can you eat raw potatoes that have been frozen

I cut up vegetables and put them along with a chuck roast in a freezer bag, to have a meal ready for the crock pot when I had surgery. I took the bag out of the freezer last night, dumped the ingredients in the crock pot and refrigerated until this morning. It has been cooking on low for 5 hours and all of the potatoes are black. After researching, I found I should have blanched them first. Are they still good to eat?

Because you just put them into the freezer, the cell structure hasn’t broken down so while the visual looks bad, they are probably still safe to eat. Same thing happens to onions when frozen from raw. Will they still taste good? Not really. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. If I had any extra potatoes I would cut and sauté them and then add the pot roast to the pan to warm up together and toss the old potatoes. I often add some canned beef stock to flavor the potatoes at the last minute too.

Dr. Potato isnt a real doctor but a team of potato experts ready to answer all your potato questions. Have a question? Dr. Potato will be sure to get your question answered within a week.

The short answer is no. Once frozen the cell structure changes as well as the taste.
can you eat raw potatoes that have been frozen

Dr. Potato isnt a real doctor but a team of potato experts ready to answer all your potato questions. Have a question? Dr. Potato will be sure to get your question answered within a week.

I cut up vegetables and put them along with a chuck roast in a freezer bag, to have a meal ready for the crock pot when I had surgery. I took the bag out of the freezer last night, dumped the ingredients in the crock pot and refrigerated until this morning. It has been cooking on low for 5 hours and all of the potatoes are black. After researching, I found I should have blanched them first. Are they still good to eat?

Because you just put them into the freezer, the cell structure hasn’t broken down so while the visual looks bad, they are probably still safe to eat. Same thing happens to onions when frozen from raw. Will they still taste good? Not really. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. If I had any extra potatoes I would cut and sauté them and then add the pot roast to the pan to warm up together and toss the old potatoes. I often add some canned beef stock to flavor the potatoes at the last minute too.

So the upshot is – if you can cook them from frozen they are not lost. I wont go into detail but upon thawing they were not pretty. My garbage bags this week were very, very heavy……my compliments to Hefty Garbage Bag company!

The upshot is the mashed potatoes didnt need to be disguised in any way. However, I had a lot of potato dishes on the go and I know the Celeriac, Parsnip Mashed Potatoes and the Muffin Tin Mashed Potatoes both freeze and reheat well. I dont think I have ever frozen and reconstituted just plain mashed potatoes. If any one know how that works please let me know!

I sampled plain mashed with butter and salt and pepper and… guess what… they were fine! I would not have known from the taste or texture that they started out frozen.

I have come to dread the introduction of new weather terms such as…. polar vortex. And Winter Bomb Cyclone is even worse. The North East USA experienced one this past week and wind chill was predicted to be up to -100 degrees Fahrenheit!! Some East coast friends reported the siding blew off their house!

Note however – the baked potatoes did not fare well as leftovers. They were a bit dry and hard upon reheating.

Can you freeze raw potatoes without blanching?


Are raw potatoes still good if they freeze?

Frozen potatoes can often be used straight from the freezer, but if you want to thaw them first, always defrost them in the refrigerator. You may find the taste or texture to be a bit different than if you used fresh potatoes, so check doneness to be sure you don’t overcook your potatoes.

Do frozen potatoes go bad?

However, If you do store raw potatoes in the freezer, they may last up to 10 to 12 months (more on storing potatoes later). To avoid a sweeter flavor and discoloration, blanch potatoes before refrigerating or freezing.

How do you unfreeze raw potatoes?

How to defrost potatoes. You can thaw them overnight in the fridge or you can actually cook them from frozen. Roast chunks in a hot oven, or fry chips in batches in a deep pan half-filled with oil. They will take a little longer to cook than fresh spuds.

Are frosted potatoes safe to eat?

Because you just put them into the freezer, the cell structure hasn’t broken down so while the visual looks bad, they are probably still safe to eat. Same thing happens to onions when frozen from raw.

Can you eat raw potatoes if they have been frozen?

Raw potatoes can be eaten if they have been frozen. Some experts say that the freezing process destroys some of the nutrients that are essential to potato health, so it is best to eat them cooked. However, others contend that frozen potatoes are more nutritious than those that have not been frozen.

Are sprouted potatoes safe to eat?

Yes, sprouted potatoes are technically safe to eat, but you are going to want to remove those unsightly sprouts first. The sprouts contain concentrations of glycoalkaloids, compounds that when you eat a lot of them can cause some toxic effects. You also want to check out the potato’s general condition, if you cut into a potato and it looks green, you should toss it.

Are frozen potatoes safe to cook?

Cooking frozen raw potatoes is safe as long as they are cooked to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to kill any bacteria that may have grown during storage. It’s important to thaw them completely before cooking, as partially frozen potatoes may not cook evenly.

Can you freeze raw potatoes?

Don’t freeze raw potatoes unless you like your spuds mushy and rainy. Potatoes have a higher water content, so it’s best to cook or at least partially cook them before freezing and remove some of that moisture. Store uncut raw potatoes in a cool, dark place, and relocate them to the fridge after they’ve been cut or peeled.

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