can you eat string cheese after expiration date

Here’s everything you need to know about the shelf life, storage, and spoilage of string cheese. Learn how long it lasts, when to toss it, how to store it, and more.

Not sure if string cheese that sat the whole day in your child’s rucksack is still okay to use? Does string cheese go bad if not refrigerated?

Or maybe you opened a package of string cheese a few days ago, and you’re wondering for how long will the cheese stay fresh and tasty. Or if you can freeze the leftovers instead of desperately trying to fit them into your meals.

In this article, I talk about American string cheese. It’s sold in the form of sticks of low-moisture mozzarella, as you can see in my photos. Sometimes these are also called mozzarella sticks or cheese sticks.

Cheese- 3 Months No one should ever waste cheese, but sometimes you forget about it and it ends up all the way in the back of your fridge. Cheese can last up to 3 months after the expiration date. Some experts even suggest that if you cut of the moldy part of the cheese the other parts are still good.
can you eat string cheese after expiration date

How to Store String Cheese

Like almost all dairy products, you should store string cheese in the fridge.

Once you open the package, make sure you seal it tightly before putting it back into storage. If that’s not possible, transfer the package into a freezer bag and squeeze as much air out before you seal it.

Quite often each cheese stick is separately wrapped (see my photo below). If that’s the case for yours, no need to seal the package tightly.

Wrapping is important for two reasons:

  • Cheese likes to pick up odors, and you definitely don’t want string cheese that smells like sausage.
  • A good seal prevents air pockets from forming around the cheese and drying it out.

If you’re adding a cheese stick cheese as a snack to your child’s lunch box, putting it in a separate container or freezer bag for additional protection would be ideal. Or going with the single-wrapped mozzarella sticks.

If the cheese has to sit with other food items, make sure there’s nothing moist like cut tomatoes in there because the cheese will taste pretty bad after an hour or two.

Interested in freezing mozzarella sticks? Here’s my take on the question: can you freeze string cheese?

can you eat string cheese after expiration date

How to Tell if String Cheese has Gone Bad?

First off, look for the usual signs of spoilage, such as odd aroma, any organic growth or bluish-grey specks on the surface of the cheese. If any of these are present, throw the string cheese out.

If you already store the sticks for much longer than you should, i.e., opened for like 3 weeks or unopened for 2 months past the date on the label, err on the side of caution and get rid of the package.

Assuming that everything about the cheese seems to be okay, give it a taste, and based on that decide if it’s good enough in terms of quality.

If it’s not, cut your losses and throw it out. And definitely don’t try to add it to your kid’s lunch. If you want to sneak in some dairy into your child’s diet, using old cheese is not the way to go.

can you eat string cheese after expiration date

Is It Safe To Eat Cheese After Expiration Date?


Is it OK to eat expired cheese?

Most packaged foods like cheese provide a best-by date. Although commonly confused with an expiration date, it instead indicates the date until which a food is of the best quality (4). This means that a food item — with the exception of infant formula — may still be safe to eat once this date passes.

Is it safe to eat mozzarella cheese after the use by date?

As long as the individual wrapper is intact, they last months after the expiration date. Is mozzarella cheese safe to eat without cooking or baking? Yes.

Is expired shredded cheese safe to eat?

All foods, including shredded cheese, can usually still be used or eaten after their expiration dates—as long as they’ve been stored properly,” she added. Once opened, the type of shredded cheese will determine how long it lasts.

How long are cheese sticks good for?

Cheese sticks offer 6-8 weeks of shelf life and can offer more if you go beyond their best-before date. Beef sticks tend to last you anywhere from 1 month to 1 year. Store-bought beef sticks are thought to have a slightly shorter shelf life than homemade beef sticks, but it depends on preparation, etc.

How long can you eat String Cheese after it expires?

But, it needs to pass the smell and taste test if you eat string cheese after it expires. You can still eat string cheese for at least three months after the expiration date. How Long Does String Cheese Last, and Why?

How long are eggs good after the expiration date on the package?

Eggs have a lifespan of approximately 30 days. To know if an egg is fresh you can see if the egg floats. If it sinks, it is because it has lost air and it is no longer so cool. Also, the yolk becomes more liquid and mixes with the white.

Does string cheese have a shelf life?

String cheese packaging and sealing can also have an effect on the cheese’s shelf life. Here’s how: String cheese that is not adequately sealed has a shorter lifespan than adequately sealed ones. If the cheese is sealed properly, this can protect it from moisture and bacteria, which prolongs its shelf life.

Does string cheese go bad?

However, it’s important to know whether or not string cheese goes bad, so you can ensure you’re consuming it while it’s still safe to eat. Cheese is a perishable food item, meaning it can go bad if it’s not stored properly.

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