can you write on chocolate covered strawberries

Chocolate covered strawberries are a classic treat usually reserved for special occasions but are so easy to make they can be enjoyed anytime. Follow my tips and tricks and your strawberries will be better than buying those expensive gourmet berries . My family is kind of spoiled because I have always made these and over the years I have come up with a few things that really make life a little easier .


Clean you strawberries soaking them in a bowl full of water and a 1/4 of a cup of vinegar for 10-15 minutes . Rinse them and allow them to dry and come to room temperature . Before dipping pat each strawberry with each with a paper towel to make sure they are completely dry.

Melt your chocolate bark according to packages directions( I use the microwave) in a small bowl just big enough to dip the berries. Holding on the the leaves or stem dip the berries in the chocolate covering all sides . Scrape one side on the bowl and lay that side on the wax paper . This prevents the chocolate from puddling . ** If you leaves are too small to hold you can put a toothpick on that end to help dip it **

Melt a second chocolate -I like to use white chocolate. Place the melted chocolate in a piping bag or Ziplock bag , snip the end off the corner and drizzle over the strawberries. If you want to add sprinkles this would be a good time .

Put whatever melted chocolate remains after you’ve dipped all your berries into a piping bag (or use a plastic bag and snip a tiny bit of the bag’s corner off to make a piping bag). Trace the letters with the piping bag, then let the letters cool until the chocolate is solid.
can you write on chocolate covered strawberries

If you like this recipe check out these :

can you write on chocolate covered strawberries

Make An Order With Me ( Chocolate Covered Strawberries)


How do you put lines on chocolate-covered strawberries?

ALLOW chocolate to set. FILL a pastry bag or plastic storage bag with melted white chocolate. PIPE fine lines of white chocolate across chocolate-covered strawberry AND DON’T allow white chocolate to set. OR PULL white chocolate upwards toward stem of strawberry using a toothpick or skewer.

What to use to decorate chocolate-covered strawberries?

For some extra fun, use our Ceramic Fondue Set to dip your strawberries in melted Light Cocoa Candy Melts candy, then decorate using your favorite topping. We suggest mini chocolate chips, crushed pretzels, crushed chocolate cookies and, of course, sprinkles!

How long will chocolate-covered strawberries stay fresh?

How long do chocolate covered strawberries last in the refrigerator? They will typically last for up to two days in the refrigerator. They may last longer though. Simply inspect the strawberries: if the chocolate has fallen off or the tops of the strawberries appear mushy, you’ll probably want to toss them.

Can you leave chocolate-covered strawberries sitting out?

You can leave chocolate covered strawberries out overnight if you’ll be eating them within 24 hours. Otherwise, you can store them in the refrigerator and eat them within two to three days. However, they’re best enjoyed at room temperature within 24 hours.

Can you eat chocolate covered strawberries at room temperature?

Serve each chocolate covered strawberry at room temperature. The chocolate won’t crumble as much and it’s better to not bite into a freezing cold strawberry. Once you have your strawberries, chocolates, and coconut oil ready, it’s time to start prepping. Line a plate or baking sheet with parchment paper. Clean the strawberries.

Are strawberries healthy?

Strawberries are a healthy addition to the diet. Strawberries and other berries(blueberries, blackberries, raspberries) are abundant in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds called anthocyanins, which are responsible for their dark pigments as well as some of their health benefits like brain health. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that supports immune function and wound healing. Vitamin C also increases the absorption of iron from foods, which can be useful for individuals with low iron status. It is sensible to enjoy a variety of fresh berries regularly throughout the week and daily if possible. Frozen strawberries are also a good choice because the low temperatures help retain their vitamin C content.

How do you eat chocolate covered strawberries?

You can dip the strawberries in the bowl of melted chocolate or transfer the melted chocolate to a shot glass, which makes dipping straight up and down easy. Serve each chocolate covered strawberry at room temperature. The chocolate won’t crumble as much and it’s better to not bite into a freezing cold strawberry.

Do chocolate covered strawberries clump?

Chocolate Covered Strawberries are an easy, delicious treat to make as an edible gift or elegant dessert at home, and perfect for Valentine’s day or any special occasion. I share tips below that ensure smooth, beautiful chocolate that doesn’t clump or seize up.

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