can you get drunk off liqueur

Because they don’t just give Pulitzers away, right? And yes, this is a bit less innocent than the “how many licks to the center of a Tootsie Pop” thing, but driven by a similar spirit of scientific inquiry. This time, the goal was to see how many liqueur-filled chocolates I needed to eat before I felt buzzed. And then how many poorly thought-out texts I could send before sobriety returned.

No idea why I assumed this, but I thought liqueur-filled chocolates were sort of around everywhere this time of year. And then a bunch of confused supermarket employees just gave me blank stares when I asked where the booze candy aisle was. A couple of them called security, but I was faster than everyone, so it’s OK.

Seriously, when we were kids—oh so long ago—weren’t there just boxes and boxes of liqueur-filled (and liquor-bottle-shaped?) candies around this time of year? After all, it is the season when we rationalize drinking eggs, invite trees into our homes and throw shiny string at them, and make small houses out of food. So where are my booze filled chocolate liquor bottles?

Turns out your best bet for buying some, and I’m sure this is super important insider info, is at a liquor store. Most grocery stores can’t sell them because, well, the collision of candy and alcohol isn’t the best thing when you’re shopping with kids. That said, selection ain’t what it used to be. All I could find for my ill-thought experiment was Turin Brand Kahlua Chocolates. Basically big milk chocolate domes filled with some oozy sweet Kahlua spiked goo. Christmas dream come true.

When I bought three bags, the liquor store owner also gave me a weird look, as if nobody’s ever needed 36 Kahlua-filled chocolates at 11am before. But he also had no idea about the noble experiment I was embarking on.

Strangely the ABV info wasn’t on the bag—that seems kind of illegal? But the bag does say, “Suitable for Adults Only” (as opposed to the Kahlua-flavored, distinctly alcohol-free chocolates I found at a nearby Duane Reade). But with a little bit of research I found an Australian marketing and importing firm that claims a) “Consuming a single Turin liqueur chocolate will not raise your blood alcohol level in any significant way.” And b) “Kahlua chocolates contain 4% alcohol or 0.4g alcohol per 10g piece of chocolate.”

There are 12 chocolates in a 120 gram bag, so we can easily deduce—before our third chocolate—that each chocolate is in fact 10 grams. Meaning every candy I eat is as strong as a session beer? The difference, of course, between a session beer and some 4% ABV chocolates is that with a beer, you’re basically just getting booze. Here, my stomach is slightly fortified (and mildly terrorized) by the addition of rich, fatty milk chocolate. Plus so very much sugar.

The flavor, to be fair, is pretty good, especially if you’re a fan of Kahlua (I’m no Jeffrey Lebowski, neither Jeffrey Lebowski actually, but I like a nice White Russian now and then). And the liqueur booze goo (is there a better industry term for that) is pretty packed in—it’s not just a token drop, more like a chocolately adults-only Gusher.

Booze candies 1 through 3 are easy enough to stomach. In fact, I’m pretty sure everything’s going to be just fine…

Booze candy 4 feels like a decisive moment. Like they must have felt in Thelma & Louise—you make a bold choice, there’s no going back.

By booze candy number 5, I’m really feeling like I’d like to put on a Katherine Heigl movie. And like, really watch it.

Candy 6 is where I know I’m making a big mistake, but the buzz is nice enough that I’m fully willing to make that mistake.

OK, eight candies in, the sugar’s giving me some freaky ideas. In fact, if I didn’t feel like I was drowning in the chocolate river from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I’d probably try to use this energy for something amazing? A mild buzz (mild, but there) and a saccharine high is kind of the perfect motivation to do some last minute holiday shopping (of course my sister would love a Kanye-approved fur coat).

I eat candy 9, but only after watching “Hello” two times, just to make sure it was still incredibly depressing.

Candy 10 feels like I’m drunk, since in theory I’ve consumed 40% ABV, but it doesn’t feel the same as if I’d had the same quantity of bourbon or Scotch. In fact it feels pretty terrible. Which, I know, is incredibly surprising.

Candy 11, I’m gonna make some changes in my life. Starting with a few push-ups to work off all this chocolate.

I console myself for only being able to do 3 buzzed push-ups with Candy 12. Then I chuck the other two bags.

Maybe to no one’s surprise at all, there’s no good way to get a buzz on liqueur-filled candy. The fat and sugar just messes you up too much—and not the way SoCo can mess you up. It’s like eating a bunch of cake icing and then doing a few shots. Why combine these experiences???

