can you leave water in coffee maker overnight

Do you routinely leave water in a coffee maker’s reservoir overnight? If so, you are not alone. More than 50% of Americans who consume coffee fill up water reservoirs and leave it overnight for a cup of coffee in the morning. I do that, too. I can wake up to immediately enjoy my favorite beverage of the day. In addition, some smart coffee makers, including an Alexa coffee maker, require water in the tank, so leaving water overnight makes perfect sense. However, is it ok to leave water in a coffee machine for extended period of times, like overnight? Let’s answer this question today!

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If the water has been sitting in the coffee maker for an extended period of time, it is recommended to dump it out and refill the machine with fresh water before brewing a new pot of coffee. To ensure the best quality coffee, it is always recommended to start with fresh water and clean the coffee maker regularly.
can you leave water in coffee maker overnight

Many people leave water in coffee makers for extended periods of time

When it comes to brewing coffee, things are getting easier and easier.

At the same time, we care about drinking high quality, delicious coffee. Therefore, we tend to buy nicer coffee machines. Not only do these coffee makers come with the ability to brew excellent cups of coffee with minimal supervision. They offer new features, which make coffee brewing easier, faster and more accessible. One of those features is the ability to fill up water reservoirs to brew coffee QUICKLY at any time we desire.

One feature coffee machines pride themselves in are large water reservoirs.

  • Drip coffee makers typically need larger water reservoirs. They brew whole carafes (typically 8 cups or more), and they just need more water to brew.
  • Single cup coffee makers, espresso machines or smaller drip coffee makers may not necessarily need large water tanks. However, their ability to hold more water serves our comfort and affords us unparalleled convenience.

If we brew just a cup or two of coffee every day, should we leave water in the reservoir for coffee? Is the water we leave in the tank for two or three days in a row, or even only overnight, still fine for a cup of coffee?

Is it fine to leave water in a reservoir overnight for a cup of coffee in the morning?

Owly Choice reader George

In the US and Canada, many coffee makers are designed to keep water hot. As a result, these coffee makers can brew coffee quickly and conveniently.

Despite this, many coffee lovers wonder whether it is fine to leave tap water in the water reservoir of a coffee maker overnight.

Though there are certain risks such as a possibility of bacteria growth, water staleness, depositing minerals and potential contamination, it should generally be fine to sporadically leave water in a coffee maker’s reservoir overnight. The ultimate decision needs to be carefully examined by balancing benefits with potential drawbacks.

How to fix a coffee maker that won’t brew all the water!


How long can water sit in a coffee maker?

Generally speaking, one of the biggest don’ts is leaving water in your coffee maker. Overnight or even for a couple of days is fine, but you definitely don’t want to leave water in your Keurig for a week or longer (via Roasty Coffee).

Is it OK to leave coffee in maker overnight?

Hygiene: Leaving coffee grounds in your coffee machine for an extended period can promote the growth of mold and bacteria, potentially affecting the taste of your coffee and posing health risks.

Should you let your coffee maker dry out?

Germs grow easily in a warm, moist environment. Prevent germs in your coffee maker by discarding wet grounds after each brew. Also, leave the lid open after washing to let the inside dry out.

Is it OK to set up coffee maker the night before?

Refrain from setting up your coffee too early. We know it’s tempting to prep those grounds and water the night before. However, the flavor of the brew will be better if you hold out until morning.

Can you leave water in a coffee maker overnight?

It is generally safe to leave water in your coffee maker overnight, but you need to be aware of what could happen if you leave the water in there for longer than 12 hours at a time. Negative consequences include stale water, bacteria growth, and mineral deposits.

Can we drink coffee at night?

This is actually dependent on your genetic profile, more specifically on the ADORA2 gene. Depending on the variation of the ADORA2 gene you poses, caffeine is more or less likely to affect your sleep. Those with the sensitive variation of the ADORA2 gene should avoid consuming caffeine in the afternoon, and no later than 3pm. Those with the less sensitive versions of the ADORA2 gene can consume coffee (caffeine) much closer to bed time without experiencing any negative side effects. Tolerance can also play a role. This means the more regularly you consume caffeine before bed time, the less likely it is to effect your sleep and vice versa.

What happens if you leave water in a coffee maker?

One of the most significant issues that can arise from leaving water in your coffee maker for a long period is the growth of bacteria. Water that is exposed to the air for a minimum of 12 hours can begin to lose some of its PH, which means the taste could be altered.

How long can you leave water in a coffee reservoir?

The time you can leave water in a coffee reservoir varies greatly depending on who you ask. Some sources show that water can stay in a machine for up to two days before bacteria will grow. However, in as little as 12 hours, the water will start to taste flat.

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