can you bake a cake with only 2 eggs

Tea and cake are such good friends, they make for a time of peaceful indulgence. I couldn’t help follow-up the last post on tea with this one on my favorite cake recipe. This recipe for a two egg cake is really the best recipe out there. Easy, dependable and endlessly customizable.

can you bake a cake with only 2 eggs

Add in some flavor

Not a chocolate fan? No problem, throw in some ground spices like cinnamon and nutmeg and make this a warm, nutty flavoured cake for the winter months. You might even want to throw in some walnuts. Versatility is this recipe’s middle name!

  • By this time the oven will be ready. Lightly oil your pan or line it with butter paper, I use a 9″ diameter round pan with a 2″ height. This holds the entire batter. but if you have smaller pans, divide the batter. You can also use it to make cup cakes. Once the batter is in the pan, put it in the oven. Make sure the rack is equidistant from the top and bottom heating elements. You don’t want the cake to burn at either end.
  • Bake for 30 to 40 minutes. Check around 30 with a cake tester or a toothpick, poke in the center of the cake right down to the bottom. If it comes out clean then the cake is ready. If not keep continue to bake in 10 minute increments and be sure to check for doneness before baking for longer.

Once done, cool before slicing. Enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee, or as dessert with ice cream. Best yet, just snack when your tummy rumbles

Ingredients for the Best Two Egg Cake:

  • 1/2 cup shortening: I use regular cooking oil, canola or even olive oil. You could also use butter
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar: brown or white, both work well. No need to use powdered sugar, granulated sugar dissolves wonderfully.
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons vanilla, depending on how much you like the taste of vanilla or detest the smell of egg!
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 1/4 cups sifted all purpose flour. I sometimes mix this up with whole wheat flour. So I use 2 cups of regular flour (maida in India) and 1/4th cup of whole wheat flour or atta.
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder, add more if you are using whole wheat flour. 3 teaspoons will suffice.
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons of milk

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Always do this first otherwise you’ll end up waiting for the oven to heat while your batter sits and looses some of its airiness.

  • Sift all the dry ingredients together i.e. flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl or a flat dish like a paraath (Indian flat plate with raised edges, commonly used for kneading flour).
  • In a mixing bowl, first measure the oil/butter/ shortening, whichever you are using. To this add sugar and mix well. This is called creaming sugar. Whisk or beat until smooth.
  • Now in the same bowl break in the eggs, one at a time and beat each of them well until it combines with already creamed sugar and fat. Once you are done with the eggs add the vanilla essence and mix well.
  • To this mixture alternately add dry ingredients and milk, mixing well each time. Finish with milk and make sure there are no lumps in the batter. I mix using a whisk or a sturdy fork. But if you have a beater, that is the best way to go about it. Do not over beat or you might end up with a very flat batter and the cake will not rise.

Note: I usually add flavouring at this point. If you want to make it into a chocolate cake, keep some of the milk to help combine cocoa powder with the batter. Make this your last step. You’ll need between 1/2 to 3/4 cup cocoa or throw in some semisweet chocolate chips along with cocoa.

Easy Chocolate Sponge Cake Recipe Using Only 2 Eggs | How To Make Chocolate Cake | Cake Fusion


What if I only have 2 eggs for my cake?

One option is to use 2 eggs and add an extra 1/4 cup of liquid, such as milk or water, to make up for the missing egg. Another option is to use 2 eggs and add in 1/4 cup of unsweetened applesauce or mashed banana to add moisture and binding properties.

What happens if I put less eggs in a cake?

By removing this structure-building ingredient, you make the cake less structurally sound, so it becomes less fluffy and more likely to fall apart. Additionally, eggs also add to the cake’s flavor profile, so cakes without eggs may taste too sugary.

What can I use if I don’t have enough eggs for a cake?

Whisk together water, oil, and baking powder. This is a great substitute if you need to replace multiple eggs in a recipe, as it won’t make the baked good too greasy or change its flavor profile (like some other substitutes). A simple combination of water, baking powder, and vegetable oil mimics eggs almost to a T.

Can you make a cake mix without eggs?

If, for some reason, you don’t have the requisite number of eggs, don’t worry — a cake mix without eggs isn’t a recipe for disaster! A box cake with no eggs or not enough eggs may be dense or poorly risen or may not hold together properly. But you can save the situation by substituting in some common kitchen cupboard ingredients.

Is it safe to have two A size eggs?

For a healthy adult with normal cholesterol levels and no significant underlying heart disease risk factors, most studies suggests that 1 or 2 eggs per day can be safe.

How long can you keep eggs in a cake?

To bring eggs to room temperature, put them in a bowl of hot tap water. Leave them for about 5 minutes. Place the cake in an airtight container and keep at room temperature for three to five days, or refrigerate it for up to seven days. You may also freeze this cake.

Can you substitute eggs in a cake?

Well, eggs have a functional role in cakes, but you can often substitute one or two eggs in a cake should you want or need to. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) explains that eggs typically play two roles in baking. Either as a binder holding the cake ingredients together or as an agent to help the cake rise.

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