, a little canola oil and a little bit of salt and you can make a baked potato with slightly crispy skin and fluffy insides.

If you have read this blog then you know that potatoes are my favorite savory food (cake is my favorite dessert). Now I love many foods, but if I had to pick one sweet and one savory, these are them. I even have a section of this blog just for all the delightful potato recipes we love.

Wrapping potatoes in foil does not hasten baking. On the contrary, since the foil itself has to be heated before the potato begins to bake, cooking times increase slightly. Not only do you get better baked potatoes when you bake them unwrapped, you also save money.
do baked potatoes cook faster with or without foil

What is the best kind of potato for baking?

Any potato can be baked but we think Russet potatoes are the best potatoes for baking because of their high starch content and low moisture.

See recipe card for the amounts we use.

do baked potatoes cook faster with or without foil

Potatoes – we like smaller potatoes (5-8 ounces) for a side dish and larger potatoes (9-12 ounces) for a main dish.

Oil – we use canola oil, vegetable oil or olive oil can be used if you are keeping the temperature at 350°. Some oils may have a lower smoke point so keep that in mind if you are using a different oil. Very Well Fit has a great article about the smoke point of different oils, so if you are thinking of baking your potatoes at a higher temperature then you might want to check it out.

Salt – we like kosher salt for this because it is coarse and sticks to the potato well. Sea salt or regular table salt will work if you don’t have kosher salt.

do baked potatoes cook faster with or without foil

What temperature should a baked potato be cooked at?

Somewhere between 350° and 400° works best. I like to keep mine down around 350° to ensure the inside gets cooked before the potato skin gets singed. It is okay to adjust oven temperature up or down a little, especially if you are making a main dish that needs to bake at a slightly lower or higher temperature.

The size of the potatoes plays a part here, but below are the temperatures and approximate times to bake 6-8 ounce potatoes.

  • 75-90 minutes at 325°
  • 45-60 minutes at 350°
  • 35-45 minutes at 400°

You will know the potato is done when a fork inserted into it slides in easy.

do baked potatoes cook faster with or without foil

Baked potatoes | Foil or no Foil


Is it better to bake potatoes in foil or not?

In the examples above you nearly double the cost of the potato for the 50 sheets, and for the 500 sheets add nearly 36% to the cost. NEVER BAKE POTATOES IN FOIL. Foil wraps will not decrease baking time, but will result in a soggy potato interior with wet skin.

How can I speed up the baking time of my potatoes?

Poke a potato several times with a fork and then microwave it until it is slightly soft, 6 to 12 minutes, flipping it halfway through microwaving. Transfer the potato to a 450-degree oven and bake it directly on the middle rack until a skewer glides easily through the flesh, about 20 minutes.

Why do restaurants bake potatoes in foil?

Some say wrapping baked potatoes in aluminum foil helps them cook faster (aluminum conducts heat, then traps it), and it does keep them hot for longer once they come out of the oven, which is why we think restaurants use this method. Wrapping potatoes will also give you a softer, steamed skin, if that’s what you like.

Is it better to bake a potato at 350 or 400?

We recommend baking potatoes at 400 degrees F for about an hour. Smaller spuds might take a little less time, while larger baking potatoes over 1 pound might take a little more. For a fully baked Idaho Russet Burbank, the internal temperature should be right at 210 degrees F.

Do potatoes bake faster if wrapped in foil?

Yes, potatoes bake quicker when they are wrapped in foil. The foil traps the heat and keeps the moisture in, which speeds up the cooking process. It also helps to prevent the skin from burning. However, some people prefer not to wrap their potatoes in foil as it can create a softer skin, and they prefer a crispier skin.

Is it healthy to eat a baked potato every day?

It is safe to consume potatoes every day as long as you cook them without much salt or saturated fats (fried). One medium-size potato can be part of a healthy diet, although it is better to combined other foods.

Is a foil baked potato better than a baked potato?

In reality, a foil baked potato is far inferior to a baked potato without foil. When cooked in aluminum foil, the potato actually steams instead of bakes. And steaming results in soggy skin and a moister, less fluffy interior.

Can you make a baked potato with foil?

Well, honestly we have never made a baked potato with foil! Restaurants use foil for there baking potatoes because the foil will keep the potato warm for hours until ready to be served. But, we love our potatoes with a crispier outside that comes from not using aluminum foil.

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