Maybe now I know why there aren’t as many chocolate liqueur candies around anymore. Just like when we all realized that fat free chips were a terrible idea.

can you get drunk off liqueur

Another significant difference between the two is how people drink them. Let’s say you walk into a bar and you want shots, you are likely to take shots of liquor. As much as they have a gross taste since they have no added sugar, they will get you drunk quickly. For instance, if you decide to take rum and Coke, the main ingredient in that is going to be rum with a bit of Coke. But if you feel fancy and would like to sip your alcohol slow, then you are likely to go for a triple sec based cocktails, which are traditionally Margaritas.

Many people usually use the word liquor and spirit interchangeably. Liquor is an essential alcoholic beverage. Others refer to it as distilled or – in other words – spirited beverage.

On the other hand, the term liqueur is used to refer to the sweetened distilled alcoholic drinks, for instance, Amari, Triple sec, Benedictine and Chartreuse among others. In the United States of America, the word liqueur is often used as a synonym of the word cordial.

Also, most liquors are usually 35% alcohol per volume whereas liqueur is less than 35%. Well, this idea makes perfect sense if you remember the sugar rule. Now, with that in mind, you now understand why Crown Russe tastes more or less like nail polish remover. Whereas when you sip a drink like a grasshopper, you are likely to feel more of the sweet flavor rather than the alcohol content.

The word distilled refers to the distillation process used to produce mainly alcoholic drinks. In other countries, for instance, in India or North America, the locals use the term hard liquor to differentiate undistilled from the distilled alcoholic drinks. Some people also use the word spirit to refer to alcohol (distilled) and liquor is reserved for some of the drinkable hooch.

I console myself for only being able to do 3 buzzed push-ups with Candy 12. Then I chuck the other two bags.

No idea why I assumed this, but I thought liqueur-filled chocolates were sort of around everywhere this time of year. And then a bunch of confused supermarket employees just gave me blank stares when I asked where the booze candy aisle was. A couple of them called security, but I was faster than everyone, so it’s OK.

The flavor, to be fair, is pretty good, especially if you’re a fan of Kahlua (I’m no Jeffrey Lebowski, neither Jeffrey Lebowski actually, but I like a nice White Russian now and then). And the liqueur booze goo (is there a better industry term for that) is pretty packed in—it’s not just a token drop, more like a chocolately adults-only Gusher.

When I bought three bags, the liquor store owner also gave me a weird look, as if nobody’s ever needed 36 Kahlua-filled chocolates at 11am before. But he also had no idea about the noble experiment I was embarking on.

Booze candy 4 feels like a decisive moment. Like they must have felt in Thelma & Louise—you make a bold choice, there’s no going back.



Can liqueur be drunk straight?

Liqueurs can be served neat or straight, or ‘on the rocks’ with ice. You can even sip on liqueur with a mixer – like a Midori and lemon – but nowadays you are most likely to drink liqueurs in cocktails where they are added to up the ante of some of your favourite cocktails – thanks to their myriad flavours.

Can you drink liqueur by itself?

It is typically part of a mixed drink that adds a lot of flavor, and it is used in smaller amounts than the base liquor. It’s often the modifier or perfume of a cocktail. Liqueurs can also be consumed straight on their own—usually sipped as an aperitif before a meal or digestif after a meal.

How are liqueurs drunk?

As mentioned previously, they can be drunk before or after a meal, as an aperitif or a digestif, and can be consumed neat or with ice. Liqueur can be added to coffee, most commonly a cream based liqueur. Lastly, some dessert recipes call for liqueur, like an Amaretto Pound cake, which contains cherry liqueur.

Can you drink liqueur as a shot?

Types of alcohol like tequila, whiskey, and vodka are normally used for shots. However, you can also use liqueurs, beer, and amaro. A liqueur is a distilled liquor with sweeteners, fruit, or cream added to it.

Can liqueur be drunk on its own?

Kady holds a BA in American Studies and an MA in Sociology from Stanford University. This article has been viewed 48,659 times. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 48,659 times. Did this article help you? Liqueur can be drunk on its own, but most often it is used to complement the ingredients in a cocktail.

How does the body remove alcohol?

The body metabolizes alcohol in the liver, where enzymes convert it into acetaldehyde and then acetate. Acetate is broken down into carbon dioxide and water, and eliminated through urine and respiration. The liver’s efficiency in processing alcohol varies, impacting the rate of alcohol removal from the body.

Can you drink a liqueur over ice?

Drink a liqueur neat if you prefer simple beverages. You don’t always have to mix liqueurs with other ingredients to enjoy them. You can drink many of them over ice, or even simply on their own. Try Limoncello, Chambord, Fireball, Drambuie, Amaretto, and any other liqueurs you like on their own.

How do people get drunk without drinking alcohol?

Here are 10 ways that people get drunk without drinking alcohol. Snorting: When most people think about snorting substances, they probably think about cocaine or crushed prescription painkillers. They’re not likely to think about alcohol, but some people have attempted to get drunk faster by snorting alcohol.

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