can you put baking powder in chocolate chip cookies

My favorite type of recipe to bake is absolutely COOKIES. They’re so fun and simple and can teach us SO much about the science of baking.

The Ultimate Guide to Chocolate Chip Cookies is still one of my most popular posts, visited by over two million people.

That post inspired the creation of my second cookbook, The Ultimate Cookie Handbook. And since THOUSANDS of you have purchased that cookbook, I think it’s clear that we’re all obsessed with cookies here.

That’s why I’m SO thrilled to share this Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe with you today. In my opinion, it’s the perfect easy everyday chocolate chip cookie recipe. This homemade recipe is simple to make and yields thick, beautiful golden brown cookies, crisp at the edges and gooey at the center.

Watch the video below to step into my kitchen and see exactly how to bake these delicious cookies with me. I give tons of tips and tricks for getting perfectly thick cookies with chocolate chunks, and you can see what every step of this recipe should look like!

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”NfieA4z7″ upload-date=”2019-05-18T16:19:30.000Z” name=”Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Cookies” description=”Ultra thick Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Cookies feature golden brown edges with ooey and gooey centers. This easy recipe can be made in 30 minutes! ” player-type=”default” override-embed=”default”]

There’s actually a time-lapse video shot of these cookies cooling right after I took them out of the oven. You can see that they hardly shrink or deflate as they cool. If you only beat the butter and sugar for 2 to 3 minutes max, your cookies shouldn’t deflate!

In a medium bowl mix flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Set aside. Cream together butter and sugars until combined. Beat in eggs and vanilla until light (about 1 minute).
can you put baking powder in chocolate chip cookies

How to Make The Best Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Cookies

The key to the best soft cookies is to take the chocolate chip cookies out of the oven just before they look like they’re done baking. They should still appear slightly wet in the very center. The residual heat of the oven and pan will finish cooking the cookies through to soft perfection once you allow them to cool completely.

Also, measure your flour correctly to improve your baking forever. Too much flour will lead to dry, dense, or crumbly chocolate chip cookies that barely spread.

When making cookies, be sure your butter is at a cool room temperature before beating with your sugar. It shouldn’t be greasy or overly soft otherwise it’ll melt and spread the cookies too much.

The warmer your chocolate chip cookie dough is when it enters the oven, the thinner and flatter your cookies will be. To prevent flat cookies, try freezing your balls of cookie dough while your oven preheats. Learn more about how to bake THICK cookies here.

Better yet, refrigerate your chocolate chip cookie dough for 24 to 48 hours. This ‘marination’ process will transform your chocolate chip cookies by making them thicker, chewier, and more flavorful! Plus, this is a perfect way to make your delicious cookies ahead of time. Read more about the magic of chilling your cookie dough here. NOTE: chilling is OPTIONAL for this recipe but using chilled dough will enhance your cookies!

One of the keys to CHEWY chocolate chip cookies is to use more brown sugar than granulated sugar. The molasses in the brown sugar draws in more moisture, making the cookies thicker, softer, and chewier.

For extra chewy cookies, try adding an extra egg yolk to this recipe. You can also replace half or all of the all-purpose flour in this recipe with bread flour for an ultra chewy bite.

For the BEST chocolate chip cookies, make the recipe below keeping these top tips in mind:

  • Use a kitchen scale to measure your ingredients for the BEST most consistent results.
  • Make the recipe exactly as written, without substitutions, at least the first time you bake it.

Use the correct baking pan and a spring-loaded cookie scoop for bakery-quality cookies at home. More on that below!

Using a stainless steel spring-loaded cookie scoop when portioning out cookie dough is one of the KEYS to beautiful, uniform, evenly-shaped and evenly-baked cookies. My cookie scoop is one of my most frequently used kitchen gadgets. A spring-loaded scoop saves you *so much time* in forming the balls of dough. When using a scoop, you ensure each ball is evenly sized so the cookies bake evenly, meaning you don’t have any small overbaked cookies or large underbaked cookies. Learn more about Cookie Scoops and how to use them here!

Baking powder and baking soda are both chemical leaveners that work to create light textures in baked goods.

Although baking powder actually contains baking soda, the two leaveners are very different. Baking powder and baking soda are not interchangeable – just take a look at the impact the type of leavener used had on each of the cookies below!

Find out more in my Baking Soda vs. Baking Powder article here.

