can you cook with creme fraiche

If creme fraiche is an ingredient you would like to work with more often, or you have never used it and want to, then this post is for you! I’ll not only show you many uses for creme fraiche, but I’ll give you some recipe ideas to help you use this versatile ingredient, and a few that you may not have thought about!

Creme fraiche can be used for so many things because it is stable when heated. That means it can be added to soup for richness and tang when you are cooking, and it won’t curdle — unlike sour cream or yogurt, which need to be dolloped in at the end.
can you cook with creme fraiche

How To Use Creme Fraiche

I personally love this ingredient! It has many uses in your kitchen, and if you have not tried working with it, I hope you give it a go after reading this post. Creme fraiche is similar in appearance to sour cream or Mexican Crema, but with a higher fat content and a smoother less acidic taste.

can you cook with creme fraiche

This is so easy to make at home, you may never buy it again! If you want to try making your own, all you need are two simple ingredients and a jar with a tight fitting lid. I even have a post showing you how to make it at home! Check out my post on How to Make Creme Fraiche for all the details.

Where to Buy Creme Fraiche

If creme fraiche is an ingredient you don’t use much, you may be wondering where to find it. Until a few years ago, its availability was limited mostly to gourmet food shops and upscale markets. Now, you can find it in almost any grocery store. I have found that it is usually with the gourmet cheeses rather than in the dairy section.

Creme Fraiche vs Sour Cream | Which To Use & Why


Will crème fraîche curdle when cooked?

Use crème fraîche for soups and sauces where you need a creamy element and a thickener because you can boil it with no risk of it curdling. Crème fraîche is also excellent in scrambled eggs, salad dressings and as a topping.

Can you cook with crème fraîche instead of cream?

Creme fraiche is a great substitute for cream or sour cream in many recipes. Creme fraiche is also ideal when cooking because it can be heated without the risk of curdling, so it’s perfect for making velvety thick sauces. Dishes that use creme fraiche include cakes, dips, sauces, pasta and finger food.

Is it OK to cook crème fraîche?

It can be used in sweet or savoury dishes, and can be served raw or heated, making it a very versatile ingredient to cook with. Crème fraîche is also available in low fat and no-fat versions.

Can you heat crème fraîche up?

Creme fraiche has a high-fat content, and therefore, you can use high heat without fear. And, once you start experimenting with creme fraiche, you may discover that its fuller and deeper flavor starts edging sour cream out of your list of favorites.

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