can you get drunk on rice wine

When you run out of your favorite drinking wine, its natural to wonder whether you can drink cooking wine instead. You may be thinking, “wine is wine,” but is that really true?

People can drink cooking wine, but cooking wine was not created for this purpose. It was created to be used in food. There are several ingredients in cooking wine that make it unpleasant to the taste buds, which is enough to discourage most people from drinking it.

If youre adding some cooking wine to your famous tomato bisque and youre considering a swig- stop! Keep reading to find out more about what happens when you drink cooking wine.

yeah. Just like you can with any wine—or any beverage containing alcohol. It doesn’t matter where the alcohol came from. And since rice wine is plenty high in alcohol (generally 18 to 25% alcohol by volume compared to 10 to 14% for most table wines), it can get you plotzed pretty quick.
can you get drunk on rice wine

Cooking Wine is Not Recommended for Cooking Either

Top food and restaurant experts will tell you that cooking wine is not good for cooking either. This is because of some of the same reasons you wouldnt want to drink it.

Cooking wines, especially the commercial varieties sold in your local market, have the potential to ruin your favorite dishes. The high salt content in the cooking wine can easily make your dish too salty, and some brands of cooking wine have ingredients in them that can lead to a metallic taste in your food.

Most cooking wines are made with low-quality wine that doesnt add much character to your food.

Can Cooking Wine Kill You?

Drinking a little cooking wine will not kill you, but there are health risks associated with drinking large amounts of it.

Since the alcohol content in cooking wine is on par with a bottle of Cabernet, from a drunkenness standpoint, you can get drunk from consuming this wine. If you drink a ridiculous amount of it, you can pass out and suffer serious health consequences.

Besides, if you drink copious amounts of cooking wine, you could develop liver issues, which could have life-threatening complications. This is also true of drinking wine.

Another problem with drinking cooking wine is its high sodium content. If you drink a really high salt volume, you could suffer health problems, specifically with your heart. If you already have a heart condition, it is advised not to drink large quantities of cooking wine.

Chances are you wont be able to drink enough cooking wine to cause severe health effects- it tastes that bad.

Seoul Challengers – Get Drunk on Rice Wine


How alcoholic is rice wine?

Rice wine typically has an alcohol content of 18–25% ABV.

Is rice wine stronger than vodka?

Sake is not stronger than vodka. Sake contains about 15-16% alcohol by volume, while vodka contains 40% ABV. In comparison, beer is generally 5% and wine 15% ABV, SAKETIMES writes.

Can minors drink rice wine?

Cooking wine must have a warning inscribed on its label, indicating that it is for cooking and not drinking. Yet, underage kids still buy this wine simply for its alcohol content. While this is unfortunate, there is no law that states that you must be a certain age to purchase cooking wine.

What does rice wine do to you?

Appropriate consumption helps blood circulation, promotes metabolism, and can nourish blood and the skin. Shaoxing Rice Wine is a good source of B vitamins, rich in vitamins B1, B2, niacin, and vitamin E. Has a positive effect on the skin and slows aging.

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