can you freeze leftover chinese fried rice

Fried rice is an easy freezer meal with these simple tips and recipes for freezing fried rice.

Can you freeze fried rice? Just like cooked rice, it’s important to first cool fried rice as quickly as possible in the fridge. Then, transfer fried rice to freezer bags in portion sizes you will later need and expel as much air as possible. Flatten and label the bags and keep in the freezer for up to one month.
can you freeze leftover chinese fried rice

How To Freeze Fried Rice

Fried rice is easy to freeze. You can make and cook your fried rice as normal, let it cool, than freeze it. But there is a better way.

My favorite way to freeze fried rice is to mix all the ingredients together and then freeze it without cooking it. Then you “fry” it after you freeze it when you are ready to use it.

Cooking it after you freeze it gives it the best texture. And frying it really doesn’t take that long so it is still an easy meal to keep in the freezer.

What is in fried rice?

One of the things that I love about fried rice is that you can use whatever you have on hand, needs used up, or that you like.

Most fried rice contains cooked rice, cooked meat, scrambled eggs, vegetables, and some sort of a sauce made with soy sauce.

For the meat you can use cooked chicken, steak, pork, or even bacon.

For the vegetables you can add peas, carrots, onions, peppers, or whatever other vegetable that you like.

For the sauce I like to keep it basic with soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey, and some spices.

That is it. That is all you need to make fried rice. I am sharing my basic recipe, but you can change it up with whatever you like to put in your fried rice.

Chinese Fried Rice (Easy Freezer Meals)


Can you freeze fried rice and reheat?

Yes! You can easily freeze cooked rice, which is great if you’ve made too much or want to shave down how much time you spend making dinner. You can also freeze rice that has other ingredients mixed in, including veggies or meat, as a simple part of your weekly meal prep.

How long does leftover Chinese fried rice last?

Leftover Chinese fried rice can last for up to 4 to 5 days in the refrigerator if stored properly. To ensure that the fried rice stays fresh and safe to eat, it’s important to store it in an airtight container as soon as possible after it’s been cooked, and then refrigerate it promptly.

How do you store leftover fried rice?

So the key is to cool and refrigerate leftover rice as quickly as possible. Spread it out in a thin layer on a baking sheet or tray so it cools rapidly. Then, when cold, put into a container, cover and chill in the fridge. Keep the rice for no more than a day before reheating it – and then only reheat it once.

Can you freeze leftover fried rice?

In conclusion, you can freeze leftover fried rice, but it’s important to keep in mind that not all types of fried rice freeze well. Additionally, you should only freeze fried rice that has been cooked fresh, and you should follow the proper steps for freezing and thawing to ensure that it stays fresh and flavorful.

How long can rice stay in the fridge?

Cooked rice, cooled and stored correctly, lasts between three and five days. After this time, you must throw it away, as there is risk of food poisoning by bacteria.

How long does fried rice last in the freezer?

Fried rice will last in the freezer for about 3 months. After that, the rice will still be safe to eat, but some of the flavors will be lost. The longer the fried rice is stored in the freezer, the texture and flavor will slowly start to deteriorate. This is due to freezer burn.

Can you freeze vegetables fried rice?

When it comes to freezing vegetable fried rice, it’s best to flash freeze the vegetables and rice separately first. Doing so will help keep the rice from absorbing moisture from the vegetables during freezing. Also, flash freezing will help preserve the texture and flavors of the vegetables. Here’s how to freeze vegetables fried rice:

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