can you get sick from eating old maple syrup

We never miss an opportunity to satisfy our sweet tooth at breakfast time, which is why both pancakes and waffles just look plain silly when there’s no maple syrup around. An even bigger problem occurs when there is maple syrup around, but it’s been hanging out for so long that you’re not sure you can trust it. So, does maple syrup go bad? Spoiler: The answer is yes…but not for quite a while.

Some microorganisms produce toxins as they grow, and these toxins could make you sick. The product should be discarded.” The USDA recommends keeping maple syrup refrigerated for up to one year—and tossing what remains afterward. (That’s if you haven’t already used it on some epic pancake breakfasts!)
can you get sick from eating old maple syrup

Can I eat expired maple syrup?

If you have stored your maple syrup properly—in the fridge once opened or in the freezer after six months—you needn’t put too much stock in the expiration date. These dates are fairly arbitrary and are really only there to indicate peak quality. In other words, the expiration date is not a safety measure so much as it is a means of covering the manufacturer’s behind, should you be dissatisfied with the product. Long story short: Yes, you can use expired maple syrup—provided you have followed the aforementioned storage guidelines and there is no mold present.

How long can maple syrup last?

Although maple syrup can spoil, it’s probably one of the least suspect things in your fridge or pantry. Maple syrup is actually pretty hardy and will stay fresh for a very long (i.e., indefinite) period of time, under any conditions, until you break the seal. Indeed, the experts confirm that “maple is packed hot, and is preserved until opened.” So, there you have it—if you haven’t breached that bottle of maple syrup, you have nothing to fear.

If you don’t know where you stand with that already opened bottle of pancake sauce but can’t stand the thought of chucking it out on instinct, we don’t blame you; after all, high-quality maple syrup is a rather big ticket item as far as groceries go. Fortunately, an opened container of maple syrup still boasts a pretty solid shelf-life. Once opened, the stuff should be stored in the refrigerator where it will stay fresh for up to six months. If you suspect that you’ll be hanging onto your maple syrup beyond that, your best bet is to store it in the freezer—yep, that’s actually a thing you can do—where it will be safe until the end of time. In fact, the freezer might as well be your go-to storage spot for maple syrup since the liquid will not freeze solid and is sure to stay fresh.



What happens if you eat expired maple syrup?

In some cases, organic maple syrup will still be safe to consume after its expiry date, provided that there is no mould present and the bottle has been stored properly.

What happens if you eat bad maple syrup?

What happens when you eat moldy maple syrup? The good news is that the mold that grows in maple syrup is non-toxic. That means that if you splined on a pricey bottle of the stuff it got moldy, you don’t have to throw it out. Foodborne botulism is a risk for everyone.

How can you tell if maple syrup is bad?

First examine your maple syrup for signs of mold. Another sign that the maple syrup has gone bad is it might not smell right. If the maple syrup has any kind of sour odor, or smells like fermentation then discard it. Maple syrup should smell sweet, like caramel.

Can mold in maple syrup make you sick?

If a container of unrefrigerated maple syrup is not checked often, enough mold may grow in the syrup, to ruin the flavor of the syrup. As explained in the last question, this mold is easily removed and not harmful. But why look for trouble? It’s best to just keep maple syrup in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Can maple syrup go bad?

The chances of maple syrup going bad are very slim, but it still can spoil. The main culprits are water and dirty containers. Such circumstances support the growth of bacteria, molds, or yeast. If you find signs of microbial growth in the container or smells a foul odor, it is best to discard the syrup.

Is maple syrup beneficial for health?

It is rich in sugar, so it should be consumed in small amounts, and not added to your routine. And for people who have diabetes, it should be avoided.

Can you eat mold in maple syrup?

Although the mold that prefers to spread in maple syrup should be non-toxic, that doesn’t mean ingestion is the best decision. No healthy diet includes mold, so if you see it, ideally, you shouldn’t eat it. Consuming enough mold could cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. These symptoms won’t persist for long but will certainly disrupt your day!

Can fungus eat maple syrup?

This fungus can handle extremes so it can survive in conditions that other mold cannot. The next type of fungus that can affect maple syrup is Penicillin chrysogenum. Interestingly, this fungus mostly prefers salted foods but clearly can make exceptions for some sweet foods since it grows on syrup.

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