can you convert apple juice to apple cider

Enjoy hot, spiced cider without slaving away at your cutting board! This hot apple cider recipe begins with cold-pressed (store-bought or fresh-pressed) apple juice and ends with spiced whipped cream. Read on for my recommendation when it comes to buying apple juice for cider, and how to easily simmer up a rich, spiced batch.

I cringe when I walk through the grocery store in the fall and see the countless displays of bottled apple cider. Its not that I dont dig the spiced, appley goodness. Its that many bottles of apple cider lack real spices. And contain more sugar than real juice.

Enter this simplified, scrumptious recipe for making spiced hot (or cold) apple cider from pure apple juice. Its ready in just an hour. And saves all that time spent coring and chopping apples. Time you can spend whipping up a special dessert like these whoopie pies with a pumpkin and cream cheese filling.

One of the main reasons I especially like making certain dishes at home is to eliminate the added sugar. And in order to do that with apple cider – without a big time investment and endless chopping – start with pure juice.

A combination of whole and ground spices gives the finished cider all those fall feels. So use whatever form of each spice you have on hand.

I like to make hot apple cider by following these simple steps: combine spices with apple juice and cook over medium heat until the juice is aromatic; add the rest of the ingredients and bring to a boil; once the apple juice is boiling, reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
can you convert apple juice to apple cider

In what we are sure will be the scandal of the year, Chicagoist recently uncovered that the ingredients in your standard store-bought apple cider are exactly the same ingredients in the apple juice. In fact, a taste test of the two performed by yours truly conclusively proved that they are, indeed, the exact same thing. Damn those marketing geniuses at the grocery store!

Here is a simple, foolproof way to turn your stupid apple juice into a delicious, spicy apple cider drink. As an added benefit, your house will smell awesome. (Side note: We tried to buy some apple cider at the farmers market, but it cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $800, and we wanted to pay rent this month.)

1. Buy large jug of apple juice or “apple cider.” 2. Pour 12 cups of apple juice into a large pot. Set on the stove and turn the burner to warm. 3. Stir in 1 Tablespoon ground or grated cinnamon, 1 Tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, and approximately 15 whole cloves. Dont worry, you will strain those badboys out later. 4. Warm on low for 30 minutes or more. The juice will concentrate and sweeten, so the longer its on there, the sweeter it will be. 5. Serve hot or cold, but pour the cider through a strainer to catch out those whole cloves before drinking. If you want to sneak some bourbon in after youre done warming through, well pretend not to see.

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can you convert apple juice to apple cider

How to Make Cider from Apple Juice


Can you turn apple juice into cider?

Simmer the Apple Cider No need to peel the apples. Combine the juice, chopped apples (if you like), and spices in a large pot. Bring the ingredients to a strong simmer over medium heat. Then let it go for a couple of minutes.

Are apple juice and apple cider interchangeable?

If you’re in a bind, you can substitute cider with apple juice in a recipe. Just make sure it’s unsweetened apple juice, so your recipe isn’t too far off from its original flavor profile. If you don’t have unsweetened apple juice on hand, you can reduce the sugar in your recipe.

Can you use supermarket apple juice to make cider?

So no, you don’t have to go pick and freshly juice your own organic apples in order to make cider. I would absolutely do this if I had my own apple tree, but I don’t. With this recipe, you can just buy some organic apple juice at the store. I used the 365 brand of organic pressed apple juice from Whole Foods.

How much sugar to add to apple juice for hard cider?

To the cider add 1lb. of sugar per gallon for a dry hard cider (not sweet) or 1 1/2 lbs. for a sweet drink. Honey can be substituted for sugar on a pound per pound basis.

Can you make apple cider from apple juice?

It’s easy to ferment sparkling hard cider from apple juice. Learn how to make hard apple cider from just apple juice, sugar and yeast. If this is your first time making cider at home, I highly suggest starting with this half-gallon recipe. This way you can get acquainted with the process and taste test before committing to a large batch.

Can apple sauce be used instead of apple cider in a recipe?

Apple cider substitute should be apple juice. But if you’re going to use it for baking, substitute any other vinegar like champagne, white, sherry, rice wine, red wine, whatever you have. If you don’t have that, use lemon juice.

Can you add sugar to apple juice cider?

Orange Slices: Bring a citrusy and bright note to complement the richness of the apple and spices, adding a refreshing twist to the flavor profile. I find this apple juice cider sweet enough without extra sugar. However, if you prefer a sweeter spiced cider, feel free to add a little bit of brown sugar to the apple juice.

Can you make cider from store-bought apple juice?

Yes, you can make cider from store-bought apple juice. Ensure the juice is 100% pure with no preservatives or additives that might inhibit fermentation. Choose an appropriate yeast strain, follow proper sanitisation procedures, and ferment the juice in a suitable vessel. You can adjust sweetness and flavour to your liking during the process.

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