Pureeing Carrots for Babies: A Comprehensive Guide

Pureeing carrots is a simple and nutritious way to introduce your baby to solid foods. Carrots are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. They are also relatively easy to digest, making them a good choice for babies who are just starting to eat solid foods.

Can You Puree Raw Carrots?

Yes, you can puree raw carrots. However, it is important to note that raw carrots are harder to digest than cooked carrots. If your baby is under 6 months old, it is best to cook the carrots before pureeing them.

How to Puree Carrots

There are two ways to puree carrots:

  1. Using a blender or food processor: This is the easiest way to puree carrots. Simply add the carrots to the blender or food processor and blend until smooth. You can add a little bit of liquid (breast milk, formula, or water) to help the carrots blend more easily.
  2. Using a food mill: A food mill is a manual device that can be used to puree carrots. To use a food mill, simply place the carrots in the hopper and turn the crank. The pureed carrots will come out of the spout.

Tips for Pureeing Carrots

  • Use fresh, ripe carrots.
  • Peel the carrots before pureeing them.
  • Cut the carrots into small pieces before pureeing them.
  • Add a little bit of liquid (breast milk, formula, or water) to help the carrots blend more easily.
  • Puree the carrots until they are smooth.

How to Store Pureed Carrots

Pureed carrots can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. You can also freeze pureed carrots for up to 6 months. To freeze pureed carrots, simply place them in an airtight container and freeze.

Serving Pureed Carrots

Pureed carrots can be served on their own or mixed with other pureed foods. You can also add pureed carrots to soups, stews, and casseroles.

Benefits of Pureeing Carrots

Pureeing carrots offers several benefits for babies, including:

  • Provides essential nutrients: Carrots are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber.
  • Easy to digest: Pureed carrots are relatively easy to digest, making them a good choice for babies who are just starting to eat solid foods.
  • Promotes healthy vision: Vitamin A is essential for healthy vision.
  • Boosts immunity: Vitamin C helps to boost the immune system.
  • Prevents constipation: Fiber helps to prevent constipation.

Pureeing carrots is a simple and nutritious way to introduce your baby to solid foods. Carrots are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. They are also relatively easy to digest, making them a good choice for babies who are just starting to eat solid foods.

What’s the best way to store this baby food?

This Carrot Baby Food can be kept in the freezer or refrigerator in tiny, airtight containers. I like to portion the puree into an ice cube tray and freeze it for the entire night in order to freeze it. Next, for longer-term storage, move the frozen cubes to a freezer bag. For complete information, refer to the recipe’s Notes section.

Can I combine this baby food with other purees?

TIP: Find my go-to no-cook Baby Food Recipes here.

can you puree raw carrots

To store this carrot puree, place into airtight containers and store in the fridge for up to 5 days. Or portion into an ice cube tray and freeze overnight. Transfer to a freezer bag and seal, removing as much air as possible, and freeze for up to 6 months. Thaw overnight in the fridge and stir if any separation occurs.

How To Make Baby Food Carrot Puree Recipe


Do you have to peel carrots before puree?

If you want a smooth puree for a soup or baby food, then peeling would be the way to go, Blanchard says.

Can babies eat blended raw carrots?

Raw carrots are generally safe for babies to eat, but it’s recommended to cook them until soft for babies under 8 months old to help with digestion and reduce the risk of choking.

Is it safe to puree carrots for baby?

Carrots make a fantastic option for weaning babies due to the yummy flavour and versatility in preparation options. If you’re following a more traditional weaning journey, then boiled carrots can easily be mashed or pureed, making it a great option for spoon-fed babies.

Is carrot puree good for you?

Cooked, pureed carrots do not lose their nutritional value, and may contain more health-giving properties than crunchy raw carrots, according to University of Arkansas researchers.

Can You puree raw carrots?

Pureeing raw carrots does not work well, you will not get a silky smooth texture. How to store carrot puree? Store your carrot puree in a clean airtight container or jar in the refrigerator for up to 4 days, or freeze for up to four months. Combine with other purees such as apple puree, zucchini puree or broccoli puree.

Can one drink carrot juice?

Carrot juice is incredibly nutritious, providing potassium, several carotenoids, and vitamins A, C, and K. Drinking this veggie juice may help improve eye health, boost your immune system, and strengthen your skin.

Can you eat carrot puree?

However, purees can be a great way to add fruit or vegetables to a meal. Carrot puree can add colour, nutrition and flavour to many meals. Why not try: Serving it as a base for your meal or a colourful accompaniment. (Try topping it with chicken or pan-fried fish) Mixing it with mashed potato to make carrot and potato mash.

Can you make carrot puree with steamed carrots?

You can also make carrot puree with steamed carrots. So next time you steam carrots, make extra for a carrot purée later in the week. I often cook “au pif,” as we say in France, which means cooking without an exact recipe and by “feel” using your intuition.

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