can you eat pineapple with tomatoes

This pineapple tomato salsa is a great way to utilize your tomato harvest, and the added pineapple gives extra tangy sweetness.

Ive made it with mangos and peaches and this one uses pineapple. Adding any one of these fruit options gives the salsa a nice sweetness and a pop of color.

In the recipe, I suggest using 1-2 jalapeno peppers but its just a matter of taste. Although I love the flavor of jalapenos I find that it is difficult to determine just how hot they will be.

Did you ever notice that sometimes they are really hot and others, not so hot? It turns out that they actually do vary on the heat index scale. However, this article tells us that age has something to do with the heat level. In this batch, you can see that the peppers are smooth and even though I used 2 peppers the salsa was not very hot at all. Im hoping this theory will unlock the mystery so I can control the heat in the future.

Of course, if you are not a fan of hot peppers simply substitute bell peppers. I think a yellow, orange or red bell pepper would look good in this recipe.

My sisters original recipe calls for plum tomatoes. They are perfect because they are so meaty and dont have a lot of liquid or seeds. Still, if you are growing or have access to fresh standard beefsteak-type tomatoes you can use them too. Just take a moment to squeeze out the juice and seeds before chopping up the flesh.

Around here we wait all summer for fresh tomatoes. Then come August there is a glut of tomatoes to use or freeze.

I love using them in Fresh Tomato Basil Pasta, and this fresh pineapple tomato salsa is a good one too.

Its a great side dish for tacos or you can carve out the bottom of the pineapple to create a pineapple bowl and serve the salsa inside for a beautiful presentation.

Years ago we paired the tomato and the pineapple together as a condiment and discovered that the two different levels of of acidity and sweetness balanced each other quite nicely.
can you eat pineapple with tomatoes

More Garden Fresh Tomato Recipes

can you eat pineapple with tomatoes

can you eat pineapple with tomatoes

However, I didnt anticipate how much my work in recipe development would be affected. Chiang Mai is the second-largest city in Thailand with a large expat community. So youll find plenty of grocery stores carry a wide range of imported goods. Technically, I could keep cooking just the way I did back home in Canada.

Of course, the answer is to work with local ingredients. Thats easier said than done though. There have been numerous times, where I have great recipe inspiration by local products – only to realize that the remainder of ingredients where anything but local.

While we talk about food inspiration. Do you know about Yummly? Its similar to Pinterest for saving and bookmarking but just for recipes.

Coming to Thailand meant a lot adjustments for us. We were looking forward to many of these changes – more family quality time, warm weather year-round, and the generally laid-back Thai lifestyle.

All this imported products come with a big price tag though. After conversion, many items cost more than they do at home. It just doesnt make sense to live in Thailand and spend more on groceries than in Canada.

⟹ Pineapple Tomato | Solanum lycopersicum | Tomato Review


What foods not to eat with pineapple?

A compound bromelain in pineapple when mixed with milk causes a series of problems to your body such as stomach gas, nausea, infections, headache, and stomach pain.

Does pineapple interact with anything?

Bromelain can also interfere with certain medications, including some drugs in the following classes: antibiotics. blood thinners. antidepressants.

What are the best foods to eat with pineapple?

It’s delicious on its own—and extra-delicious roasted, sautéed, or grilled, slicked with rum or topped with ice cream. (Or piled on French toast.) But pineapple can shine in savory dishes too: It’s great with seafood, pork, chicken, or pretty much any protein that needs a touch of tangy sweetness.

Are pineapple tomatoes good?

The ‘Pineapple’ tomato is an heirloom, beefsteak variety believed to have originated in Kentucky. This tomato offers the best of both worlds with the low acidity of a yellow tomato and the tangy taste of a red one.

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