can you eat overgrown swiss chard

Chard is a great addition to any vegetable garden. Not only is it pretty, but the leaves are tasty, versatile, and very good for you. Grown in the cooler seasons, chard typically won’t bolt in summer. If you do have bolting chard plants, all is not lost.

When 1 foot tall, cut plants back if they have overgrown to avoid loss in flavor. When to Harvest When 6-8 inches tall, cut off the outer leaves 1 ½ inches above the ground with a sharp knife. If careful, this can allow new leaves to grow and supply another harvest.
can you eat overgrown swiss chard

Why Did My Chard Bolt?

Bolting occurs when a vegetable or herb starts to rapidly produce flowers, and this typically makes it inedible. A common cause of bolting is heat. Generally speaking, chard is a plant that does not bolt in the heat of summer, but it can happen. Ruby red and Rhubarb varieties are more inclined to bolt, and they may do it if they were exposed to frost by being planted too early. Always plant your chard after the last frost for this reason. You can also prevent chard plant bolting by protecting your plants from heat and drought. Although they tolerate summer heat well, and better than some other greens, like spinach, intense heat and drought may trigger bolting. Make sure your chard is well watered and provide some shade if you have a heat wave.

Is Bolted Chard Edible?

If the worst happens and you’re wondering what to do with bolted chard, you do have some options. Pull out the bolted plants and sow more chard seeds in their place. This way you get rid of the plants that have bolted, and you will get a new crop in the fall. Just know that these new seedlings may need a little shade to keep them cool in the heat of mid or late summer. You may even choose to still eat your bolted chard. The leaves will have more of a bitter flavor, but you can reduce that bitterness by cooking the greens instead of eating them raw. If you catch the bolting early and pinch off the flower stalk, you can probably salvage the leaves without too much extra bitterness. Another thing you can do if you have bolting chard plants is let them go. This will allow the seeds to develop, which you can collect to use later. If all else fails, pull your bolted plants and add them to your compost pile. They can provide nutrients for the rest of your garden.

8 Reasons You Should Eat Swiss Chard Daily


When should you not eat Swiss chard?

Kidney stones: Swiss chard contains antinutritive oxalates, which may increase urinary oxalate excretion and increase the risk of calcium oxalate stones. Blood clotting: If you are on blood thinners, you may want to avoid Swiss chard due to its high vitamin K content, which plays a role in blood clotting.

Can you eat Swiss chard after it has bolted?

Beetroots/ Swiss Chard The flowering stems of Swiss chard and beetroots, where these appear, can also be eaten. Remove these quickly, and you should still get some more leafy growth on these plants too. And the fact that these plants have bolted should not affect the flavour too much.

Can you eat large Swiss chard?

I use the large leaves in place of cabbage in my stuffed cabbage recipes. I have eaten swiss chard for years even when it is 5 ft. tall and the leaves are 18″ long.

Is Swiss chard a good green?

Swiss chard is a mild green that works well in a variety of dishes, including salads, pastas, and side dishes. Swiss chard is available at most supermarkets and can be found in the produce section, often alongside other leafy greens like cabbage, kale, and spinach. Look for bunches that have brightly colored stalks and smooth leaves.

Should Swiss chard be canned?

Swiss chard must be pressure canned because of it’s low acidity. Try simmering Swiss chard with vinegar to help cut through some of the bitterness. Swiss chard does not store well. It is best to buy or harvest Swiss chard within 3 days of when you plan to eat it, and even closer if possible. This article was co-authored by Marrow Private Chefs.

Can you eat Swiss chard if you have kidney problems?

People who have a history of kidney or gallbladder problems may want to avoid eating Swiss chard due to its oxalates, though, since these can aggravate symptoms in some cases. If you have an allergy to chards you may experience a negative reaction when eating the stems or leaves.

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