can you eat applesauce on its own

Applesauce is fruity purée that you can enjoy on its own or in a number of other dishes. Because it’s made from whole apples and just a few other basic ingredients, applesauce may offer many of the same health benefits as whole apples.
can you eat applesauce on its own

Applesauce is a Great Substitute When Baking.

When cooking or baking, try using applesauce as a substitute for butter or oil. We recommend applesauce in cakes, breads, and even muffins. Experimentation with cooking is always encouraged. What are the benefits you may ask? Not only does applesauce give a different taste and texture when cooking, but it’s also an inexpensive alternative to oil and butter, and healthy too!

In need of ideas? Click here for some sweet summertime recipes.

5 Surprising Facts and Benefits of Apple Sauce Updated: October 11, 2022

Let’s take a walk down memory lane. Remember when you were a kid and your mom or dad would pack an applesauce in your lunch box? Maybe you’d go to the grocery store to pick out your favorite brand, or trade snacks at the lunch table? Ah, those were the good ol’ days.

As you grew up, you may have grabbed an applesauce as your go-to snack on your way out the door for work or school. Maybe you’ve even started baking with apple sauce, knowing that it’s a healthy substitution for butter or oil. Whether or not any of these things ring true, there’s most likely at least one fond memory you hold within you that involves this American favorite. It will always carry a sense of play and nostalgia.

We like to encourage the cultivation of good health and happiness, especially when it comes to food. Today we’re giving you a few minutes to learn some fun facts about one of our favorite healthy snacks—yup, applesauce. This household favorite has a long and interesting history, and there’s some surprising fun facts that will make you love this sweet, gently-spiced childhood classic all the more.

One Minute Clinic – Health Benefits of Applesauce


Can you eat applesauce by itself?

You can eat applesauce on its own, or you can: Top it with sliced almonds, or another favorite nut for a well-rounded, healthy dessert. Stir it into plain or vanilla yogurt. Mix it in with baked goods as a substitute for some of the fat.

Is applesauce good for your stomach?

1. Applesauce Helps Promote Good Digestion. Due to a high concentration of pectin, applesauce aids in good digestion and helps remove waste from the body. Simultaneously it promotes the growth of probiotics.

Is it OK to eat unsweetened applesauce?

To avoid the health risks of added sugar (including increased risk of heart disease and diabetes) and enjoy this fruit purée’s health benefits, choose only unsweetened applesauce.

How much apple sauce can I eat?

The serving size for applesauce is 1/2 cup. 1/2 cup of applesauce contains: – 1/4 your daily recommended serving of fruit. – 12 g of sugar, about 3 teaspoons. Always be mindful of the amount of sugar you eat and drink throughout the day.

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