can you leave skin on peaches for pie

Learn how to peel peaches simply and quickly by following the tips in this post. Knowing how to efficiently peel peaches is a great skill to have when adding peaches to your favorite pie, cobbler or jam recipe.

The taste of summer comes with those first bites of fresh peaches, don’t they?! In this post I want to talk to you about how to peel peaches for pie because what good is a ripe, juicy peach without a pie?!

There are many ways we enjoy peaches around here! We love picking them up from the local markets and purely enjoying just the peaches themselves! My kids also enjoy my Peach Preserve Recipe, as well as some peach salsa to go along with our Smoked Salmon on summer evenings.

For perfect pie filling, be sure to buy peaches at the peak of ripeness; the skin should easily bruise with the lightest amount of pressure. Many bakers prefer to remove the skins from peaches when using them for pie filling, as some find the skin’s texture unpleasant and are put off by its slightly bitter flavor.
can you leave skin on peaches for pie

Should you peel peaches when making a pie?

People have their own opinions when deciding whether to keep the skins on their fruits when they make fresh fruit pies. I personally like peeled peaches in my pies, so I tend to take the extra step to peel them. I just prefer the smooth peach consistency in my pies and even in my smoothies.

Another reason to consider peeling your peaches is because peaches are one of those crops that are grown using high amounts of pesticides and chemicals. Removing the skins is one way to be less exposed. I do prefer to buy organic when I can to help avoid the extra chemicals.

can you leave skin on peaches for pie

The one hindrance to hopping on the peach bandwagon, for some, though, is the tedious task of peeling. While other fruits and vegetables can be plunged into a pot, or allowed to simmer in a slow cooker, with their skins on (think: smashed potatoes) there are some that necessitate pulling out the peeler. But is it actually important to peel your peaches before baking?

The aptly named Unpeeled Journal agrees that not peeling peaches is the best approach to pies and other peachy baked goods in order to achieve greater flavor and richer color. Unpeeled Journal also mentions that peaches are unlike other fruits with more hearty skin ⁠— instead of remaining solid and potentially tough, the skins of peaches are more likely to break down during baking.

The arrival of peaches at farmers markets and on supermarket shelves is like the siren song of summer. Enveloped in a fuzzy outer skin, the sweet, juicy fruit is an indulgence for your taste buds, but the perfect peach also sports an aesthetic interior reminiscent of a summer sunset.

While its absolutely acceptable (and expected) that you wouldnt peel peaches for recipes like a summer peach cheese toast or a salad with grilled peaches, there seems to be a gray area when it comes to peeling peaches for a baked preparation. However, Eat Like No One Else subscribes to a no-peel philosophy, humorously (but also rightfully) noting that leaving the skins on peaches retains a large level of the fruits nutrients, making your baked goods a healthier indulgence.

While chowing down on the fuzzy fruit can feel decadent, the truth is that peaches actually pack a punch of powerful nutrients. According to the Cleveland Clinic, peaches are full of polyphenols and prebiotics that can contribute to lowered risks of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimers, and diabetes. Healthline, meanwhile, also notes that the summery sweet has an abundance of antioxidants that are known for potentially helping with signs of aging and a decrease in risk of various diseases.

Canning Peach Pie Filling and More


Can I leave the skin on peaches?

Do you absolutely have to peel peaches before enjoying them? Technically no, and in some cases the peels can add a vibrant pop of color and even extra flavor to salads, bruschetta, or other savory peach dishes.

What happens if you don’t peel peaches for cobbler?

Keeping those beautiful skins on gives the cooked cobbler a gorgeous, deep peachy-pink hue and even more depth of flavor. Plus, unlike other cobbler or pie fruit with tougher skins, like apples, peach skins melt away into the cobbler filling.

Do you have to peel peaches to can?

You don’t HAVE to peel the peaches to can them, that’s just how most people prefer them.

Can you peel peaches without blanching?

Certain varieties, when really ripe, can be peeled with your fingers. Cut the fruit into wedges and peel back the skin gently, then discard it. Easy! If your peaches are ripe but still firm to the touch, use a vegetable peeler or a paring knife to remove the skin, but don’t cut off too much fruit.

Can you leave Peaches skin on?

The peach skin is pretty thick and in some cases, fuzzy. For some recipes, this is ok and you can leave the skin on. Sliced peaches with the skin on work in a salad like this Easy Burrata & Peaches, or for Grilled Peaches or Roasted Peaches. You should also peel peaches if you’re planning to freeze peaches to preserve them for later.

Can you lose weight eating peaches?

Peaches by themselves won’t cause you to lose weight, so no, you can’t lose weight by eating peaches. However, peaches are a healthy addition to any diet, and I would recommend them to anyone, unless they’re allergic to them. Not to contradict my previous statement, but peaches could help you lose weight if you replace higher calorie sugary sweets with a peach. Instead of eating a cookie or piece of pie, if you replaced that with a peach, or any piece of fruit, that could help you lower your total caloric intake and lose some weight. Remember, weight loss is impacted by total calories consumed and total calories burned, so the only way to lose weight is to either eat fewer calories or burn more calories. It can be more complex than that, but those are the basics.

Does peach skin make a good pie?

The skin of the peach will add color and flavor to the pie. There are nutrients found in the skin you don’t want to lose – gives you an excuse to say that pie is good for me! Scarlet Prince peach pit wasn’t too hard to remove. A little bit of the flesh still stuck to one half of the pit.

Should you peel Peaches after baking?

Texture: The peach skin can become tough and chewy after baking. If you prefer a smoother texture in your pie filling, peeling the peaches is a good idea. Aesthetics: Peeled peaches can give your pie a more uniform appearance, especially if you’re creating a lattice or open-top pie where the filling is visible.

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