can you make hand sanitizer with shea butter

It used to be that kids would just wash their hands with soap and water at school. But now, they’re being asked to use hand sanitizer, and that’s a problem. Most hand sanitizing products contain synthetic fragrances and some contain a chemical called triclosan. Synthetic fragrances may be embedded with phthalates, a chemical cocktail that can trigger allergies in kids, including asthma and eczema, reports the National Institutes of Health. Triclosan is supposed to kill germs. But doctors worry that the antimicrobial agents in triclosan might actually reduce our ability to fight bacteria and limit the effectiveness of antibiotics, plus trigger health problems in kids.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say unequivocally that “washing hands with soap and water is the best way” to reduce the presence of germs, as well as get rid of dirt and grime.

If soap and water are not available, the CDC recommends using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. When you shop online or in a store, read the label before you buy any hand sanitizing product. In addition to having an alcohol content of 60% or more, choose a sanitizer that is free of triclosan phthalates, fragrances, and parabens, endocrine-disrupting chemicals which are sometimes added as a preservative as well as an antimicrobial. Big Green Purse has listed five triclosan-free hand sanitizers here if you want to get an idea of what’s available commercially.

Hand sanitizers come as foams, gels, sprays, and wipes. All of these work equally well as long as they contain 60% alcohol, reports the Berkeley Wellness website at the University of California. Applying hand sanitizer to dirty hands maybe not be effective, since the dirt creates a barrier that hand sanitizers can’t penetrate. It’s better to wash hands first, then use the sanitizer if you’re going to use it all.

One problem with alcohol is that it can dry out skin. When you buy, look for sanitizers that contain aloe vera, coconut oil, or other plant-based oils to provide a moisturizer.

Want some fragrance? Add a few drops of organic essential oils, such as lavender, lemon, vanilla or rose. Smell your mixture as you add the oils to be sure you don’t overdo it. When you’re done, try a dab of the mixture on your skin to make sure it doesn’t irritate you.

If you prefer a sanitizer that contains no rubbing alcohol, Tiffany Washko of Nature Moms gave us permission to reprint her recipe:

Put in a jar and shake well, then transfer to an empty, clean liquid soap dispenser with a pump.

Editorial Note: September 2016, the FDA banned triclosan from consumer soap. We applaud this step towards cleaning up personal care products.

can you make hand sanitizer with shea butter

Want some fragrance? Add a few drops of organic essential oils, such as lavender, lemon, vanilla or rose. Smell your mixture as you add the oils to be sure you don’t overdo it. When you’re done, try a dab of the mixture on your skin to make sure it doesn’t irritate you.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say unequivocally that “washing hands with soap and water is the best way” to reduce the presence of germs, as well as get rid of dirt and grime.

Put in a jar and shake well, then transfer to an empty, clean liquid soap dispenser with a pump.

One problem with alcohol is that it can dry out skin. When you buy, look for sanitizers that contain aloe vera, coconut oil, or other plant-based oils to provide a moisturizer.

If you prefer a sanitizer that contains no rubbing alcohol, Tiffany Washko of Nature Moms gave us permission to reprint her recipe:

Now, please hear me out. I’m not talking about smothering our bodies in buckets of dirt and rubbing our hands on every public grocery cart in the store. Please don’t do that! Instead, let’s avoid the constant urge to sanitize our living conditions with millions of toxins in a state of paranoia. Cleaning is good, very good! But a little bit of healthy dirt (allowing our kids to run around outside, garden, and get dirty every now and then) is wonderful for the immune system. In fact, our guts need good bacteria to fight off the bad guys–this is an important aspect to having a healthy and thriving immune system.

Before kids I had a “thing” (me and my “things”) against dirt, but oh my, how things changed once my first baby entered the picture. Suddenly messes and dirt (and other unmentionables) stuck to my hair, clothes, skin, and house like cheese on a good grass-fed burger. The need to embrace dirt (not being dirty, just a few extra clingy good germs) became apparent.

Before we throw away our soap and hand sanitizer, I would like to tell you that I believe in cleanliness. I believe a good liquid hand soap is important to stock in the kitchen and bathroom, laundry soap is a necessity (obviously), and body wash is a smart choice. I also believe hand sanitizer has a time and place: after handling money or touching the never-washed grocery store carts.

There are few issues that stir up a group of “crunchy” (naturally-minded, real-foodie, homemade) ladies as much as hand sanitizer.

Okay, maybe vaccines. But, we’re not going there. Let’s stick with dirty hands and the clear liquid found in millions of purses and classrooms across America.

DIY Hand Sanitizer


How do you make natural hand sanitizer without alcohol?

-To prepare the concoction, start by mixing aloe vera gel (2-3 tablespoons) in a bowl. To this, add a few drops of witch hazel and essential oils of your liking. It is preferred that you use essential oils which are mild and help fight the bacteria spread. -Give this mixture a good mix.

How to make hand sanitizer?

Make the hand sanitizer in a clean space. Wipe down countertops with a diluted bleach solution beforehand. Wash your hands thoroughly before making the hand sanitizer. To mix, use a clean spoon and whisk. Wash these items thoroughly before using them. Make sure the alcohol used for the hand sanitizer is not diluted.

Can shea butter be used for baking?

Yes, it is a healthy option for cooking and baking. However, it is important to note that shea butter has a strong, distinctive flavor that may not be suitable for all dishes. Also, it can be difficult to find in conventional supermarkets.

What is shea butter used for?

Shea butter can also be used to relieve pain and heal damage caused by sunburns. The natural oils in shea butter help to soothe irritated skin and speed up the healing process. Mix in a few drops of lavender to enhance the soothing effect. 3. Stretch Mark Prevention During pregnancy, many women use shea butter to help prevent stretch marks.

Does glycerin make a good hand sanitizer?

Glycerin is a humectant. That means that when used in skincare products, it helps draw moisture into the skin. Because alcohol can be drying to the skin, adding a humectant can combat that dryness and keep your skin feeling soft. Glycerin definitely improves the feel of my homemade hand sanitizer.

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