can you freeze raw plums

Freezing plums is as easy as can be, and the fruit wedges will last up to six months in your freezer. Use your frozen plums to make jam or preserves, add them into smoothies, or eat the wedges straight out of the freezer for a cool treat. Here’s how you can freeze plums to enjoy all year long.
can you freeze raw plums

Freezing Plums Whole

  • 1 Wash ripe plums. When youre freezing whole plums, its especially necessary to choose fresh, ripe plums that that are sweet and juicy. The better they taste before you freeze them, the better theyll taste when you thaw them. Rinse the plums under cool water to remove any dirt or debris.[9]
    • If the plums are still a little green, ripen them on your counter for a few days before freezing them.
  • 2 Place the plums in a storage bag. Simply place the whole, fresh plums in a freezer storage bag, filling it as close to the top as possible. Use a straw or a vacuum sealer to remove as much air as possible from the bag. Label it and pop it in the freezer.[10]
  • 3 Eat the frozen plums. When you want a burst of icy, sweet goodness, just take a plum from the freezer and eat it right away. The texture of a frozen plum is surprisingly scrumptious, especially when its hot outside. If youd prefer, you can thaw out the plum on the counter for a few minutes before eating.[11]
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Packing Plums in Syrup

  • 1 Wash ripe plums. Pick fresh, ripe plums that are free of blemishes, wrinkles and spots. Taste one of the plums from the batch to make sure theyre perfectly ripe, and not too green or overripe. Rinse the plums under cool water to remove any dirt or debris.[5]
    • If the plums are still a little green, ripen them on your counter for a few days before freezing them.
  • 2 Peel the plums. Packing plums in syrup and freezing them, then reconstituting them causes the peels to lose their pleasant texture and get a little mushy. You can skip this step if you prefer to keep the peels, but it might be worth the extra effort in the long run. You can peel plums using the same technique that is used to peel tomatoes:
    • Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil.
    • Fill a large bowl with ice and water.
    • Use a knife to make an “x” in the skin at the tip of each plum.
    • Place the plums in the boil water and blanch them for 30 seconds.
    • Remove them from the boiling water and plunge them in the ice bath for 30 seconds.
    • Remove them from the ice bath and pull away the skin in strips to peel the plums. Blanching the plums loosens the skin, making it easy to peel.
  • 3 Slice the plums in half and pit them. Use a sharp knife to slice the plums in half, working your way around the pit. Pull the halves apart, then remove and discard the pit. Continue until youve sliced and pitted every plum.[6]
    • If you wish, you can cut the plums into smaller slices. The plums will retain their texture better if theyre left in halves.
    • If youre worried about the plums darkening in the freezer, you can toss them with lemon juice, coating their surfaces. The citric acid preserves their color. You may also buy a product you can sprinkle on the fruit to achieve the same effect.
    • If youd prefer not to cut the plums in half, you still need to remove the core. Buy a plum or peach corer, which easily pops out the core without cutting into the rest of the fruits flesh.
  • 4 Mix the plums with a sugar solution. Preserving the plums in a sweet solution enhances their flavor and also keeps them fresh longer (up to 12 months). Put the plums in a bowl and pour in just enough solution to cover them completely. Here are a few options to use as a sugar solution:[7]
    • Light syrup. To make this, just heat 3 cups of water and add 1 cup of sugar in a saucepan. Stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves, then cool the solution before you pour it over the plums.
    • Heavy syrup. If you want a very sweet solution, heat 3 cups of water and 2 cups of sugar in a saucepan. Stir until the sugar dissolves, cool the syrup, then pour it over the plums.[8]
    • Fruit juice. Try plum juice, grape juice or apple juice. Theres no need to heat it; just pour enough over the plums to cover.
    • Plain sugar. Some people use plain sugar to draw out the plums juices. This is a delicious, but extremely sweet and sugary choice. To do it, pour white sugar into the bottom of your freezer container. Add a layer of plums. Sprinkle more sugar over the layer. Continue layering plums and sugar until the container is full.
  • 5 Put the plums in freezer bags. Pour the plums and sugar solution into freezer bags, filling each one to within an inch of the top. Use a vacuum sealer or a straw to remove excess air from the bags, then seal them tightly. Label and freeze the bags. You can stack them in the freezer for easier storage.
  • 6 Thaw the plums. When youre ready to use plums, simply remove them from the freezer and thaw them in the refrigerator or on the counter. The plums are ready to eat directly from the bag. Syrup-packed plums are delicious as a topping for vanilla ice cream or on their own with some whipped cream.
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The Right Way to Freeze Plums | Freezing with Wisdom Preserved


What is the best way to freeze fresh plums?

Freezing plums Lay out your plum slices on a baking tray and put them in the freezer. When they’re frozen you can remove them from the tray and put them in a container, then replace them in the freezer – they shouldn’t stick together so you can use what you need each time.

Can you freeze plums with the pit?

Leave whole or cut in halves or quarters and pit. Syrup Pack – Use cold 40 to 50 percent syrup, depending on tartness of fruit. For a better quality product, add 1/2 teaspoon (1500 mg) ascorbic acid per quart of syrup.

Can you freeze plums without sugar?

Unsweetened (Dry) Pack- Pack fruit tightly into containers, leaving proper headspace for the container type (see Headspace table below). Treated fruit slices can also be frozen first on a tray and then packed into containers as soon as they are frozen.

How can I preserve fresh plums?

Plums can be frozen in a sugar pack (using 5 parts fruit with 1 part sugar) or syrup pack (using a 50% syrup) or frozen whole with no added sugar or syrup. Plums and prunes can also be cooked in a sugar syrup before freezing to make a sauce.

Can you freeze Plum halves?

Freeze until solid. Put the baking sheet in the freezer for 2-3 hours until the plum halves are completely frozen. Transfer to an airtight container or freezer bag. Once frozen, transfer the plum halves to zipper freezer bags or airtight containers. Squeeze out excess air and seal. Label and date the container.

How often can one eat a plum?

An 80g portion of fresh plums is considered one of the five recommended daily portions of fruit. This is equivalent to approximately two small plums or one medium plum. H

Can You refreeze plums?

Not really. You can refreeze plums, but only when they’ve been kept at refrigerated temps for less than 2 days. Plums contain a lot of water, and after it is frozen and then thawed, refreezing can be a risky option. If you have to refreeze a plum, you should cook it first and then freeze it.

Can you freeze stewed plums?

Yes, stewed plums can be frozen for up to 12 months. Once stewed, allow the mixture to completely cool before portioning it out into freezer bags. Can You Freeze Whole Plums? Whilst it’s perfectly possible to freeze plums whole, it’s probably not something you want to do as there is no benefit to doing so.

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