can you freeze a cooked jacket potato

These days, its hard to imagine not having a freezer in your kitchen. Theyre great for storing leftovers, whether its takeout from your favorite restaurant or that dish that you spent hours in the kitchen cooking. They can help you save money, by allowing you to buy things in bulk, and freezing them for later. And by properly stocking your freezer with a few key staples, youre never far from being able to whip up a quick dinner, without having to take an extra trip to the store. Plus, freezers are the perfect place to store ice cream, (though apparently not vodka, which should not be kept in the freezer).

Not everything can or should be stored in the freezer, however. Depending on the item, it could be due to safety reasons, or quality reasons. You probably already know that you shouldnt store dishes that contain milk or cream in the freezer, as the fat and liquid will separate. You probably also know not to freeze watery vegetables like cucumbers, as they will turn into a mushy mess. Turns out, theres something else that you should never store in the freezer, and thats baked potatoes. Heres why.

How to freeze baked potatoes. Cook your baked potatoes until soft on the inside, and the jacket is wrinkled and crispy. Once they’re completely cool, wrap each of them in foil. Lay your foil-wrapped potatoes down into a plastic container, which will protect them from other odours and flavours in your freezer.
can you freeze a cooked jacket potato

I do them slightly differently. I buy 2 x packs of sainsbury 4 JPs, so 8. Microwave them, oven cook them. Then when ready cut in half and butter them, add pepper, then topping – for me cheese, for Dh baked beans and cheese or chilli. Then I put them in a take away container. In freezer. Voila. Ready made lunches!

I would buy fewer – buy them loose in the quantity you need? Or bake a whole load, then make the middles into one thing (potato scones, or potato cakes, or a mash-topped pie, or colcannon/bubble & squeak) and do potato skins with the skins the next day. If you dont want to do the potato skins I can send my address and you can post the skins to me as I can never have too many Grin

Can you store them in a cool, dry place with an apple in the bag? Transfer out of plastic first. Potatoes shouldnt need freezing.

I only eat them one at a time, twice a week, so I would have to keep them for a while. People would keep potatoes for months in the olden days! Theyre a storage food.

I live on my own, so when I buy a bag of potatoes, most of them end up in the bin. I live in a flat with communal gardens so I cant plant them when they start sprouting. I love jacket potatoes but usually buy the McCains ones, so I wondered if home frozen ones taste any different?

If you must freeze baked potatoes, the Foods Guy recommends not freezing leftovers, and to dry the potatoes out first, not adding toppings, and wrapping each baked potato individually. DIYs also suggests consuming any frozen baked potatoes within a month of freezing for the best results.

These days, its hard to imagine not having a freezer in your kitchen. Theyre great for storing leftovers, whether its takeout from your favorite restaurant or that dish that you spent hours in the kitchen cooking. They can help you save money, by allowing you to buy things in bulk, and freezing them for later. And by properly stocking your freezer with a few key staples, youre never far from being able to whip up a quick dinner, without having to take an extra trip to the store. Plus, freezers are the perfect place to store ice cream, (though apparently not vodka, which should not be kept in the freezer).

According to Chef Palak Patel of the Institute of Culinary Education (via Martha Stewart), anything that has “a very high water content, is not going to do well when frozen.” Potatoes contain a lot of water, and when theyre frozen, the water and starch separate, leading to watery results when reheated, explains the PennState Extension. That doesnt mean you shouldnt freeze any and all potatoes, as it really depends on the type and use of those potatoes.

Not everything can or should be stored in the freezer, however. Depending on the item, it could be due to safety reasons, or quality reasons. You probably already know that you shouldnt store dishes that contain milk or cream in the freezer, as the fat and liquid will separate. You probably also know not to freeze watery vegetables like cucumbers, as they will turn into a mushy mess. Turns out, theres something else that you should never store in the freezer, and thats baked potatoes. Heres why.

For Patel, whether or not to freeze potatoes depends on how important they are to the dish — if “they are supporting ingredients in soups, stews, and sauces,” then freeze away, since they wont affect the overall quality of the dish. But baked potatoes should never be frozen, as “ruptured ice crystals will lead to an unpleasant, watery consistency” and “they will become unable to hold a shape or form.”

Crock Pot Baked Potatoes For The Freezer


Can you freeze and reheat baked potatoes?

For best results, you should freeze a baked potato for no longer than three months. Any longer than that and the taste and texture of the baked potato will be affected too much. Frozen potatoes that have been left in the freezer too long will change. The structure won’t be the same and they won’t be very appetizing.

Can I cook jacket potatoes and freeze them?

Yes! You absolutely can freeze potatoes, and you should if you have an excess of spuds. But there’s one important thing to remember: You should really only freeze cooked or partially cooked potatoes, as raw potatoes contain a lot of water. This water freezes and, when thawed, makes the potatoes mushy and grainy.

How do you store cooked jacket potatoes?

To ensure the quality of your leftover baked potato, store it properly. Let your potato cool completely (unwrap it if baked in foil). Place potatoes in a metal or glass pan, cover them with plastic wrap or aluminum foil, and refrigerate them.

Can you freeze baked jacket potatoes?

If you are considering freezing jacket potatoes, I highly recommend it. Baked jacket potatoes should be halved, scooped out, mashed, refilled, and then wrapped individually in foil and then plastic wrap. Defrost for 2 hours at room temperature or overnight in the fridge before reheating in a hot oven or microwave.

How can I freeze fresh shallots?

The best way to freeze shallots is to dice them into small pieces. Then you can store them in a freezer safe bag, so that you can avoid freezer burn. Another important factor is to choose fresh shallots, because the fresher they are the longer they will last in the freezer. Also, make sure to label the bags, so you know what is in them and when you put them in the freezer. When you go to use them make sure they are not spoiled, by checking for mold or a smell that is not quite right. Shallots can last up to a year in the freezer, so be sure to use them before a year passes.

Can You reheat frozen jacket potatoes?

Place the potatoes on a baking sheet and bake them for about 15-20 minutes, or until they’re heated through and crispy on the outside. Another method for reheating frozen jacket potatoes is to use a microwave. After removing the potatoes from the freezer and unwrapping them, place them on a microwave-safe plate.

Do jacket potatoes need to be refrigerated?

Keep Them in the Fridge Instead – If you’re planning to use your jacket potatoes within 5-6 days of cooking them, you don’t actually need to freeze them. Instead, you can wrap them in foil and place them in the fridge. How Long Can You Freeze Jacket Potatoes? You can freeze jacket potatoes for around six months.

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