can you substitute granulated sugar for rock sugar

Chinese yellow rock sugar is lumps of crystallized sugar made from unprocessed sugar cane. It has a yellow tinge to it and is often used in Asian cooking.

Substitutions. If you don’t have this ingredient on hand or can’t find it, granulated white or brown sugar will work just fine as a substitute.
can you substitute granulated sugar for rock sugar

How Do You Use It?

Rock sugar is less sweet than granulated sugar, but it has no distinct flavor to it besides being sweet but it is great at lightly sweetening anything without an overpowering sweetness. When used in marinades and sauces, it can also impart a nice shiny sheen to the food.

How to Substitute Rock Sugar

If you cannot find this type of sugar, you can substitute it with cane sugar or white sugar. It doesnt substitute 1:1 since rock sugar is a little less sweet, so put a little less sugar if you are substituting it.

Super Quick Video Tips: How to Turn Granulated Sugar into Superfine and Confectioners’ Sugar


Can I substitute white sugar for rock sugar?

According to this, it is less sweet than regular white sugar which can be used if rock sugar is not available.

Is rock sugar the same as granulated sugar?

Some people believe rock sugar is healthier than white granulated sugar. However, there is no scientific evidence to support that rock sugar has distinct health benefits over granulated sugar. Moreover, rock sugar is often made from refined white sugar, making its chemical composition identical.

Can you use rock sugar in baking?

Rock sugar can be used to sweeten a variety of dishes, including fruits, vegetables, and meats. It can also be used to make syrups, desserts, and drinks. To cook with rock sugar, it should be slowly melted in a saucepan over low heat until it dissolves and becomes a syrup. The syrup can then be added to a recipe.

Is rock sugar better than regular sugar in phở?

You need to use twice the amount of rock sugar by weight to achieve the same level of sweetness. This precise control over sweetness is ideal for fine-tuning your phở broth. Additionally, the sweetness provided by rock sugar has a distinct character separate from granulated sugar.

What can I substitute for rock sugar?

Instead, it contains magnesium, potassium, and calcium, leaving long-lasting energy in your body. Brown sugar can be substituted for rock sugars by using a tablespoon for a crystal of rock sugar or granulated rock sugar. 3. Sugar Canes

What is the best sugar substitute?

Stevia, monk fruit, certain sugar alcohols, and allulose are much lower in calories than table sugar and do not significantly affect blood sugar levels, making them a smart alternative to refined sugar.

What is a substitute for granulated sugar?

You can use brown sugar as a substitute for granulated sugar in a 1:1 ratio. 3. Raw Sugar Also called turbinado sugar or Demerara sugar, is a variety of sugar with larger granules and a small amount of molasses.

Can you replace yellow rock sugar with white sugar?

You can replace yellow rock sugar with granulated white sugar too since they are generally both used for adding a sweet flavor to the dish. The taste will be the same if you level the sweetness of white sugar. To maintain a balance, for each crystal of yellow sugar, take one tablespoon of white sugar.

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