can you put a smoker in the garage

Wondering can you use a pellet smoker in the garage? Well, it’s a common question, and I’m going to answer it for you!

I get it, using your pellet smoker in garage is convenient! Especially, if it is cold or wet out and you’re looking to smoker up your favorite beer can chicken recipe!

But, whilst it may seem like a good idea, there are several risk factors you’ll need to consider!

That said, I personally do not use a pellet smoker in the garage, nor do I recommend it. And in this article, I am going to explain why.

I wouldn’t use a smoker or charcoal grill in the garage, even with the garage door open. The smoke gets in everything and stays there for a long time. I would recommend a smoke shelter for around your smoker to help retain the heat.
can you put a smoker in the garage

Why Would You Want To Use Your Pellet Smoker In The Garage?

Firstly, let’s look at why someone might want to use their pellet smoker in the garage:

The garage is often an easily accessible and convenient location to set up and use a pellet smoker, especially during inclement weather where using your pellet smoker in heavy rain poses several dangers such as electrocution.

Garages often have more space than outdoor patios or decks, which makes it easier to set up and use a pellet smoker.

Garages are typically enclosed spaces that can be insulated, which makes it easier to maintain a consistent temperature for smoking, especially in winter months.

Smoking meat can produce strong odors that linger in the air, using the pellet smoker in a garage can help contain the smell.

Garages can help control the smoke and keep it away from neighbors or people passing by.

Garages generally have a power supply which you will need when using your pellet smoker. So, rather than using extension cords, you may be tempted to utilize your garage.

But just because you may want to, doesn’t make it a great idea!

You may also like our guide on an electric smoker vs pellet smoker!

Risks Of Using Pellet Smoker In Garage

It is a huge risk to use a pellet smoker in the garage!

Not only can you potentially cause irreparable damage to your home and property, but you could also be putting yourself and those around you at serious risk.

Using a pellet smoker in indoors locations such as your garage has numerous consequences that must be taken into consideration before making any decisions.

Using a pellet smoker in a garage can be a fire risk because of the potential for the smoker to come into contact with flammable materials. Some of the ways that this can happen include:

  • Placement on combustible surface: If the smoker is placed on a combustible surface, such as wood or carpet, it could ignite a fire.
  • Overheating: If the smoker overheats, it could cause a fire. This can happen if the smoker is left on for too long, or if it is placed too close to flammable materials.
  • Electrical issues: If the smoker has any electrical issues, such as frayed wires or a malfunctioning thermostat, it could cause a fire.
  • Oil or grease: If oil or grease from the food being smoked drips onto the heating element, it could cause a fire.
  • Improper maintenance: If the smoker is not properly maintained, it could cause a fire. This could include cleaning out ash and debris or replacing worn parts. I highly recommend checking out my cleaning guide if you’re wondering how to clean a pellet grill!

If a pellet smoker caught fire in a garage, it could potentially cause serious damage to the garage and surrounding property.

If you have not followed the manufacturer’s manual for a safe location to use your grill, then you may void any insurances.

Again, personally I do not see the risk being worth it, no matter how delicious your Traeger smoked brisket is!

Using A Pellet Grill In The Garage? (Watch This First!)


Is it safe to use a Traeger in a garage?

If possible, position your grill in an area that’s protected from harsh winds. That said, never attempt to use your pellet grill inside a garage or have it too close to a wall or overhang, which can be a fire hazard.

How far should a smoker be from the house?

A good rule of thumb is to place your grill or smoker at least 10 feet away from your home’s exterior. If your grill or smoker is any closer, it could damage your home’s siding. Assuming your home has vinyl siding, for example, the heat from a charcoal- or wood-burning grill could melt the siding.

Is smoking in garage safe?

Smoking In the Garage: The Bottom Line While the motivations are in the right place, the fact is smoking in the garage can do just as much damage as smoking directly in the home. And the facts regarding smoking in an open-air environment prove that it doesn’t matter if you’re smoking in a well-ventilated garage.

Is there a smoker that can be used indoors?

An indoor meat smoker is an appliance that is used in a variety of foodservice settings for cooking and smoking meat. You can smoke and barbecue many different types of meats in an indoor meat smoker, like beef, pork, and poultry.

Can you use an electric smoker in the garage?

Using an electric smoker in the garage can cause serious smoke damage if you aren’t careful. Strong ventilation is super important to prevent smoke damage and with the smell after you’re done cooking. Don’t get me wrong, I love the smokey smell that is a byproduct of grilling meats.

Can you make the garage a smoking area?

One solution that few people consider is making the garage a smoking area. With the right setup, the garage can become a comfortable place for smokers to go, leaving you without the guilt of banishing them outside, and saving your home from unwanted cigarette smoke results.

Do smokers want to stay in a garage?

While smokers are used to standing to smoke, there’s no telling how long they’ll want to stay in a garage as comfortable as yours, so you should provide them with a place they can sit and be a bit more comfortable. Tables are important too, in case guests bring drinks or food out.

Can you use a grill in a garage?

Obviously, any grill or smoker with a flame you should absolutely not use in a garage under any circumstances . With electric grills and electric smokers, it’s a little more of a gray area.

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