can you soften apples in the microwave

I’m super lucky that my kids LOVE fruit, but sometimes we all need a bit more of a “dessert” feel than just munching on a raw apple. I have been making this recipe for microwave cinnamon apples for years now. We ALL love it! And I love that it takes about 5-10 minutes, tops. The boys will eat this up and it’s a treat for Hubby and I, too.

Peel, core and dice apple into bite sized (small) pieces. Place apple pieces in microwave safe dish and add 2 tablespoons water. Microwave apple on High 1-3 minutes. Check on it and stir every 20-30 seconds or so until it reaches desired tenderness.
can you soften apples in the microwave

How do you use up apples?

While Fall is apple season, there is usually a great supply of different apples year round and we usually have apples lying around, because we love them! We like to change it up with whatever is on sale and try new apples. Have you ever visited a store that has all of these apples that you have never even heard of before? It’s apple paradise! Once you make this recipe, you will find that any apple works. We prefer Gala, Golden Delicious, or Fuji, but have used other kinds, as well. Feel free to adjust or omit the honey, try a different sweetener, and any add-ins you’d like. Go crazy with this recipe, it’s guaranteed delicious!

can you soften apples in the microwave

Did you know that 15,000 different breeds of apples once grew in the US! Apple growers have tried for years to make a new apple for every taste and preference. Some prefer tart apples or sweet apples, and some are looking for flavored apples or apples that don’t brown after you cut them. With all of this apple perfecting going on, I prefer to shop organic to know that my apples are not messed around with too much!

​What spices can I use?

This recipe is for cinnamon apples, but you for sure can use any spices, especially if you want that apple pie filling feel. You can add nutmeg and allspice along with cinnamon that is common in apple pie spice, or you could use pumpkin pie spice, even, which includes ground cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and sometimes allspice.

can you soften apples in the microwave

How to Make Baked Cinnamon Apples in the Microwave | TheVegetarianBaker


How do you soften hard apples?

You can peel the apples, or you can leave the skin on for a little extra texture. Either way, chop your apples into small pieces and place them into a boiling pot of water. Boil the apples in the pot until they start to soften. This should take no longer than 15 minutes.

How do you dry apples in the microwave?

For Apples Arrange thinly sliced apple rounds on the glass tray in your microwave. Be sure not to overlap the slices. Lightly pat the slices with a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. Microwave the apple slices on DEFROST mode for 15 minutes, flipping every 5 minutes.

How long does it take to soften apples in the microwave?

Microwave the apples in 1- to 2-minute intervals depending on how soft you want the apples and how many you are cooking. Check the apples after each minute until they reach the desired consistency. If you’re softening the apples only so they’re easier to chew, it may only take 1 minute in the microwave.

Do fruits lose their health benefits when microwaved with my oatmeal?

Like all cooking methods, some nutrients may be lost during cooking. For microwaving, water soluble vitamins in fruits such as vitamin C and B will be reduced. Fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K will not have a significant effect on microwaving. However, since microwaving takes a short period of time, nutrient loss will be minimized compared to other cooking methods.

How do you soften apples before microwaving?

One popular option is to sprinkle some cinnamon over them before microwaving them as well as some white sugar. It’ll turn out to be a rather tasty treat that your kids will love and you’re going to wind up liking it a lot, too. People also soften apples up by just cooking them on the stove and making something out of them.

Can You microwave apples?

How to make the best microwave apples. This quick & easy, 5-minute cinnamon dessert is the perfect cure for last-minute sweet tooth cravings. Slice or dice apples into a microwave-safe bowl. Add brown sugar and cinnamon. Stir to coat the sliced apples well. Add sliced butter on top.

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