Take a look at the chocolate chip cookies below. These cookies are all the same batch of cookie dough, baked at the same temperature of 350°F, baked for the same amount of time of 12 minutes. The only difference? The type of baking pan used!

Check out my Best (and WORST) Baking Pans article here for more details on the science of baking pans.

How to Keep Chocolate Chip Cookies Fresh

The best cookies are the freshest, there’s no magical way around that. However, here are a few tricks to keeping them fresh and soft for as long as possible!

I love the taste of cookies straight from the oven the best. I always keep pre-scooped balls of chocolate chip cookie dough in a resealable bag in my freezer, so I can bake cookies off and have them warm from the oven in a matter of minutes whenever I want. Here are more tips for freezing cookie dough.

But for those times when you need to keep already-baked cookies soft, see below for my tips. First of all, most cookies can be stored in an airtight container at room temp for up to 5 days. Be sure they are completely cooled before storing.

To keep your baked chocolate chip cookies soft, you can add an apple wedge, piece of bread, or a tortilla on the top and bottom of the cookies to the container a day or two after baking them, or whenever you find the texture starting to harden. The moisture from the bread or apple will migrate to your cookies, making them soft and chewy again.

A tortilla is a favorite of mine because it takes up much less room than a slice of bread, and doesn’t transfer any flavors or aromas like an apple wedge. Not to mention, it fits into a round cookie tin pretty perfectly.

What I like to do is reheat and refresh the cookies in a 350°F oven for 3-5 minutes. Your toaster oven should work just fine. This improves the texture and there’s nothing like a warm chocolate chip cookie!

Cookie Science: Baking Soda vs. Baking Powder


What happens if I put baking powder in chocolate chip cookies?

It’s easy to slip up and use baking powder instead of baking soda — but if you do, the chocolate chips will probably taste a little different. Using baking powder resulted in a chewy cookie — the kind of chewy where my teeth stuck together a little when I chomped down.

Can I substitute baking powder for baking soda in chocolate chip cookies?

Baking Soda Substitute You technically can use baking powder as a baking soda alternative, but you’ll need to consider a few factors first: Baking soda is generally about three times stronger than baking powder, so adjust your recipe accordingly.

Does baking powder make cookies hard or soft?

Baking powder Baking powder contains sodium bicarbonate and acidic salts. The reaction of these two ingredients results in a cookie that is soft and thick, but slightly harder.

What happens if you don’t put baking soda in cookies?

You technically can leave out baking soda in certain recipes (like chocolate chip cookies or pancakes) in a pinch, but you need to understand that your finished product will not be as light and fluffy as the recipe intended. Unless you have no other option, you really should use a leavening substitute.

Do you put baking soda or baking powder in chocolate chip cookies?

If you have a craving for homemade chocolate chip cookies and are raiding your pantry for the ingredients, you may wonder over the purpose of putting baking soda or baking powder into your dough. These ingredients provide lift and fluffiness to the cookies but work in slightly different ways and will influence the texture of your cookies.

What is the recipe for making cookie dough?

There are many recipes, some healthy and most not. The recipe can vary according to your personal taste, but I’ll put a recipe here: Ingredients (20 servings) 1 whole egg 2 cups rolled oats 1/3 cup chopped nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, peanuts) 1/3 cup raisins (white and black) 1/3 cup chocolate chips 1/3 cup coconut oil 3/4 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 2 tablespoons cocoa powder 1 teaspoon powdered yeast Method of preparation 1. Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mass and it is no longer sticking to your hands. 2. Separate the dough into small portions with the help of a tablespoon, make balls and flatten them to form a disc. 3. Put them in the mold (no need to grease the mold) 4. Take to preheated oven at 150°C for approximately 15 minutes. 5. Remove from the oven and let it cool, so they will be firm and dry.

How do you make chocolate chip cookies less chewy?

How to modify the recipe: Increase flour up to 3-1/2 cups. Adding more flour to chocolate chip cookie dough will create a stiffer dough that spreads less in the oven. These cookies tend to be a bit denser but end up chewy in the middle—almost to the point of being underdone. This is a great hack if you’re a cookie dough fan.

How do you make chocolate chip cookies?

Cream together butter and sugars in a stand mixer (or in a large bowl with a hand mixer) until light and fluffy. Mix in egg and vanilla. In a separate bowl shift together flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Slowly mix this add this to your mixture until combined. Fold in chocolate chips.

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