can you call the easter bunny

On the hunt for an Easter Bunny phone number? Heres how to call, track and even capture photo evidence of the bunny in action.

Easter is around the corner, and that means it’s time to break out the baskets, brightly colored eggs and … cell phones? In 2023, it’s easier than ever to keep the Easter Bunny magic alive, thanks to creative apps and websites that simulate the Easter Bunny’s phone number, track the bunny’s whereabouts and even capture photo evidence of visits to your house.

If you’re looking for creative ways to fuel kids’ excitement for Easter, here are six fun ways to bring the Easter Bunny to life and make this the most magical holiday yet.

can you call the easter bunny

Schedule an Easter Bunny call

can you call the easter bunny

The Easter Bunny is one busy rabbit. Luckily, there’s an app that makes it easy for the bunny to schedule one-on-one conversations with his or her biggest fans. The Call Easter Bunny app gives parents the option to schedule a pre-recorded Easter Bunny call at a time of their choosing. The Easter Bunny will ask questions, like what the child’s name is, and promise to bring them special treats. Best of all, each call is automatically voice recorded so it can be shared with aunts, uncles and grandparents. Looking for the easter bunny phone number find it here:

Use the Easter Bunny tracker

can you call the easter bunny

At Christmas time, popular Santa trackers let kids know where Santa Claus is headed next. Now, there’s a similar way for kids to track the Easter Bunny, too! Download the Track Easter Bunny app or check online at the Track Easter Bunny website, and starting at 5 a.m. the Saturday before Easter, you’ll be able to see the bunny’s latest whereabouts, total number of baskets delivered, the number of carrots eaten along the way and even his or her speed.

Talk to Santa and talk to the Easter bunny


How can we call the Easter Bunny?

The Call Easter Bunny app gives parents the option to schedule a pre-recorded Easter Bunny call at a time of their choosing. The Easter Bunny will ask questions, like what the child’s name is, and promise to bring them special treats.

What is the Easter Bunny app to call?

“It’s all possible thanks to an app called Call Easter Bunny, which lets your children chat with the famous rabbit.” “… Easter Bunny will say hello, ask your child what their name is, and remind them to be on their best behavior in the days leading up to the holiday.”

Can you send the Easter Bunny a message?

Email the Easter Bunny If the kiddies are too impatient for snail mail, they can send an email to the Easter Bunny. Simply fill out the form with your email address to subscribe to the Easter Bunny’s newsletter.

What is the Easter Bunny’s address?

Send a Letter to the Easter Bunny The Easter Bunny has a mailing address on Easter Island, of course. Each year, letters are sent to the Easter Bunny from children and families across the globe to Easter Bunny, 123 Carrot Road, Easter Island, 88888.

What is the call Easter bunny app?

The Call Easter Bunny app gives parents the option to schedule a pre-recorded Easter Bunny call at a time of their choosing. The Easter Bunny will ask questions, like what the child’s name is, and promise to bring them special treats. Best of all, each call is automatically voice recorded so it can be shared with aunts, uncles and grandparents.

Can kids call the Easter Bunny?

Nowadays, kids not only get to track the Easter bunny but can call him too, and you get to be the cool parent (or grandparent) who has the Easter bunny’s phone number. It’s all possible thanks to an app called “Call Easter Bunny,” which lets your children chat with the famous rabbit.

What is call Easter Bunny?

Call Easter Bunny is a free app for Apple and Android that uses a simulated call from the bunny itself. You can choose to call at anytime through the app, or set up a timed call that your kids can pick up. The recording will tell them that because they’ve been good, they can expect some sweet treats Easter morning!

Can you call Easter Bunny on the phone?

If you’ve ever wanted to call Easter Bunny on the phone for your kids or grandkids, you finally have your chance! There’s a smartphone app that allows you to do exactly that leading up to the big holiday — and it’s just as adorable as it sounds.

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