can you use frozen peaches in place of fresh

I want to make a stonefruit pie this weekend, but they arent quite yet in season. If I substitute frozen peaches and cherries for fresh, will it still taste good (i.e. flavor and texture)? Has anyone had experience making pies with frozen fruit? Thanks so much!

Frozen peaches are uncooked—just like fresh peaches—so they’re a perfect substitute for fresh produce when it’s out of season. They’re particularly great for smoothies, but you can use frozen peaches in any baked recipe as well.
can you use frozen peaches in place of fresh

Its almost winter and there arent any fresh peaches. I would like to make for a holiday dessert!

I want to make a stonefruit pie this weekend, but they arent quite yet in season. If I substitute frozen peaches and cherries for fresh, will it still taste good (i.e. flavor and texture)? Has anyone had experience making pies with frozen fruit? Thanks so much!

How to Freeze Fresh Peaches


Do frozen peaches taste like fresh peaches?

Sure, they don’t dazzle quite like the platonic ideal of the season’s finest fresh fruit, but frozen peaches are harvested and preserved at their peak, so they’re packed with flavor.

Are peaches good after frozen?

Once done, remove the sliced peaches and put them into an air tight plastic bag, placing them in the deepest part of your freezer. Glad® Flex’n Seal bags are a perfect way to keep your fruit protected while frozen, which will allow them to stay fresh 2-3 months.

Are frozen peaches good for baking?

Secondly, apart from being convenient and easy to use, frozen peaches are more likely to be predictable and consistent in terms of quality and taste, making them a better choice to bake over fresh. You may think frozen peaches aren’t juicy, but the opposite is true.

Are frozen peaches as nutritious as fresh?

Because fruit is frozen quickly, it retains nutritional value. If your fresh fruit is truly fresh, the nutrient value may be similar. If your fresh fruit was shipped and sat on store shelves for a while, it may contain fewer nutrients.

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