can you eat kale for breakfast

Ever since kale and I renewed our vows, the leafy greenage has made its way back into my breakfast life.

Because I love eating piles of vegetables no matter the time of day, I have no qualms about getting my rise and shine on with a steamy pile of egg-topped kale.

Not only am I qualm-less, but I embrace the morning veg because a nice clean brekkie makes you feel like a million buckeroos.

As I mentioned last week, I took a brief (if one could call 5 months, “brief”) hiatus from kale after submitting my second cookbook, Let Them Eat Kale! to my publisher.

While I was developing recipes for the book, my relationship with kale was hot and heavy. I thought it only natural that we should take a break to come up for air.

I wanted to name them Fajita Breakfast Bowls with Kale. Or Kale Fajita Breakfast Bowls. And then I was all, “wait a tick. If these are fajita bowls, where’s the beef?

It then dawned on me that a bell pepper does not a fajita bowl make. So I scratched the fajita. But the bowl does taste like a fajita. Minus the beef, tortillas, rice, refried beans, and cheese. Nevermind.

If you’re feeling like you need to add some jazz hands to this breakfast bowl, you can throw in some black beans, salsa, guacamole, and even top it off with cheese. This is how we turn the non-fajita fajita bowl into the huebos rancheros kale bowl.

Are you sick of me comparing my bowl of kale to Mexican food? Are you now craving a meal that bears no resemblance to this one?

can you eat kale for breakfast

While I was developing recipes for the book, my relationship with kale was hot and heavy. I thought it only natural that we should take a break to come up for air.

As I mentioned last week, I took a brief (if one could call 5 months, “brief”) hiatus from kale after submitting my second cookbook, Let Them Eat Kale! to my publisher.

Are you sick of me comparing my bowl of kale to Mexican food? Are you now craving a meal that bears no resemblance to this one?

I wanted to name them Fajita Breakfast Bowls with Kale. Or Kale Fajita Breakfast Bowls. And then I was all, “wait a tick. If these are fajita bowls, where’s the beef?

If you’re feeling like you need to add some jazz hands to this breakfast bowl, you can throw in some black beans, salsa, guacamole, and even top it off with cheese. This is how we turn the non-fajita fajita bowl into the huebos rancheros kale bowl.

Ready in under 10 minutes, this kale and eggs breakfast skillet is a great way to add protein and greens to your diet before you start the day!

My weekday breakfasts need to be two things; quick and tasty. My 20-year self would think that quick and tasty meant a bagel and cream cheese from Tim Hortons, but 33-year-old me knows that there is a much better way. Like most people, I used to hate waking up in the morning. I would constantly hit the snooze button (multiple times) before getting out of bed with only enough time to shower, get ready, get out the door, and rush to a coffee shop to grab something to eat before heading to work. In hindsight, it was the worst way to start my day. Not only was my entire morning rushed and unpleasant, but by 10 am I would be starving again because that bagel and cream cheese or muffin I grabbed did not do my hunger justice. Fortunately, making a healthy breakfast doesn’t need to be complicated, and, now that I know better, a little kale and eggs can get me out the door in a hurry.

This sautéed kale and eggs breakfast skillet is truly such a quick and easy way to make a nourishing sit-down breakfast in under 10 minutes. You can really add any type of veggies you like to the pan, but on those weekday mornings when you can’t be bothered to chop extra things, just add the kale and you’ll have an incredibly healthy and hearty breakfast to fuel your day.

I don’t know why, but for some reason, in North America, we have associated eggs, and really any breakfast that takes over 5 minutes to prepare, a weekend breakfast. Only items that you can pour into a bowl, add to the toaster, or eat on the go are considered reasonable weekday options. I don’t know what the exact trigger or exact moment was, but one day it dawned on me how odd that actually was. I mean, if eating eggs or a full bowl of oatmeal for breakfast makes me feel better and gives me more energy for my day, why on earth am I eating a bagel and cream cheese as I rush to work? Serious food for thought.

The Problems with Eating KALE! – Dr.Berg


Is kale good for breakfast?

High in fiber and nutrients, kale makes for a wonderful addition to breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

Can you add Kale to a breakfast Pan?

You can really add any type of veggies you like to the pan, but on those weekday mornings when you can’t be bothered to chop extra things, just add the kale and you’ll have an incredibly healthy and hearty breakfast to fuel your day. This kale and egg breakfast skillet will work with essentially any dark leafy green.

Which is the best way to eat Kale?

Kale is a high-fiber cruciferous vegetable like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage. These vegetables can cause gas and bloating or general digestive discomfort, especially in individuals who are just beginning to eat high-fiber cruciferous vegetables. Cooking kale, rather than eating it raw, and using recipes that call for lemon may reduce digestive side effects. Also effective in reducing gas and bloating is eating one-half teaspoon of fennel seeds(toasted, raw, or candied) after a meal when you experience gas or bloating. Drinking water after consuming a high fiber meal is recommended to help fiber pass through the digestive tract. Tuscan kale (also known as lacinato or dinosaur kale) is easier to incorporate into the diet, tastes better than other types of kale, and can be eaten raw or cooked. Kale is a nutritious high-fiber dark green vegetable that will upgrade any diet.

What can I eat with kale & egg?

This kale and egg breakfast skillet will work with essentially any dark leafy green. If you are not a fan of kale, spinach, swiss chard or collards would work really well too. Remove stems from kale leaves and roughly chop kale into bite size pieces.

How do you eat Kale in a frying pan?

Creamy Eggs and Kale Breakfast – An easy one-pot breakfast or lunch – ready in under 10 minutes. Heat the cream in a small frying pan over a medium heat until hot, but not boiling. Stir in the kale and sprinkle on all but a pinch of the grated cheese. Place a lid or some foil on the pan and allow the kale to wilt on a low heat for 1 minute.

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